Oh Mittens not your foot in mouth again

Curious, in your opinion what does help society? How would roads be paid for it there were no taxes? (please don't go all keyboard warrior on me, serious question)

Went over your head I see?

Try not getting so defensive all the god damn time.
Curious, in your opinion what does help society? How would roads be paid for it there were no taxes? (please don't go all keyboard warrior on me, serious question)
Well I have had quite a few threads on this, first off Roads aren't paid for by taxes. Second, we would still have roads without taxes. Third, we are still taxed without income tax. Fourth, the government still generates revenue even without any taxes whatsoever.

Finally back to your point, "What does help society?" - It is certainly not stealing their money and throwing it into a black hole. What it comes down to is empowering each individual so that as a collective the society will thrive.
Went over your head I see?

Try not getting so defensive all the god damn time.

I'm defensive? Wow.. ok then..

Well I have had quite a few threads on this, first off Roads aren't paid for by taxes. Second, we would still have roads without taxes. Third, we are still taxed without income tax. Fourth, the government still generates revenue even without any taxes whatsoever.

Finally back to your point, "What does help society?" - It is certainly not stealing their money and throwing it into a black hole. What it comes down to is empowering each individual so that as a collective the society will thrive.

Thank you for the answer.
I wonder which years Romney is one of the 47%. We don't know, because he won't release the returns. But we do know that most of his income is not "income" as you and I know it. It is capital gains, deferred interest, and other loopholes. So, it is very possible that there are years when he paid no "income tax".
My point is the contradiction, per Republican rhetoric they advocate for lower taxes because this makes businesses thrive, they also argue against class warfare...Yet here they are with this "50% of americans don't pay any taxes, its not fair" theme. Don't you see the irony in that?

Republicans (fake libertarians) are obviously corporate sponsored just like the democrips.
This comment and the reactions to it is a kick in the ass. The Left is all "ohh no you ditent" and shit and the right is all "well it's the truth dude".

The left thinks it's got Romney and everyone will see him for what he really is, but this is all old news to the right, they do think that the 47 percent are all free loaders (even when as often happens - the one arguing this IS a 47 percenter). The telling part is when Romney is stumbling for a number between 49 and 50. He can't tell his contributors (they have been called investors for some reason in the media - Gee, I wonder why) that it is 50 percent voting for Obama or he will be telling the audience that he can't win.

48, 49 4...
My point is the contradiction, per Republican rhetoric they advocate for lower taxes because this makes businesses thrive, they also argue against class warfare...Yet here they are with this "50% of americans don't pay any taxes, its not fair" theme. Don't you see the irony in that?

Republicans (fake libertarians) are obviously corporate sponsored just like the democrips.

How is it not fair when you know very well 47% don't pay shit in federal income taxes.
They may pay an excise tax on gasoline to go towards infrastructure but that's about the extent of it when it comes to help funding the federal government. We're not running up massive debts building highways.
Mitt Romney was being honest in his statements, many Americans are becoming entitled to the federal government and the left is making this possible by trading these entitlements for votes.
How is it not fair when you know very well 47% don't pay shit in federal income taxes.
They may pay an excise tax on gasoline to go towards infrastructure but that's about the extent of it when it comes to help funding the federal government. We're not running up massive debts building highways.
Mitt Romney was being honest in his statements, many Americans are becoming entitled to the federal government and the left is making this possible by trading these entitlements for votes.

See what I mean?
How is it not fair when you know very well 47% don't pay shit in federal income taxes.
They may pay an excise tax on gasoline to go towards infrastructure but that's about the extent of it when it comes to help funding the federal government. We're not running up massive debts building highways.
Mitt Romney was being honest in his statements, many Americans are becoming entitled to the federal government and the left is making this possible by trading these entitlements for votes.


I'm willing to bet most of them are actually conservative voters, 7,000 millionaires paid no income tax and likely Romney himself during his absent tax return years.
How is it not fair when you know very well 47% don't pay shit in federal income taxes.
They may pay an excise tax on gasoline to go towards infrastructure but that's about the extent of it when it comes to help funding the federal government. We're not running up massive debts building highways.
Mitt Romney was being honest in his statements, many Americans are becoming entitled to the federal government and the left is making this possible by trading these entitlements for votes.

And those who are on social scurity - who worked their entire lives are a "drag on society", students, who havn't worked at all yet - another drag. Parents who get breaks for children - breaks Repubs instituted btw, oh, they are a drag as well. And those who make less than - what? you are the tax expert, $22k per family? per person? they are a drag too?

Never mind that one of Romney's sole purposes in private life was to avoid paying taxes, never mind that even though he makes millions he still pays less than 15 percent - you approve of that, after all, no one should ever pay more than they have to right?
And those who are on social scurity - who worked their entire lives are a "drag on society", students, who havn't worked at all yet - another drag. Parents who get breaks for children - breaks Repubs instituted btw, oh, they are a drag as well. And those who make less than - what? you are the tax expert, $22k per family? per person? they are a drag too?

