New Member
PLease tell me how the governments bought and paid for regulation of the medical market has helped the people. By eliminating the profit-mongers from medical by having a single payer system, all the greed could be eliminated. no more CEOs with multi-million dollar salaries cutting benefits and cancelling procedures (Operations), no more jacking the premiums every time they needed a raise, Jacking co-pays. No more consolidating med Companies to gain regional control and hold participants hostage to their rates and priveledges. If the Feds ran their national health care like VA, everyone could be covered with viable care for a lot less than the system costs now, plus those oligarchs could still have their esteemed medical care, they would just pay for it as before. The market would balance out with the greedy Dr.s competing for the oligarchs and the rest having to serve in the govt. program. I'm pretrty sure they could still make a decent living and all of their schooling would be paid for by the government for their future service. It can be worked out, as other countries have proven, and since we are ahead of the game in technology, at least for now, we could definently have the best of the best. Even a modest amount of Dr's are calling for an end to HMOs and Cheap Insurance companies that are denying benefits or restricting doctors care. As for the medical mal-practrice, it wouild be eliminated as there would be a government controlled insurance program that was funded by a % of your taxes to award money for damages caused by Mal-practice. Caps would be set and doctors would not have the expence of those predatory insurance companies. The problems are the insurance companies and the HMOs, they own the government And brainwash people like VI into believing that single payer is communism, ~LOL~, that is the mentality of the wannabees.Exactly, Med.
If you are worried about the men's decency in capatalistic settings, then use the government to REGULATE the markets and protect it's people from the predators.
Dont use the government to TAKE OVER these markets. That doesn't make any sense at all.
Read my exposures of the oligarchs and the plutocrats to see why there in no viable national health care program in the works.