RIP Rush Limbaugh

OK! So this is the last time I'm going to get any milage out of this joke, so here it goes z-
What is the difference between rush limbaugh and the Hindenburg????-
One was a flaming nazi gas bag and the other was a dirigible......!lol! Good riddance!
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He's dead. What more do you want? Nobody said anything about letting the insurrection go. Those people are being held accountable.

No need to celebrate the death of anyone. Especially to cancer.
I'm sorry for your loss, but this isn't about that.

Wishing misery on someone who has caused so much pain may seem wrong to you, but to many of us, we see it as hope that there may actually be karmic justice in the universe. If you are into Jesus, call it an eye for an eye.

Celebrating the removal of an awful creature and his influence from a society that already has too much division, again, may be seen as negative. Ask yourself though, is the world a better place with or without him?
Oh boy. I can not even imagine what Newsmax is going through now. 10,000 replies to a column of his death? A whole page of news articles about him? I am sure their video feed will be having an "All Rush, All Day" event. Time for Biden to put through his most controversial policies, why the washed-less will miss it.