Ron Paul for... Vice President?


Well-Known Member
That was stupid and wrong that last time you tried that too..
how so?

you argue that gays have the same rights to marriage as long as they 'paint themselves straight' by marrying someone of the opposite gender.

by that logic, blacks have always had the same rights as white people as long as they 'paint themselves white'.

it is ridiculous michelle bachmann logic.


Active Member
How does that refute the inequality?

Beyond that, how is it the governments right to limit the choices of people one can get married to?
Calling it inequality doesn't make it so. Marriage is between a man and a woman therefore it's equal if a gay man can marry a woman like a straight man can. It's true that gay couples should be able to get the same societal benefits as married couples therefore civil unions would provide that without redefinign marriage.


Active Member
how so?

you argue that gays have the same rights to marriage as long as they 'paint themselves straight' by marrying someone of the opposite gender.

by that logic, blacks have always had the same rights as white people as long as they 'paint themselves white'.

it is ridiculous michelle bachmann logic.
It's wrong because a gay man doesn't have to pretend to be straight to marry a woman. They just have to be willing and pass a blood test.


Well-Known Member
this is why leaving gay marriage up to the states, as ron paul favors, is unconstitutional (as some states would ban gay marriage).

the 14th amendment is pretty fucking clear on this one.

14th amendment said:
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


Well-Known Member
Calling it inequality doesn't make it so. Marriage is between a man and a woman therefore it's equal if a gay man can marry a woman like a straight man can. It's true that gay couples should be able to get the same societal benefits as married couples therefore civil unions would provide that without redefinign marriage.
The only way I would agree with you is if the government completely stepped away from marriage and did, as you call it, 'civil unions' apply to all sexual orientations. If the institution of marriage still existed with exclusivity to straights, civil unions or not, than it is inherently not equal.


Well-Known Member
It's wrong because a gay man doesn't have to pretend to be straight to marry a woman. They just have to be willing and pass a blood test.
a blood test? what the fuck are you talking about?

how about we give civil unions to the straight people and give marriage to the gays. is that still equal?

i mean, as a heterosexual, you could still get married, you would just have to get married to someone of the same sex. otherwise, you'd only get a civil union if you wanted to marry an opposite sex partner.

sounds fair to me.


Active Member
this is why leaving gay marriage up to the states, as ron paul favors, is unconstitutional (as some states would ban gay marriage).

the 14th amendment is pretty fucking clear on this one.

I've already explained to you mental midgets that a gay man has the EXACT same right to marry a woman as a straight man does. That's equal. If people said that a gay man couldn;t marry a woman becasue he's gay that would be discrimibnation.

Stop trying to use "Liberace" logic. (see how stupid your "michelle bachmann logic" line is now?)


Well-Known Member
this is why leaving gay marriage up to the states, as ron paul favors, is unconstitutional (as some states would ban gay marriage).

the 14th amendment is pretty fucking clear on this one.
That is one thing I disagree with Ron Paul on and agree with you.

I'd love to see the government out of marriage, but government responsibilities (namely property rights) are called upon during things like death. Therefore, to protect someone's right to give their partner power of attorney over life-ending decisions it is in the governments responsibility to have some institution of marriage and that institution, like the rest of the government, must be equal regardless of majority opinion. This was explicitly expressed by the founders that the basic rights and equality of the minority must be defended by the government even if it goes against majority opinion.


New Member
thats not really disagreeing with Ron Paul...If its unconstitutional then the states couldn't do it..Ron Paul simply says the Federal Government should be out of it...but he also says anyone should be able to get married..there you go 10th amendment + 14th amendment...Gay Marriage is legal..Ron Paul wants us to follow the constitution...pretty simple basic principle we stood by for more than half of our history.

It is how we learn about america growing up as a child, then we come to find out its not really true.


Well-Known Member
thats not really disagreeing with Ron Paul...If its unconstitutional then the states couldn't do it..Ron Paul simply says the Federal Government should be out of it...but he also says anyone should be able to get married..
In a way your right, but I'm disagreeing with his view that it should be left to the states to decide marriage.


New Member
In a way your right, but I'm disagreeing with his view that it should be left to the states to decide marriage.
well, Ron Paul would hope they would do the right constitutional thing just as he would be doing the constitutional thing as to let the states decide. I think they would to be honest...Lets get Ron Paul and the Libertarian youth to run these Republicans out of town eh?


Active Member
In a way your right, but I'm disagreeing with his view that it should be left to the states to decide marriage.
Right now federal law (DOMA) supports traditional marriage and the SCOTUS will be deciding the states right/14th arguments. I hope that it's decided soon but it may not make it before the election...


Well-Known Member
well, Ron Paul would hope they would do the right constitutional thing just as he would be doing the constitutional thing as to let the states decide.
It's apparent though that we can't trust anyone to do the right thing when the constitution comes to mind.