Neither does Romney.
I'll be like you guys, cite it or STF up!
Neither does Romney.
My citing that 47% of American TAX FILERS do NOT pay federal income tax is a fair and accurate statement.
Its easy to make that statistic true when you cherry pick it like that. Add in state, Medicare and SS taxes(payroll) and the poor pay disproportionately more in taxes than the rich.he is claiming 47% of americans pay no income taxes and take no personal responsibility for themselves.
median income is at $50k, are you going to suggest to me that someone making $50k a year pays no income taxes, takes no personal responsibility, and is only in it for welfare?
pure mental retardation if you actually think that.'ll be like you guys, cite it or STF up!
I totally agree with that, we all try to pay as little in taxes as possible, are you just sore that you don't make that much?
I said as least as possible my friend, I believe all working Americans should pay something!Wait, are you claiming that social security recipients don't file? I know my mother in-law doesn't, are you claiming non working students do? I also said that due to child credits and earned income credits many don't pay income tax either. These people are not victims nor do they consider themselves as such.
And I addressed that canndo!
I did not take issue with your statement taht 47 percent of filers don't pay. I took and take issue with your and Romney's portrayal of those non-payers as a drag upon our society. They are a drag on our economy my friend, I can't help the fact you equate the term drag as a pejorative!
You yourself said that it was totally justified and laudable that U.S. citizens attempt to legaly pay as little as possible in Income Tax. Please explain how that fits with your now seeming disgust for those who have managed to do just what you said was laudable?
I said as least as possible my friend, I believe all working Americans should pay something!
It always comes down to this supposed envy. I suspect that those who most often accuse others of envy suffer it themselves. I have pointed out on several occasions here that I opted conciously NOT to become fabulously wealthy, perfering instead to occupy my time with other things. I have "fabulsously wealthy" friends, I do not envy them. I do quite well, I have done fairly well during this downturn and... I pay income tax, perhaps more than you do. If you do, you pay a ton my friend, I pay more in state and federal income taxes than most do.
"skin in the game" is a relative thing Beenthere. I presume that many many of our enlisted men and women do not pay federal income tax. I do not suppose for a hot second that they do not have much more "skin in the game" than either of us. We're talking taxes canndo, no need for a strawman.
Does Romney believe that these people are a drain on our country as well? I presume that you actually believe that if someone is not paying any income tax then they "need some help"... I believe as well that were you to ask them they would tell you that they do not.
Its easy to make that statistic true when you cherry pick it like that. Add in state, Medicare and SS taxes(payroll) and the poor pay disproportionately more in taxes than the rich.
I tent to agree with you, but with the costs of things now days and wages where they are. It would be quite difficult for them to stay afloat, yes? No, I believe these low wage worker should pay at least 1% in federal income taxes, I know if I were one of them, I would feel thet I had a say in things and that I'm part of the contributors!Or do you say they should get a better job, then who is going to flip your burgers! So the private sector should pay more yes? Shall the Govt rein on on that as well? Oh wait that's bigger Government!
Can you honestly say they are not?
Go back in US history, you will find that the lower working class had much more skin in the game!
Those who work pay more as a percentage than those who do not. Romeny and others who receive the bulk of their money in capital gains pay less than those who convert their sweat into cash. The part you leave out is, capital gain income creates jobs, I know this as a fact. Most of my work came from the "wealthy" that wealthy money gave me and my employees a living! You also ignore the fact that every American is subject to the same discounted investment tax, not just the rich!While I am fortunate that it works that way, the point is that Romney (and others) are somehow claiming that those who work for a living are a drain on our country while those who have managed by one way or another to simply have their money work for them are not. Considering that we all agree that money kept in overseas accounts don't create many domestic jobs - it would seem that the rich have far less "skin in the game" than they would like us to believe.
The more I think about it Beenthere, the more I believe that I do not pay as much as you do, but then that all depends upon that "ton" that you pay, let us just say that I pay more than the "median" payer does. My state and federal income tax burden is more than the US median income. But that is neither here nor there, we both contribute and that is all that matters!
Taxes then - fine, many of our military do not pay income tax. In your opinion they have no skin in the game, but they are neither victims nor are they a "Drag" on society. No sir, while in a combat zone they are literally putting skin in the game!
I can honestly say that those who do not pay income tax do not necessarily "need help". I went many years paying little or no income tax while I built my businesses. I can only imagine that you took advantage of the same deductions and defered payments that I did as you were building yours.
I may have canndo, but I wouldn't have minded paying something, even if it was a little bit.
I have answered and will continue to answer your questions. Please take note of that.
I seem to recall a certain Bush tax cut that brought a whole new group of people to the point where they were no longer obligated to pay any income tax.
It always comes down to this supposed envy. I suspect that those who most often accuse others of envy suffer it themselves.
I think you wrap your head around percentages more than the actual revenues the wealthy contribute.