Rudy Guillliani

Nice link.:blsmoke:

Man I'm watching this and EVERY single candidate is a member of the CFR. Fuck I guess anyone of those idiots can get it.

yeah and thats why i always say theres no way i would vote for anyone else,
i think its silly for me to think of alternative canidates when i dont support their beliefs
honestly, they are pretty easy to find.

Google Obama political views:

Political positions of Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Barack Obama on the Issues
Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In | Issues

as far as how he will implement these. Well, first you win the presidency, then there are a few political processes that I am no expert on.

Thanks for the links. They cover the "what's" but not the "how's." Unless he states how these "programs" would be implemented and paid for, they are nothing but platitudes and bromides used by the socialist war horses who came before Obama.

If all of his "hopes" stated in the above links were implemented, we would be living in a socialist "paradise," all with equal incomes, equal results and living under the totalitarian umbrella of an all powerful, federal welfare state. With little incentive left to produce, to invent and to achieve, America's greatness would be lost.

Throughout history, the dreamers who came before Obama have destroyed other countries in the same fashion that our's will surely be destroyed ... from within, by a people who would rather give up liberty for perceived security, while at the same time, handing over their lives, their responsibility and their fortunes to government officials who know what's best for us. This is not the attainment of the American dream.

If all of his "hopes" stated in the above links were implemented, we would be living in a socialist "paradise," all with equal incomes, equal results and living under the totalitarian umbrella of an all powerful, federal welfare state. With little incentive left to produce, to invent and to achieve, America's greatness would be lost.

That's gonna happen no matter what we do.
I agree ... but it doesn't have to happen. Ron Paul has layed out the path to liberty. Its there if we want it. It may not come through Ron Paul this time around, but his ideas live on. They are concepts of liberty taken from John Locke by Thomas Jefferson and the boys. :)

Sadly enough, we stray farther and farther from those Ideals every election. Look what your boy Bush has done to the constitution, a compassionate conservative yet. BTW isn't that what you claim to be? Oh thats right you are a libertarian. Remind me sometime to post up again what real libertarianism is all about, can you say anarchy?
I agree ... but it doesn't have to happen. Ron Paul has layed out the path to liberty. Its there if we want it. It may not come through Ron Paul this time around, but his ideas live on. They are concepts of liberty taken from John Locke by Thomas Jefferson and the boys. :)


Even if Ron Paul did get elected (and that's a big if), he would most likely be assasinated before his first year is up.
Even if Ron Paul did get elected (and that's a big if), he would most likely be assasinated before his first year is up.

no way dude i think they already know what would happend if got assasinated there was an uproar just because he wasnt invited to a debate.
they know what will happen, there are too many people who are aware of whats going on, all we have to do is vote for the right person if they win or not we have to push ron paul as far as we can not another canidate who supports killing our country more
You actually think that the powers that be will allow him to be elected....much less serve out an entire presidency? IMO no way....remember Kennedy dude.....he wouldn't go along with their bullshit and look what happened to him and his brother.
dont you people realize it dosent matter who goes in too office? The whole system is corrupt and running by the people with the most money that are not even in the government. Open your eyes.
dont you people realize it dosent matter who goes in too office? The whole system is corrupt and running by the people with the most money that are not even in the government. Open your eyes.

No shit dude....that's what I'm trying to tell these people.:mrgreen:
No shit dude....that's what I'm trying to tell these people.:mrgreen:

I used to think that too, then I grew up and became part of the political and business world. It's not like the conspiracy theorists make it out to be. The sad fact is that its just a lot easier to recognize bad than good. Nobody writes a story about a man who grew up, got a job, made shit loads of money, and became a good person. Except of course Warren Buffet, the riches man in the world, who currently endorses Obama.
I used to think that too, then I grew up and became part of the political and business world. It's not like the conspiracy theorists make it out to be. The sad fact is that its just a lot easier to recognize bad than good. Nobody writes a story about a man who grew up, got a job, made shit loads of money, and became a good person. Except of course Warren Buffet, the riches man in the world, who currently endorses Obama.
Sorry to break it to ya man...but yes it is. The United States is nothing more than a corporation run by the bankers who control the world.

