Climate Deniers’ Favorite Scientist Quietly Took Money From The Fossil Fuel Industry

One of the world’s most prominent climate researchers publishing scientific papers that doubt humanity’s role in climate change has received at least $1.2 million from the fossil fuel industry to fund his research and salary, according to documents revealed this weekend.


According to the documents, Soon received at least:

$409,000 from Southern Company, a huge utility company whose giant coal plants regularly top the list of largest greenhouse gas emitters in the country

$274,000 from the nation’s main oil and gas lobby, the American Petroleum Institute

$335,000 from ExxonMobil, though the oil giant stopped funding Soon in 2010 despite stopped funding Soon in 2010

$230,000 from the Charles G. Koch Foundation, a billionaire whose money has been made mostly through oil refining

$324,000 from anonymous donations via DonorsTrust, a fund set up to funnel money from the Koch brothers and other conservative funders to groups that promote climate science denial like the Heartland Institute and Americans for Prosperity

When asked about his funding sources in 2013 at an event in Wisconsin (video here), Soon pushed back forcefully on the questioner.


“The only condition as I always tell anybody is: ‘I would never be motivated by money for anything.’ And to put it even more simply, if you’d be so kind as to listen, is that if Al Gore wants to fund me, if Greenpeace wants to fund me, I will be happy to take their money. Unless their money is so dirty, by the way. If it’s from stealing people’s money I will not take it because it’s not principled. I’m a very principled man.”


Why is it that government money is seen as pure and corporate money tainted?The government pumps billions of dollars into the system. The government far outspends industry.

IPCC chair Rajendra Pachauri resigns

High profile head of the UN’s climate science panel steps down and denies charges of sexually harassing a 29-year-old female researcher.


Full quote;
For me the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission. It is my religion and my dharma.

It has become increasingly obvious that the climate change acolytes are deviating from real science and espousing assertions based more and more upon a self serving and lucrative faith.

Does this thread try to make the assumption that if you accept grant money from a private corporation, that your findings automatically become incorrect and that they only came to that conclusion because of the source of the funds?

That's a laughable point. Science is science, you can't fake it. Either the research is flawed, in which case another scientist should be able to point out that flaw, or is this just a puff piece designed to warm the cockles of progressives everywhere with the flame of guilt by association?

If you want to discredit the science, then find the errors in the science.

Some errors I have noted myself over the years.

Why do they use a tiny tiny fraction of earth climate to figure an average Temperature?
Why only 1951-1980?

Are they saying that this tiny tiny tiny slice of Earth climate over the previous 4 billion years is properly representative?

I remember the 70's headlines that we were looking at another ice age due to all the cooling. Hmm the 70's cool temps would tend to exasperate any "temperature mean" to the low scale when used. That would tend to make any means on the higher side look even worse.

Using 30 years as being representative of the other 3,999,999,970 years just doesn't seem quite right.

Why are most of the temperature reading stations in cities?
Don't cities trap heat within their buildings and paved streets that make it warmer? Its called the heat island effect.
Wow up to a 12C difference between a city and the surrounding rural land. What part of USA is city?
Wow, less than 2.7%.
And most of these stations have a 2C error rate.

So if most of your measurement devices are in or near cities, and cities create there own heat which can be significantly warmer than the other 97% of the earth. Why are we relying on them?

Find the flaws in the science, don't base your opinion on where the money comes from, base it on what evidence you have that shows flaws in the science.

I have nothing against sustainable living and manufacturing, in fact I am probably the ONLY person here who ACTIVELY practices what so many preach. I have a large Photovoltaic array (Solar panels) that gives me all the power I need and some for you too. So yeah, I got a high horse.

Making carbon dioxide criminal makes life criminal. You breathe that shit out, if you think its contributing to global warming, then stop breathing. Good luck with that you polluter.

Why do people ignore the one thing that has more effect on our climate than anything else BY FAR. The Sun.

Why do people dismiss the sun as having any effect, but claim cow farts do?
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Does this thread try to make the assumption that if you accept grant money from a private corporation, that your findings automatically become incorrect and that they only came to that conclusion because of the source of the funds?

That's a laughable point. Science is science, you can't fake it. Either the research is flawed, in which case another scientist should be able to point out that flaw, or is this just a puff piece designed to warm the cockles of progressives everywhere with the flame of guilt by association?

If you want to discredit the science, then find the errors in the science.

Some errors I have noted myself over the years.

Why do they use a tiny tiny fraction of earth climate to figure an average Temperature?
Why only 1951-1980?

Are they saying that this tiny tiny tiny slice of Earth climate over the previous 4 billion years is properly representative?

I remember the 70's headlines that we were looking at another ice age due to all the cooling. Hmm the 70's cool temps would tend to exasperate any "temperature mean" to the low scale when used. That would tend to make any means on the higher side look even worse.

Using 30 years as being representative of the other 3,999,999,970 years just doesn't seem quite right.

Why are most of the temperature reading stations in cities?
Don't cities trap heat within their buildings and paved streets that make it warmer? Its called the heat island effect.
Wow up to a 12C difference between a city and the surrounding rural land. What part of USA is city?
Wow, less than 2.7%.
And most of these stations have a 2C error rate.

So if most of your measurement devices are in or near cities, and cities create there own heat which can be significantly warmer than the other 97% of the earth. Why are we relying on them?

Find the flaws in the science, don't base your opinion on where the money comes from, base it on what evidence you have that shows flaws in the science.

I have nothing against sustainable living and manufacturing, in fact I am probably the ONLY person here who ACTIVELY practices what so many preach. I have a large Photovoltaic array (Solar panels) that gives me all the power I need and some for you too. So yeah, I got a high horse.

Making carbon dioxide criminal makes life criminal. You breathe that shit out, if you think its contributing to global warming, then stop breathing. Good luck with that you polluter.

Why do people ignore the one thing that has more effect on our climate than anything else BY FAR. The Sun.

Why do people dismiss the sun as having any effect, but claim cow farts do?

But, but, but, you can't tax sunshine. Or can you?

Why is it that government money is seen as pure and corporate money tainted?The government pumps billions of dollars into the system. The government far outspends industry.

IPCC chair Rajendra Pachauri resigns
High profile head of the UN’s climate science panel steps down and denies charges of sexually harassing a 29-year-old female researcher.


Full quote;
For me the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission. It is my religion and my dharma.

It has become increasingly obvious that the climate change acolytes are deviating from real science and espousing assertions based more and more upon a self serving and lucrative faith.

you are a retarded person.
Science is science, you can't fake it.

nice copy and paste, retard.

you can fake science, and people like soon and lindzen and spencer are prime examples of this.

keep citing the heartland institute though, it's not like we should learn from history or anything.
Sorry, we're holding you to "man made global WARMING", you can stuff "climate change" up your fat liberal ass.

they both describe the same phenomenon you flailing retard.

And of course two weeks of freezing rain, snow and closed schools here in NC supports GLOBAL WARMING. How could it be otherwise? Let me guess, a model with data fed to it by an Eco-Loon zealot demonstrated the connection? Shocking!


that's called weather you drooling stooge.

two weeks of winter weather in the middle of winter don't undo 14 of the 15 hottest years on record.
See what happens when you grow your hair plugs out like a vagabond?
You get seckshual assaultored!


He should've worn the fedora. It protects all virgins from seckshual action.

Meanwhile, the Saharan desert is attacking the West!!!

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