Oh Mittens not your foot in mouth again


And yet Romney considers these folks, the ones on the battle ground as those who think they are victims. How can that be? I thought you said that contributing taxes is "all that matters".

If you went any lenght of time ensuring that you paid as little taxes as you could, claiming every deduction and listing every loss - finally resulting in your not having to pay anything - did you actually send the government $100 anyway?

I know I didn't.
half those who make between 20k and 50k don't pay. Do you maintain that these people are a drag on our society?
12.5 percent of those who make 50k to 100k also don't pay
And my favorite, 2 percent of those who make more than 100k don't pay.

Clearly your presumptions about the "sort" of people who don't pay is askew.

According to an analysis of 2009 tax data by the Tax Policy Center, about 90 percent of households with an annual income below $20,000 paid no federal income tax. Among households with incomes of $20,000 to $50,000, about 48 percent paid no federal income tax; for incomes of $50,000 to $100,000, it was about 12.5 percent. For incomes above $100,000, it was about 2 percent.

Read more: What Percent of Americans Pay Federal Income Taxes? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_8023998_percent-pay-federal-income-taxes.html#ixzz26qw08pn7
had a guy at work tell me today about those 47%
They are those welfare niggers that have their house and car paid for by the goverment. Every month they take their check down to the liquor store and cash it then sell their food stamps
[h=1]The Data Behind Romney’s 47% Comments[/h]http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2012/09/18/the-data-behind-romneys-47-comments/