Report: All Major Oil Companies Knew of Climate Change by 1970s

You know Oil n Gas companies know there are better alternatives but it all comes down to sponsoring, presidents to keep there money flow intact ,, Being Christmas and all and looking outside at my 6 " of snow as well as looking at family pictures and seeing same date from 10 = 15 years ago where there was already 5 feet of snow.
Puts a new prospective to climate change ,, To say its not happening , is just being plain stupid ,, It is happening ,,
We are surrounded in only our area;s of climate Today i had a wake up call , this morning our family was live feed with other family members in Switzerland , and also other countries was pretty cool to actually have everyone on live cam
What i witnessed as they also showed us is there weather patterns for instance in Swiss they have to go higher up in the mountains to get into snow fall that was once at there foot steps ,,
So i really had a wake up call today
To say that nothing i happening is being blind and stupid, there is something happening real time
You know Oil n Gas companies know there are better alternatives but it all comes down to sponsoring, presidents to keep there money flow intact ,, Being Christmas and all and looking outside at my 6 " of snow as well as looking at family pictures and seeing same date from 10 = 15 years ago where there was already 5 feet of snow.
Puts a new prospective to climate change ,, To say its not happening , is just being plain stupid ,, It is happening ,,
We are surrounded in only our area;s of climate Today i had a wake up call , this morning our family was live feed with other family members in Switzerland , and also other countries was pretty cool to actually have everyone on live cam
What i witnessed as they also showed us is there weather patterns for instance in Swiss they have to go higher up in the mountains to get into snow fall that was once at there foot steps ,,
So i really had a wake up call today
To say that nothing i happening is being blind and stupid, there is something happening real time
Does your house run completely off the grid?
"A new investigation by the Pulitzer Prize-winning outlet InsideClimate News suggests that nearly every major U.S. and multinational oil and gas company was aware of the impact of fossil fuels on climate change as early as the late 1970s. Earlier exposés by InsideClimate News and the Los Angeles Times have revealed that Exxon scientists knew about climate change as early as 1977, and for decades Exxon concealed its own findings that the burning of fossil fuels causes global warming, alters the climate and melts the Arctic ice. Now, internal documents obtained by InsideClimate News reveal that the entire oil and gas industry had similar knowledge. From 1979 to 1983, the oil and gas industry trade group American Petroleum Institute ran a task force to monitor and share climate research. The group’s members included senior scientists and engineers from not only Exxon, but also Amoco, Phillips, Mobil, Texaco, Shell, Sunoco, Sohio and Standard Oil of California and Gulf Oil, the predecessors to Chevron. The documents show that as early as 1979, the task force knew carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was rising steadily. The task force even briefly considered researching how to introduce a new energy source into the global market, given the research about fossil fuels’ impact on global warming. But in 1983, the task force was disbanded, and by the late 1990s, the American Petroleum Institute had launched a campaign to oppose the Kyoto Protocol, which was adopted by many countries to cut fossil fuel emissions but was never ratified by the United States."
In the 70's, "climate change" meant an impending ice age.
...and that's bad for the temperature.. bad for the ecosystem, bad for humanity...

The fuck you mean "And?"...

No, I haven't heard of Michael Crichton, but he sounds a lot like the deniers in the tobacco industry when they were investigating the lung cancer link. Sometimes there actually is some shit to be alarmed about, lung cancer and climate change being a couple of them.

June-Nov 2015 were the hottest on record, and Christmas on the eastern seaboard will be warmer than the 4th of July

Feel free to try explaining that one
sounds a lot like the deniers in the tobacco industry
The fuck you mean it's supposed to be in the 80s on the east coast during winter? Says who, breitbart?

You did.

When temperature records keep breaking every fuckin' year, maybe that's a sign that some abnormal shit is going on, and if we take a look at the Sun, all's normal there.. So that pretty much puts your camp's 'solar irradiance' theory to rest...

Sun's the same, orbit's the same.. only difference is the amount of C02 in the atmosphere and the temps curiously mirror C02 PPM increases...

Holy shit, what a mystery! :roll:
Except they don't.
Oh, Merry Xmas. In honor of Pad and the other Eco-Loons, I would humbly ask everyone to run their vehicles in the driveway for an hour or two. We can make it like a "Hands Across America", except we'll blast harmless exhaust into the atmosphere.
I fed my cattle 500lbs of soybeans in honor of your request. I also plan to continue exhale co2 every few seconds for the rest of my life.
I can't speak for anyone else, but the weather here in NC has been awesome. It feels like I'm back in California in December. I freaking pressure washed my house and decks yesterday. Cold and snow sucks, I'll gladly trade some islanders across the ocean having to deal with relocating their village a total of 20 feet inland over the next 100 years, so I can enjoy this warmth year round. Fuck 'em, I didn't tell them to build their shit so close to the water.
The oceans have been rising 1/4 inch a year for the last 20,000 years.
You know Oil n Gas companies know there are better alternatives but it all comes down to sponsoring, presidents to keep there money flow intact ,, Being Christmas and all and looking outside at my 6 " of snow as well as looking at family pictures and seeing same date from 10 = 15 years ago where there was already 5 feet of snow.
Puts a new prospective to climate change ,, To say its not happening , is just being plain stupid ,, It is happening ,,
We are surrounded in only our area;s of climate Today i had a wake up call , this morning our family was live feed with other family members in Switzerland , and also other countries was pretty cool to actually have everyone on live cam
What i witnessed as they also showed us is there weather patterns for instance in Swiss they have to go higher up in the mountains to get into snow fall that was once at there foot steps ,,
So i really had a wake up call today
To say that nothing i happening is being blind and stupid, there is something happening real time
So the weather in all these different places has vastly improved and somehow this upsets you?
So the weather in all these different places has vastly improved and somehow this upsets you?
What planet are you from ???
Northerners accustomed to cozying up to a fire in a bulky sweater with a mug of hot chocolate may have to open the windows on Christmas. You mention no recording breaking ????

