RIP Rush Limbaugh


if the skulls were changed to resemble Limbaugh's death mask, DIP representing "Die in Pain", would be appropriate without explanation. The buyer would know from text included with the package but wouldn't have to explain unless asked.

I admit it's a terrible idea and overwrought but that's me, not you.
Maybe a pig skull would be better.

Just as a fyi, my brother in law has stage 4 colon cancer. He was diagnosed in May of 2019. He's currently going through final radiation treatments and then he will have surgery....

What I'm saying is, that fat fuck Rush, might be around for a little longer.

i guess it depends where the cancer is located as to how long you can live?? i hope your BIL recovers and Rush doesn't.
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Schrodengers cat.

These liars are so shameless it is impossible to know if they are telling the truth until the box is lifted and they actual pass away from whatever it is (Trump doctor's note saying he had Covid, Rush and his cancer) they say they have, it is impossible to know if it is true or not.

this guy is rich as fvck and he can't do his lowers?
it would depend on the metastasize to the other vital liver that you need to survive.
but then with something like the lungs, wouldn't the size of the organ also be important? like pancreas and liver seem like they are "quicker"? either way, Biden should revoke his Presidential medal on day 1. a disgrace to all the others who deserved it