RIP Rush Limbaugh

You guys really show everyone who you are in times like this. I am willing to bet anything that man has done more to help others then all of you combined.
If you live like an asshole then people are gonna talk, likewise if yer a good guy they will speak of it as well. Now old Rush ain't even cold in the ground and he's reading his future obituary, I wonder if he will learn anything from it, will you? What will they say of you, or will anybody even give a fuck? Hint, if you don't care, chances are neither will they...
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You guys really show everyone who you are in times like this. I am willing to bet anything that man has done more to help others then all of you combined.
that fat turd wanted Tommy Chong put away for life for selling bongs on the internet. meanwhile, he's flying back from the DR with felony quantities of oxys. he can't die painfully enough, snowflake.
He’s disgusting and been stirring hate and racism for 30+ years and demeaning anyone with empathy. However it would hurt me to take any joy in this diagnosis.
I'll be happy when he's gone. The shit he's done that has harmed people, including his demeaning of those same people. Well, I hope he suffers as much and for as long as any person he's harmed. Including denial of medical treatment. That would be just.

Justice. I hope for justice. He hoped for injustice. There is a difference.
Regarding his response to a call-in listener who pointed out that his cigar's second hand smoke was harmful:

"That is a myth. That has been disproven at the World Health Organization and the report was suppressed,” Limbaugh claimed. “There is no fatality whatsoever. There’s no even major sickness component associated with secondhand smoke. It may irritate you, and you may not like it, but it will not make you sick, and it will not kill you.”

Same attitude regarding human caused global warming, guns and civil rights. Just die, Rush. Better yet, take a long time to die after they take your ability to talk away. Also, as a former addict, he should be denied opiates. Rush is just faking this disease in order to get a prescription.
Anus giving rush the medal of freedumb award. Sorry, no vomit bags available.

Anus giving rush the medal of freedumb award. Sorry, no vomit bags available.

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<shrug> he'll be dead by June..
he doesn't want to make it about himself:lol:

he's dead man walking, if it's to the point where he can't breathe correctly? that's because of size- it's huge..he's already confirmed malignant and dollars to donuts it's metastasized, so it's everywhere.

if anyone thinks i'm too gleeful? he's caused a lot of problems for many along with The Big American Con (his turn is coming i keep feeling something like choking on steak) reap what you sow.
Why couldn't it be Trump!