RIP Rush Limbaugh

but then with something like the lungs, wouldn't the size of the organ also be important? like pancreas and liver seem like they are "quicker"? either way, Biden should revoke his Presidential medal on day 1. a disgrace to all the others who deserved it

well you need your lungs to live and once the tissue becomes destroyed? my sister-in-law had pancreatic cancer and recently died at 65. it was a 7 year battle. she was an attorney and had access to great medical coverage and financially well off for the best meds.
I saw the need for lungs in January, gave up smoking for cookies.. I took an early chance this was the pandemic we had always heard about.. It could be worse.. Although, Rush did come up with a bit of good news for the trump circle.. we've all been looking forward to hearing that it was a sure thing....8645
well you need your lungs to live and once the tissue becomes destroyed? my sister-in-law had pancreatic cancer and recently died at 65. it was a 7 year battle. she was an attorney and had access to great medical coverage and financially well off for the best meds.

My b-i-law's Doctors had thought the cancer spread to his lungs and gave him 6mo or less. Turns out it was scar tissue from years of smoking weed. They somewhat gave him his life back

Not gonna celebrate his death from cancer because I'm sure more than a few of us know what it's like to lose someone from cancer, but his vitriol will not be missed. Unfortunately, there is now a vacuum of hate that will undoubtedly have plenty of candidates fervently salivating to fill the void.
it is now a new day. think of all the lives he's ruined and conspiracy theory he pushed which ruined lives..good fvcking riddance!!! i wish i could give him a swift boot him in the ass.

Rush Limbaugh was instrumental in spreading The Big Lie.
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kind of like we should let the insurrection go? no.

He's dead. What more do you want? Nobody said anything about letting the insurrection go. Those people are being held accountable.

No need to celebrate the death of anyone. Especially to cancer.
Hope he suffered bigly.

I'm sure he did.

My Father was diagnosed with Lung Cancer in February 2020. He died six months later in August 2020. I watched as he shriveled away to nothing from the cancer and the treatments. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. That's all I have to say.

Back to your celebrations.

Stay healthy.
I'm sure he did.

My Father was diagnosed with Lung Cancer in February 2020. He died six months later in August 2020. I watched as he shriveled away to nothing from the cancer and the treatments. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. That's all I have to say.

Back to your celebrations.

Stay healthy.

no one wished it upon him he already had it and seemed to actually celebrate- he's the special sick boy..getting a medal reserved as the highest civilian honor to him?:spew:

i hope he rots in hell @Jimdamick will be hunting him down.

we weren't talking about your father.