Fungus Gnat
Well-Known Member
Anyone else think it's interesting that Romney says his advisers worked for Netanyahu?
The claim that Obama voters are in it for the bennies???
How many times have you said that you were voting for Obama cause life got better for you?
Romney seems pretty damn accurate TBH...
He put it so far in his mouth that his toes are wiggling out his butthole.
At the same event, he dismissed Obama voters as freeloaders who pay no taxes, don't take responsibility for their own lives and who expect government to take care of them.
Talking about his wealth, Romney said: 'I have inherited nothing. There is a perception, "Oh, we were born with a silver spoon, he never had to earn anything" and so forth. Frankly, I was born with a silver spoon, which is the greatest gift you can have: which is to get born in America.'
Romney told the donors that 'women are open to supporting me' but that 'we are having a much harder time with Hispanic voters, and if the Hispanic voting bloc becomes as committed to the Democrats as the African American voting block has in the past, why, we're in trouble as a party and, I think, as a nation'.
When one contributor asked how those present could help Romney sell himself to others, he replied: 'Frankly, what I need you to do is to raise millions of dollars.'
Read more:
did you see him out there trying to defend his remarks?
to paraphrase, he said they 'weren't eloquently stated'.
how do you eloquently state that half the nation are lazy, parasitic bums?
romney is sounding like beenthere now.
You know what... I hate both nominees. I think romney is to extremely right and obama too left. Its a shame that we cant have a president that is who he is. That he can be somewhere in the middle. Right now its seems the lesser of each evil. Kind of sad america.
I know there are alot of smart sane people that could get this country back to where it needs to be, were it should be with out the stupid politics that are destroying our country.
I must have face palmed a dozen times while he blundered through that "press conference."
As well as most of his values voter base.too bad he called half the independents he was reaching out to lazy, good for nothing, mooches.
Because we've shifted so far to the right that a Rockefeller republican is now Karl Marx.Out of curiousity, how is O'Bama too left? I never could understand that claim.
My local news confirmed that number last night. Well kind of...the real number is 46.something. I guess he rounded up.he is claiming 47% of americans pay no income taxes
Next thing you know he'll tell us there are 57 states..."And I mean the president starts off with 48, 49, 4... he starts off with a huge number....."
I didn't catch that Mitt. What comes after 49? Maybe you should take your shoes off so you can count higher than 10.
edit: Wow... this is getting juicy. The event where Mitt was speaking was at the home of a man worth about 8 billion dollars and throws lavish parties and fund raisers. I guess this includes orgies and sex acts. Oh, Mitt. When the faithful hear about this.... tsk tsk tsk.
The 47% number seems to be very deceiving. To imply people who don't pay income tax tend to vote republican (EDIT: oops, I mean democrat), well, just cause you say it doesn't make it true.
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Also, seeing as I don't care who really wins, I find this whole thing pretty amusing. Especially about not being Mexican, love it!
FYI, the article that I came across that originally linked to that map is here,
Its a wonder how you can support taxes(bitch about people that don't pay them) yet at the same time understand that taxing people doesn't help society. Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah the democrats. Lmao IROOONNY
I just want to say congrats to all the non-payers out there.
too bad they still pay taxes...
If the non-payers are democrats they paid no taxes. If the non-payers are republican they still paid taxes