RIP Rush Limbaugh

Yeah, those Ayn Rand-reading weirdos have made an art out of the fiscal responsibility lie.
It is infuritating that mega rich like the Koch's snuck idiot economists into universities pushing the nonsense.

What did you mean by “Let them die”?
I think you read that wrong, I said that the Republicans 'let them fail' nonsense to tank the economy.

I was thinking Lehman Brothers.

I guess 'let them die' works for this current recession that Trump dumped onto Biden.

Good point on the labor force, the composition has changed quite a bit over the last 50 years. That’s a good thing, but it also may help explain why middle class real wages have been fairly stagnant.
It makes more sense for me when I think about how many people have been added to the middle class instead of how much wealth people are able to gain on the wealthiest of our nation.

All those middle income families is real wealth gains, even if the overall amount of any one person on average in the middle class has not increased.