Romney. "I paid no less than 13% taxes in the last ten years

BTW, I hear rumors of a new Swiftboat campaign. Some special ops group is making a short video of how Obama took credit for killing OBL and also leaked sensitive information that put those people in danger, coming soon, and those special ops folk are well backed, let's see if it sticks.

Of course they won't mention the outing of Valerie Plame. And they did manage to justify that "leak" before they left it in the dark.

I think you are referring to something I heard from Scott Taylor a retired Seal and a founder of Special Operations OPSEC education fund. It was on a TV that I heard not saw so I don't know who he was talking to or what show but it about Media Matters calling them cowards for criticizing the White House leaks for endangering the lives of the people in the field. His statement was it wasn't just about Obama, it was about every future president that holds office too. He ran for congress on the GOP ticket at one time so it's going to be assumed he's a right wing operative.

The White House leak really was bad and dangerous. If Obama was faking being pissed about it he fooled me. I don't think he was behind it at all. I prefer to think he's just incompetent, surely he wouldn't do this on purpose for political gains, that's gross to think about.
I think you are referring to something I heard from Scott Taylor a retired Seal and a founder of Special Operations OPSEC education fund. It was on a TV that I heard not saw so I don't know who he was talking to or what show but it about Media Matters calling them cowards for criticizing the White House leaks for endangering the lives of the people in the field. His statement was it wasn't just about Obama, it was about every future president that holds office too. He ran for congress on the GOP ticket at one time so it's going to be assumed he's a right wing operative.

The White House leak really was bad and dangerous. If Obama was faking being pissed about it he fooled me. I don't think he was behind it at all. I prefer to think he's just incompetent, surely he wouldn't do this on purpose for political gains, that's gross to think about.

OPSEC sounds right - and so it is.

this is, interestingly enough a 502c group, so we can't find out how they are funded - but I can guess, can you? It's 4 guys. Is the President leaking security information?

Don't know, probably will never know. Those who think that a person who spent all that time running for the highest office in the country, taking the sort of crap he has taken, and seeing his wife demeaned, called ugly names and abused every few days in the press, and getting prematurely gray doing it, hates America.

This is the age of "if I disagree with you, you must hate America" is upon us. I, with you don't believe for a second that Obama would leak anything unless he had some patriotic reason for doing so.

But I also believe that this really isn't about the leaks, it is a way to lend new legitimacy to their contention that Obama actually believes that he killed OBL.

This sort of distortion is a mainstay of the right. Go way back to Gore contending that he invented the internet. The right noticed that worked and they are simply running the same play again.

"you didn't build that"
"spread the wealth around"

Tag the man with as many of these little feigned insults and you will get the kneejerk hatred that you see going on even on this site. This is a particularly good one too, How dare that foreigner take credit for what AMERICA did?

I've seen how FOX chops up Obama's speeches. Youtube makes it easy. Just find the clip on youtube and play it along with Fox's "we will play it all so it is in context".

But never mind, the point here is that the lazy and the weak minded will go along because it is a part of the carfully managed image FOX casts.

Speaking of which, the left is playing pretty loose with the "small minded" comment of Romney's. Romney said quite clearly that wanting to focus on his taxes is small minded, he said nothing about those who want such a thing being small minded.

Big difference.
I think you are referring to something I heard from Scott Taylor a retired Seal and a founder of Special Operations OPSEC education fund. It was on a TV that I heard not saw so I don't know who he was talking to or what show but it about Media Matters calling them cowards for criticizing the White House leaks for endangering the lives of the people in the field. His statement was it wasn't just about Obama, it was about every future president that holds office too. He ran for congress on the GOP ticket at one time so it's going to be assumed he's a right wing operative.

The White House leak really was bad and dangerous. If Obama was faking being pissed about it he fooled me. I don't think he was behind it at all. I prefer to think he's just incompetent, surely he wouldn't do this on purpose for political gains, that's gross to think about.

Smith said the ad campaign pays no heed to political affiliation, and the organization describes itself as nonpartisan and says its focus is on protecting intelligence agents and special operations officers, not on politics.
But it shares an office with two Republican political consulting firms in Alexandria, Virginia.
Smith said the ad campaign pays no heed to political affiliation, and the organization describes itself as nonpartisan and says its focus is on protecting intelligence agents and special operations officers, not on politics.
But it shares an office with two Republican political consulting firms in Alexandria, Virginia.

Just one more of those often noticed coincidences surrounding the right. Funny how they all work and play and rent together.
Just one more of those often noticed coincidences surrounding the right. Funny how they all work and play and rent together.

LMAO Dude, the majority of our forces are or lean conservative, would they have to be democrat affiliated for you to lend credence to their concerns?
LMAO Dude, the majority of our forces are or lean conservative, would they have to be democrat affiliated for you to lend credence to their concerns?

Yes they do lean conservative. I am concerned that there may be leaks in the Whitehouse. Now are you trying to convince me that Obama is leaking high level security information? If so, to what end?

But this isn't about that, it is about the curious coincidence that a supposedly non-partisan group assembled in order to smear this Democratic president has space in a building that seems to be dominated by Republicans.

You don't find that the least bit.... suspicious?
This sort of distortion is a mainstay of politics. Go way back to Palin contending that she could see Russia from here. The campaign specialists noticed that worked and they are simply running the same play again.

"you didn't build that"
"spread the wealth around"
"I like to fire people"
"I read all of them"

But never mind, the point here is that the lazy and the weak minded will go along because it is a part of the carefully managed campaigns.