Today I woke up, smoked a joint, then made some waffles. Then I went to play a bit of Rock Band, on my 110" movie screen. I'm gonna go meet up with some buddies later, smoke more, and watch the season premier of Lost. Which banker was it that told me to do that again?

I know what you're trying to get at man, but you watch too many movies. Bad things happen, no doubt, but so do the good. The simple fact that everyone I talked to is frustrated with the fact that Ron Paul doesnt get free air time shows me that there is progress. We may not be there just yet, but the world is changing. As communication becomes more open, these powerful men that want to do bad things for their own personal gain are running out of places to hide. Paul Wolfowitz is the perfect example. He headed the World Bank, was accused of favoritism (exactly the type of thing you are assuming is everywhere) and he i was forced to resign. He is now a laughing stock. All of this happened because his secretary sent an email, something that would have never occured 20 years ago.
Today I woke up, smoked a joint, then made some waffles. Then I went to play a bit of Rock Band, on my 110" movie screen. I'm gonna go meet up with some buddies later, smoke more, and watch the season premier of Lost. Which banker was it that told me to do that again?

I know what you're trying to get at man, but you watch too many movies. Bad things happen, no doubt, but so do the good. The simple fact that everyone I talked to is frustrated with the fact that Ron Paul doesnt get free air time shows me that there is progress. We may not be there just yet, but the world is changing. As communication becomes more open, these powerful men that want to do bad things for their own personal gain are running out of places to hide. Paul Wolfowitz is the perfect example. He headed the World Bank, was accused of favoritism (exactly the type of thing you are assuming is everywhere) and he i was forced to resign. He is now a laughing stock. All of this happened because his secretary sent an email, something that would have never occured 20 years ago.

watch those the links to the videos i posted, theres much much more than meets the eye, or what reaches your ear
Today I woke up, smoked a joint, then made some waffles. Then I went to play a bit of Rock Band, on my 110" movie screen. I'm gonna go meet up with some buddies later, smoke more, and watch the season premier of Lost. Which banker was it that told me to do that again?

OK so WTF does any of that have to do with who is running the show? I'm not saying that we don't have our freedom and can't do what we want, I'm just saying that everything is not what it seems.

I know what you're trying to get at man, but you watch too many movies.
Actually most of the movies I watch are comedies and have nothing to do with this subject at all. Other than Farhenheit 911 I can't think of any movies that do deal with this subject.

Bad things happen, no doubt, but so do the good. The simple fact that everyone I talked to is frustrated with the fact that Ron Paul doesnt get free air time shows me that there is progress. We may not be there just yet, but the world is changing. As communication becomes more open, these powerful men that want to do bad things for their own personal gain are running out of places to hide. Paul Wolfowitz is the perfect example. He headed the World Bank, was accused of favoritism (exactly the type of thing you are assuming is everywhere) and he i was forced to resign. He is now a laughing stock. All of this happened because his secretary sent an email, something that would have never occured 20 years ago.

Now I can agree with this. I just hope that it happens sooner than later.:mrgreen:

Do me a favor would ya...explain this away:

OK so WTF does any of that have to do with who is running the show? I'm not saying that we don't have our freedom and can't do what we want, I'm just saying that everything is not what it seems.

Actually most of the movies I watch are comedies and have nothing to do with this subject at all. Other than Farhenheit 911 I can't think of any movies that do deal with this subject.

Now I can agree with this. I just hope that it happens sooner than later.:mrgreen:

Do me a favor would ya...explain this away:


nice link ! needbuds if you want to see the whole film go to
and check this movie out Endgame
OK so WTF does any of that have to do with who is running the show? I'm not saying that we don't have our freedom and can't do what we want, I'm just saying that everything is not what it seems.

Actually most of the movies I watch are comedies and have nothing to do with this subject at all. Other than Farhenheit 911 I can't think of any movies that do deal with this subject.

Now I can agree with this. I just hope that it happens sooner than later.:mrgreen:

Do me a favor would ya...explain this away:


very interesting indeed. I have some homework to do. I'll get back to you.
Well it looks like McCain is the chosen one. I just seen on the news that he was publicly endorsed by George H.W. Bush.