Well Record-shattering temperatures in the 60s and 70s settled over the Northeast on Christmas Eve, allowing many people to trade coats and scarves for shorts and T-shirts and go jogging and golfing. Some announced plans to grill steaks in the backyard instead of putting a Christmas ham in the oven.
Depending on whom you asked, the weather outside was either frightful or delightful.

While the Rockies and the Pacific Northwest have been getting heavy rain and snow, and the South has been hit by deadly tornadoes, much of the East Coast is in for balmy, springlike weather over the next few days.
The weather forced some traditional winter destinations to improvise. In the Adirondack Mountain village of Lake Placid, New York, home of the 1980 Winter Olympics, free golf was added to the list of holiday activities, and snow was trucked in so that people could go sledding.

Without the usual winter wonderland, some people clung to tradition to get in the mood.

Yup and you say for the better ???? bottom line to say nothing is happening and i am not saying that we are the cause but we are to some degree ,,

Sun's the same, orbit's the same.. only difference is the amount of C02 in the atmosphere and the temps curiously mirror C02 PPM increases...
Holy shit, what a mystery! :roll:


Holy shit, your mirror is broken! o_O

Does your house run completely off the grid?
Hey...that's not part of the wake-up call message. It's just about snow. Snow is supposed to be constant, like...climate? :-?
I don't know, it's all so confusing to my tiny mind.

Climate changes but it's supposed to be constant, so give it money.
It's the only solution. Happy Merry Hannukwanzamas.

What planet are you from ???
Northerners accustomed to cozying up to a fire in a bulky sweater with a mug of hot chocolate may have to open the windows on Christmas. You mention no recording breaking ????

Well Record-shattering temperatures in the 60s and 70s settled over the Northeast on Christmas Eve, allowing many people to trade coats and scarves for shorts and T-shirts and go jogging and golfing. Some announced plans to grill steaks in the backyard instead of putting a Christmas ham in the oven.
Depending on whom you asked, the weather outside was either frightful or delightful.

While the Rockies and the Pacific Northwest have been getting heavy rain and snow, and the South has been hit by deadly tornadoes, much of the East Coast is in for balmy, springlike weather over the next few days.
The weather forced some traditional winter destinations to improvise. In the Adirondack Mountain village of Lake Placid, New York, home of the 1980 Winter Olympics, free golf was added to the list of holiday activities, and snow was trucked in so that people could go sledding.

Without the usual winter wonderland, some people clung to tradition to get in the mood.

Yup and you say for the better ???? bottom line to say nothing is happening and i am not saying that we are the cause but we are to some degree ,,
If you ask the people jogging, golfing, and grilling, they all are just lovin it. But, yeah, let's go with harsh winters and mass starvation. If we send another 5,000 people on an average 6,000 mile airplane flight to make empty promises to reduce emissions 30 years down the road, we can bet that will reverse "climate change". Of course, that would still be climate change tho, wouldn't it?
Can't wait to hear everyone crying about how hot it is next summer.

Yep, keep letting that Ford F350 Super Duty 6.1 liter turbo diesel warm up for an hour every day, so you can drive it twelve miles to work on paved roads while hauling nothing more massive than your fat ass.

We humans are stupid. We let leaders lie to us and destroy our future so THEY can make more money at your expense.

Gotta love the right wing nuts.

Merry July in Christmas!
If you ask the people jogging, golfing, and grilling, they all are just lovin it. But, yeah, let's go with harsh winters and mass starvation. If we send another 5,000 people on an average 6,000 mile airplane flight to make empty promises to reduce emissions 30 years down the road, we can bet that will reverse "climate change". Of course, that would still be climate change tho, wouldn't it?
well if we could see the future then we would no ??? Are you telling me if tomorrow there was a ban on driving around the world that nothing would change ??? in 10 - your 30 year climate model time ???
Yes the world is changing naturally , and yes Humans are speeding it up to say its not ??? good luck on that



Holy shit, your mirror is broken! o_O


Hey...that's not part of the wake-up call message. It's just about snow. Snow is supposed to be constant, like...climate? :-?
I don't know, it's all so confusing to my tiny mind.

Climate changes but it's supposed to be constant, so give it money.
It's the only solution. Happy Merry Hannukwanzamas.

Holy shit, you can't read a chart! The trends are plainly there, the lag is easily explainable.

Let's hear your explanation for why things are ALWAYS warmer than in the past, Genius?

Why do you need to cherry pick charts that start and end at suspicious- even specious- points in the data?

Come on, man! I used to think you were better than this.
well if we could see the future then we would no ??? Are you telling me if tomorrow there was a ban on driving around the world that nothing would change ??? in 10 - your 30 year climate model time ???
Yes the world is changing naturally , and yes Humans are speeding it up to say its not ??? good luck on that

There were no bans. Are you claiming burning thousands of tons of jet fuel for empty posturing had a favorable effect? Other than sending ISIS running for their lives, of course.
Bill Gray is a chief climate scientist at the department of atmospheric sciences at my alma mater, Colorado State right here in my hometown.

He too is a climate change denier but his credibility is waning, even as he himself continues to forecast more hurricanes every year.
I predict that within 10,000 years, the Earth will return to it's normal state of being completely covered in ice