I really wish you could see this version canndo.

I really wish you could see this version canndo.

Ok, then lets play

"I like to fire people" - I dont know the context, nor do I use that one but fine, you have a point with this one - I just checked it, he said "I like to be able to fire people" yes, you still have a point, he seems to mean that he likes to be able to get others to provide services when the ones he has dont suit him.

Nowever - "I read all of them" I saw completely within context. "I read all of them" demonstrated that the woman was unprepared for a soft ball question - "what do you read in order to prepare yourself" is not a tough one and it demonstrated immediately that Palin simply didn't read. Had she said - I don't read, it would have been reasonable but that is not what she said is it? She tried to get around the issue. in other words, nothing was taken out of context and manipulated.
Starred Review. Republican campaign advisor Raymond achieved some notoriety when
he plead guilty in federal court to jamming Connecticut phone lines in a 2002 Democratic get-out-the-vote
effort-small potatoes compared to what he had gotten away with for more
than a decade, vividly and hilariously chronicled in this outrageous career
retrospective. For 13 years, Raymond worked his way up the ranks of GOP
operatives by smearing opponents and worse in campaigns across the country,
including the aborted presidential bid of Steve Forbes. Besides documenting such
ingenious strategies as arranging for phone calls during the Super Bowl touting
his candidate's opponent, Raymond witnesses the Republican party's rise to power
in the 1990s, and the effects of that power, in both professional and personal
terms. ("Bill Martini's screaming fits were reaching exciting new heights all
the time.") Though Raymond appreciates the depravity of his former enterprise
("if you could find two of us Republican operatives who could still
tell the difference between politics and crime, you could probably have
rubbed us together for fire as well"), his confession often sounds a lot like
boasting; naturally, Raymond is charming enough to get away with it, taking a
deliciously cynical view of everyone involved (voters especially). For those who
care about the electoral system, this look inside the sausage factory of
contemporary campaigning is compelling, arguably essential, reading
Now I challenge you to compare the Romney Campaign's "he gutted medicare of 716 billion". This is even more of a lie than Obama's "republicans kill people's wives", which the ad never says nor even completely implies. Romney is providing a compound lie - and doing it with a little whiteboard at that.

Got more examples?
oh agreed on the Palin thing I used, I should have substituted in that area the "I can see Russia from my house" and "Stategery". Those were friggen SNL skits that the weak minded believed to be true.

I really want you to see with both eyes. You can still be biased, but you'd hold your party much more accountable. In fact, you should hold your own party to higher standards than the other, you do the opposite.
Now I challenge you to compare the Romney Campaign's "he gutted medicare of 716 billion". This is even more of a lie than Obama's "republicans kill people's wives", which the ad never says nor even completely implies. Romney is providing a compound lie - and doing it with a little whiteboard at that.

Got more examples?

May I ask what facts you base that Obama didn't have a 500B cut along with others with it in Obamacare? The CBO says this is true don't they?

Edit: Chesus, please don't copy/paste somebody else's word salad opinion piece to back this up. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, I'm just going off the CBO statements, I have not read this part of the bill nor will I ever. But somebody's blog is not proof.
May I ask what facts you base that Obama didn't have a 500B cut along with others with it in Obamacare? The CBO says this is true don't they?

Edit: Chesus, please don't copy/paste somebody else's word salad opinion piece to back this up. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, I'm just going off the CBO statements, I have not read this part of the bill nor will I ever. But somebody's blog is not proof.


oh agreed on the Palin thing I used, I should have substituted in that area the "I can see Russia from my house" and "Stategery". Those were friggen SNL skits that the weak minded believed to be true.

I really want you to see with both eyes. You can still be biased, but you'd hold your party much more accountable. In fact, you should hold your own party to higher standards than the other, you do the opposite.

First, Dems are not "my party", I am forced to vote that way because they include a bit more of what i belive and I do think they are just a bit more kind and gentle. I do hold that party accountable but I as I said, I am glad they are getting dirty enough to keep from being run over by the other side. I have seen the tricks they do for decades and that is how they win.

At it's heart there is and always will be something that I would not tolerate. If I saw Dems attempting to alter elections the way Repubs are currently doing I would be down on them in half an instant. I have never said I was not biased. Should I insist that Dems be saints, then those saints, in this environment will lose.
You are making the wrong argument Chesus. CBO estimates the cuts will be less than 10% of the total expenses. The cuts are mostly payments made by medicare to the private sector (Advantage, home health reimbursement, ect, not to the individual. There is over 700B in medicare cuts built into the ACA. This definitely doesn't tell the whole truth but it's not a lie.

You'd be better off explaining what it means than screaming LIES!
The ad quotes the same CBO memo that Sununu held up on CNN as evidence of these "cuts" to Medicare that really aren't cuts at all, but, instead, increases in government spending on Medicare should the law be repealed. That video, with Romney's approval at the end, is arguably the most insidious lie from a campaign with an already lengthy record of mendacity.
The claim that OBAMACARE cuts $700 BILLION from Medicare is TRUE and the GOOD NEWS is that in doing so, it INCREASES HEALTHCARE FOR SENIORS and AT THE SAME TIME cuts fraud, WASTE and abuse. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office determined that the Medicare provisions in President Obama's health care law would save $700 BILLION over a decade and EXTENDS THE LIFE OF MEDICARE. Extends it EIGHT YEARS.
If Mitt loses to Obama, it just shows how bad it is for the GOP that Mitt is the best they had to offer. Obama is the biggest joke we've seen in some time, hard to lose to him, but the GOP can do it.