Congressmen Defending ExxonMobil Against Investigation Received Almost $100,000 From Company

Fair enough, you are not being hypocritical. You are pointing out a molehill while mount Vesuvius erupts behind you.

Businessmen donate to campaigns because politicians can affect their businesses. It is legal extortion. If you donate to me I may be able to do something for you...

The only way to get the money out, all the money, the legal and illegal money is to create an atmosphere where politicians dont have that level of influence.

And the only way to do that is take power away from the politicians....

When you vote, you empower the system.

Politicians come and go, the power lives on via the perpetuation of the political system itself.
If you take power away from politicians, you take away their ability to regulate industry. Without regulation, corporations would be able to do whatever they wanted.

A more effective method that would eliminate the influence of special interests and limit the power of politicians is to take away their ability to fund political campaigns. If a special interest can't buy influence, a politician is limited to representing their constituents because they're beholden to their vote, not corporate money.

The most effective regulation on a forcibly held monopoly is a REAL free market.

Absent competition, a thing, whether it is a government or a service provider, grows indifferent to customer feedback, since it's forcibly held monopoly assures feedback doesn't matter. For instance the cannabis market in the USA has prices which are held artificially high due to prohibition, which is just a kind of free market inhibition. I could give lots of other examples too.

Regulation which restricts entry into a given market will always lead to the abortion of potentially good outcomes which weren't allowed to exist due to the regulation.

This is true of any "service" and especially true when applied to the monopoly of government.

Some day when you are really, really bored you will read The Market for Liberty and will then realize the positive outcomes of a free market, versus a regulated one.
There is no way Chesus really believes Hillary is the pinnacle of honesty as he seems to project.

Come on Chesus, you know she has been knee-deep in everything bad in politics since her husband became a politician. Why do you try to defend everything she is involved in? She is a disgusting, power-mad, uncaring, sociopathic politician, same as most of them.
There is no way Chesus really believes Hillary is the pinnacle of honesty as he seems to project.

Come on Chesus, you know she has been knee-deep in everything bad in politics since her husband became a politician. Why do you try to defend everything she is involved in? She is a disgusting, power-mad, uncaring, sociopathic politician, same as most of them.

Disagree with the term everything
Agree with everything in red

I don't defend her on everything she does. Only on the stuff she didn't do or is nothing
Vince Foster
Uranium deal
Speaking fees
Examples of bullshit Faux sandals the right keeps throwing at her because they are so afraid of her.
Disagree with the term everything
Agree with everything in red

I don't defend her on everything she does. Only on the stuff she didn't do or is nothing
Vince Foster
Uranium deal
Speaking fees
Examples of bullshit Faux sandals the right keeps throwing at her because they are so afraid of her.

Do you defend her prohibitionist ideas ?
I think she is right when she says children need to be protected though. Guess you hate her for that

Oh I get it. You think that zinged me. Except, Hillary and her mentor Madeline Albright are okay with killing children to achieve political goals.

So if you don't agree with her prohibitionist ways, why do you advocate legislation which includes prohibition ?
Oh I get it. You think that zinged me. Except, Hillary and her mentor Madeline Albright are okay with killing children to achieve political goals.

So if you don't agree with her prohibitionist ways, why do you advocate legislation which includes prohibition ?
Nothing can zing you. You are smug, pretentious condescending and most importantly A nut case.
Disagree with the term everything
Agree with everything in red

I don't defend her on everything she does. Only on the stuff she didn't do or is nothing
Vince Foster
Uranium deal
Speaking fees
Examples of bullshit Faux sandals the right keeps throwing at her because they are so afraid of her.
So basically you defend everything she has done. Got it.
Strawman much?


Chesus has it all figured out. Like Zimmerman the white nazi supremecist (except he wasnt white) stalked (because you call the cops to say you are stalking someone) and killed Trayvon Martin (despite the physical evidence). It is obvious and only the jury and like 4 people here on RIU dont know it...

Now Hillary... She is just the victim of a vast right wing conspiracy so she couldnt have done anything wrong...

See how easy it is?

Chesus has it all figured out. Like Zimmerman the white nazi supremecist (except he wasnt white) stalked (because you call the cops to say you are stalking someone) and killed Trayvon Martin (despite the physical evidence). It is obvious and only the jury and like 4 people here on RIU dont know it...

Now Hillary... She is just the victim of a vast right wing conspiracy so she couldnt have done anything wrong...

See how easy it is?
Only thing easy is pointing out accurately you are a racist retard with no redeeming value
Only thing easy is pointing out accurately you are a racist retard with no redeeming value

This is demonstrably false. You are being a really lazy troll with the personal attacks and no substantiating conversation.

Which proves you got nothin.