Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Fresh off the vine, into a jar, my little purple friend that I picked the other day.

Chimera Grapefruit x Blueberry

Looks like Cann's lol!! We should smoke out.....
Very nice cann,

So I work 14 hour days and don't get home until 11-12 at night. Checked on plants tonight and not as many earwigs as I killed by hand last night, so that's a good sign. Also at base one my tomatoe plants where holes at for drainage there was a big daddy long legs munching on a earwig! :D.Hell ched little fella and then he crawled into the hole looking for more things to munch on I assume .. made itself a little home

However by my back door I saw another spider doing the same only. It was an earwig trapped in it's web. Except this was a big black widow. So.... Tomorrow I'm either getting spider poision or using peppermint oil spray. That tucker has to go. I used be terrified spiders as a kid. Not anymore but sure as Hell don't like them. Especially black widows. Interesting fact for those who didn't know. The daddy long legs is most poisionous spider in the world.

My tomatoes are producing along with my Cheyenne pepper plant etc. I have a white currant tomatoe, a blue cherry tomatoe and a Clackamas blue tomatoe plant.

Well hopefully i will be starting a grow here this next month. Was suppose to this month however these long workdays have me very busy.
Old mate,
I have been using it for a year with other rock dusts..
The whole rock dusts deal is doing very good to my soiless media.. Don't have the experience or/and have done any tests for zeolite on its own.

The high silica and the cation exchange capacities is what attracts me to it..! I'd say if you get it for a good deal go for it + some good and proven rock dust!

Here in EU this one is top notch:

It's a mix of basalt + others, very finely grounded which is a good thing!
damn those self transforming machine elves....

headtreep, we definitely need to have a smokeout haha. that shit is looking fire!

the smells i'm getting from my plushberry...hard to describe lol. i always have a hard time describing smells. it smells floral and sweet, definitely not musky or skunky at all, has a hint of lemon or pine or something like that, and then a good bit of sour smell..almost has a bite to it...a lemony bite? lol i have no f***ing idea. guess you'll just have to smoke it to find out...

snowboarder - clackamas blue tomato eh? never heard of that one...

black widows are a part of life down here...i probably see two or three every day in the warmer months...i tend not to mess with em and they dont mess with me. diatomaceous earth would probably work for both earwigs and the widows...if you want to go that route. i'd stay away from any insect poison, etc..but thats just me.

anyone know how to take down a small hornets nest easily w/o poison? i would light it on fire w/ my torch but its under the eaves of my recipe for disaster. i'm thinking i might just suit up w. a motorcycle helmet and thick clothes and then go out with a stick and bash all the nests...hmmmmmmm

gorks - never used zeolite before but it doesn't look half bad. i assume you're using it in place of another kind of clay? (bentonite for example). is there a reason you are choosing zeolite vs. other clays? if you're in aussie I totally understand lol..
Done this in the past with plastic pots. I need to try with cheap lava rock from home depot. Less expensive than pumice for me and easier to source.

I got 1/2 cu/ft bag at hd for like $3 and added it to my mix, works great. I'm getting a couple bags for the veggie garden.
My tomatoes are producing along with my Cheyenne pepper plant etc.

I have a feeling growing peppers is going to be my next favorite to MJ. Found this site on a thread in the gardening section. Be placing an order soon. :twisted:

As for widows, I have em as well. Like Cann, I just leave em be and have never had an issue. They don't travel much if left alone, provided they're not pitched in your bedroom I wouldn't be too alarmed. I'm no expert but they seem much more shy than aggressive. I actually had one on me in the car ride home from a few days in the southern AZ desert. Opened the door and quickly brushed her off my shirt. I'm sure she wasn't happy being dropped at a Circle K 50 miles from her home, but we both carried on unharmed.

  • Interesting fact for those who didn't know. The daddy long legs is most poisionous spider in the world.​

Seems this is more of a myth than fact:
When you make a kelp extract. Is it ok if the kelp has not been dried? I just strained my kelp after steeping. Using the water for foliar. But I plan on doing a compost tea in a few to feed plants tomorrow. Be adding it wet. So I'm sure I'll have to add 2/3 more....? Or am I better off just adding kelp meal to the tea this time?

When using fresh aloe I found chopping it fine with a good kitchen knife works better than a blender or food processor. When I chop it by hand. It doesn't clog the sprayer.
Jubiare, Cheers for the reply + link. Yeah, the cation exchange and silica is what got me interested too, not to mention it's apparently good as an air/water filter, so that can't hurt I suppose. I also read they used sandbags of it when fukushima started leaking radioactive shit into the ocean in an attempt to clean/dilute it or something. So it must have some fairly effective properties. Sounds like the zeolite and rock dust is where its at, I'll have to try it out.

Cann, yeah i think it looks pretty sick. However, my intentions aren't for using it as a replacement for anything, but rather just to spruce up the soil (so to speak).
Yeah m8, aussie :wink:
damn those self transforming machine elves....

headtreep, we definitely need to have a smokeout haha. that shit is looking fire!

the smells i'm getting from my plushberry...hard to describe lol. i always have a hard time describing smells. it smells floral and sweet, definitely not musky or skunky at all, has a hint of lemon or pine or something like that, and then a good bit of sour smell..almost has a bite to it...a lemony bite? lol i have no f***ing idea. guess you'll just have to smoke it to find out...

You must have a similar pheno to mine. Spacequeen dom. My smells real cheesey after a good cure.
Thanks for that article very interesting. And peppers are great. There suppose to help with pain and other things as well.. I've been to that pepper site, its good if you want the hotter harder peppers to find otherwise I'd say way to spendy. You can find good heirloom seeds for a lot better prices.

I have a feeling growing peppers is going to be my next favorite to MJ. Found this site on a thread in the gardening section. Be placing an order soon. :twisted:

As for widows, I have em as well. Like Cann, I just leave em be and have never had an issue. They don't travel much if left alone, provided they're not pitched in your bedroom I wouldn't be too alarmed. I'm no expert but they seem much more shy than aggressive. I actually had one on me in the car ride home from a few days in the southern AZ desert. Opened the door and quickly brushed her off my shirt. I'm sure she wasn't happy being dropped at a Circle K 50 miles from her home, but we both carried on unharmed.

Seems this is more of a myth than fact:
Cann, yeah I just really don't like spiders at all.. I'm trying out a peppermint repellant. It keeps them away sends them running in another direction. Spiders have smell receptors on there front legs and when they say mint especially peppermint they run in the opposite direction. They hate it from what I've read do I'm spraying it around my house to see how it works. I've read in stronger more concentrated doses sprayed directly on spider it can kill them fast. But I just wanna keep them away
Some hydro shops in socal sell pepper seeds and clones. One had red and green Chile peppers. Bahia peppers too.

I only like bell peppers. Red and yellow ones.

I love the smell of kelp
As far as seeds go for food I only buy non gmo and heirloom seeds.

You guys will get a kick out this I went to a hydro shop here just check it out and they wanted 22-23 dollars! For a bag of roots original soil. I couldn't believe it!
As far as seeds go for food I only buy non gmo and heirloom seeds.

You guys will get a kick out this I went to a hydro shop here just check it out and they wanted 22-23 dollars! For a bag of roots original soil. I couldn't believe it!

Notice that too last time I went to shop looking for some trellis.