Never mind that one of Romney's sole purposes in private life was to avoid paying taxes, never mind that even though he makes millions he still pays less than 15 percent - you approve of that, after all, no one should ever pay more than they have to right?

This is an example of why I now avoid you and your thousands of questions canndo, did you even notice that you didn't address my questions but instead asked questions of your own?
he is claiming 47% of americans pay no income taxes and take no personal responsibility for themselves.

median income is at $50k, are you going to suggest to me that someone making $50k a year pays no income taxes, takes no personal responsibility, and is only in it for welfare?

pure mental retardation if you actually think that.

For Bucky. Definition of median: The center point of a group. Half are above and half are below. If 50K is the median, then half of Americans make less than 50K. Forty seven percent is less than half. Romney is probably correct that 47% of Americans pay no (federal) income tax; social security tax excepted.

Romney's larger point is correct: If 47% pay no federal income tax then what do they (the non payers) have to lose by proposing a larger tax bite on "wealthy people"? They have no skin in the game. Unfortunately, the only difference between the Democrats and Republicans is that the Republicans pay lip service to responsible fiscal management, but don't actually practice it, while the Democrats come right out and say that they plan to loot the property of "wealthy people". The doubly sad point is that both parties will funnel all of this "revenue" to their political cronies while throwing an occasional pack of birth control pills to the peasants.

At some point the country will run out of other people's money. Look to Greece for an example.
Worst year for political mud slinging b.s. in history. Too bad the networks are so slanted towards one side & we are not able to get balanced factual information to place our voting decision on.
If we could only have them debate face to face for around 6 to 8 weeks in a row then there would be one clear choice for most. You would have a whole week to find out the truth before the next debate.
This is an example of why I now avoid you and your thousands of questions canndo, did you even notice that you didn't address my questions but instead asked questions of your own?

I saw no question. Ask it and I shall answer, directly, without dodging.
I saw no question. Ask it and I shall answer, directly, without dodging.

How could you miss it canndo, you quoted it!
I also addressed the fact Americans are becoming entitled to the US government, you ignore that too and plod on with more questions of your own!

How is it not fair when you know very well 47% don't pay shit in federal income taxes.
They may pay an excise tax on gasoline to go towards infrastructure but that's about the extent of it when it comes to help funding the federal government. We're not running up massive debts building highways.
Mitt Romney was being honest in his statements, many Americans are becoming entitled to the federal government and the left is making this possible by trading these entitlements for votes.
How could you miss it canndo, you quoted it!
I also addressed the fact Americans are becoming entitled to the US government, you ignore that too and plod on with more questions of your own!

Now I see it - I didn't see a questionmark "How is it not fair when you know very well 47%..."

It is not fair because of what I said. A portion of the U.S. population does not pay income tax and that is offensive to our system. Granded. But I also said that Social Security recipients don't pay but they did pay all of their working lives - They should not have to continue to pay in order to be viewed as contributing members of society. THEY DON'T WORK anymore. Students don't YET work, it is fair for us to wait and not claim that they are a drag on the country. For Romney to lump those two sections of our population in with the victims, and for you to do the same is to deny the reality of our society.

Is that a satsifactory answer?
Now I see it - I didn't see a questionmark "How is it not fair when you know very well 47%..."

It is not fair because of what I said. A portion of the U.S. population does not pay income tax and that is offensive to our system. Granded. But I also said that Social Security recipients don't pay but they did pay all of their working lives - They should not have to continue to pay in order to be viewed as contributing members of society. Social Security is half insurance and half entitlement, not to be confused with federal income tax that is running up our public debt! THEY DON'T WORK anymore. Students don't YET work, it is fair for us to wait and not claim that they are a drag on the country.The 47% we are talking about are tax filers, canndo! Look it up under the IRS.gov website. For Romney to lump those two sections of our population in with the victims, and for you to do the same is to deny the reality of our society.

Is that a satsifactory answer?

My citing that 47% of American TAX FILERS do NOT pay federal income tax is a fair and accurate statement.
And those who are on social scurity - who worked their entire lives are a "drag on society", students, who havn't worked at all yet - another drag. They are not tax filers who do NOT pay federal income tax and are not included in the 47%! Parents who get breaks for children - breaks Repubs instituted btw, oh, they are a drag as well. And those who make less than - what? you are the tax expert, $22k per family? per person? they are a drag too? Are they a drag, of course they are, that is a fact but it doesn't make them bad people. I think they would feel better about themselves if they contributed something, even if it's a dollar, we all know they need some kind of help but they also need skin in the game my friend!

Never mind that one of Romney's sole purposes in private life was to avoid paying taxes, never mind that even though he makes millions he still pays less than 15 percent - you approve of that, after all, no one should ever pay more than they have to right?
I totally agree with that, we all try to pay as little in taxes as possible, are you just sore that you don't make that much?