Ralph Nadar?


Well-Known Member
Nader's a good man ... I will support him if I can't write Kucinich in ...

... Nader has always looked out for the common people ... the die hard dems hate him an blame him for the dems losing in 2000 which is not true ...

... the dems are not very liberal when it comes to third party candidates that they believe will take votes from their candidates as though that candidate had a right to them ...

... yeah there's a big discussing about Nader being a spoiler on the so called liberal Randi Rhodes site ... I asked what made them any better than the bushies for pushing fear if you vote 3rd party? I got no response so far ...

Yep ... Nader is the man ... and feared by the worthless dems ... :neutral:


New Member
I agree with his message but he never garnered the kind of support Paul has. I would love to see him run and I love to see Cythia McKinnie run. But Paul would get my vote.

America needs these people to run just to get the message out to the masses that there are more then just these 2 parties. And the 2 we have have been compremised.

"Every generation needs a revolution." I think this is true mostly because the longer any system is in place the greater chance there is for people to have found ways of exploiting it.


Well-Known Member
yes indeed i think them running would help paul out a whole lot, look at the options we have for canidates i feel like im watching reruns of the bachelor, not to mention that all but paul are members or supporters of the council of foreign relations


New Member
yes indeed i think them running would help paul out a whole lot, look at the options we have for canidates i feel like im watching reruns of the bachelor, not to mention that all but paul are members or supporters of the council of foriegn relations.
That should be the council of foriegn business, or the council of profit sharing,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
yes indeed i think them running would help paul out a whole lot, look at the options we have for canidates i feel like im watching reruns of the bachelor, not to mention that all but paul are members or supporters of the council of foriegn relations.
That should be the council of foriegn business, or the council of profit sharing,~LOL~.
haha yeah pretty much the description


New Member
Ralph Nader is a shill for the American Trial Lawyer's Association. Do a Google search on the issue.



New Member
My God CC, I thought you were a predatory capitalist. This gives me new insight into you and improves my respect for you 100 fold, Kudos for the aknowledgement.
well, thanks. but i cant imagine how someone could mistake me for a predator.

i do think free market capitalism is a vast improvement over what previous forms of government have allowed. it gives ordinary but talented men the chance to achieve great things.

but, careful! somewhere along the lines they begin to really 'capitalize' at their fellow mans expense. so, one role of government should be to prosecute those capitalist who are preying on people.

the problem with this government is that one by one, senators and presidents have been bought and brought into the fold of predatory capitalists. those pricks have sold their souls to the devil for peice of immortality- their names in a history book, and bank account.

without an honest governing body in our congress and white house, who is left to protect the citizens from dangers INSIDE our borders?


Well-Known Member
Ralph Nader is a narcissist and a stalking horse. He is not a serious candidate and only destroys the election process. I remind everyone, that Ol'Ralphy is the reason Al Gore was not elected president. Well, aside from the fact Al didn't carry his home state of Tennessee.

Regardless, Ralph should take his collection of Corvair Hot Wheels and continue to play on the front porch. People who enter politics should at least have real convictions and not play with voters emotions.


New Member
well, thanks. but i cant imagine how someone could mistake me for a predator.

i do think free market capitalism is a vast improvement over what previous forms of government have allowed. it gives ordinary but talented men the chance to achieve great things.

but, careful! somewhere along the lines they begin to really 'capitalize' at their fellow mans expense. so, one role of government should be to prosecute those capitalist who are preying on people.

the problem with this government is that one by one, senators and presidents have been bought and brought into the fold of predatory capitalists. those pricks have sold their souls to the devil for peice of immortality- their names in a history book, and bank account.

without an honest governing body in our congress and white house, who is left to protect the citizens from dangers INSIDE our borders?
Here's my take on Capitalism if it is to be respected. A person works and saves to start a business. He puts his heart and soul into it and eventually makes it a success. he grows the business by supplying a decent product for a decent price and provides decent jobs for his employees, with decent pay and decent benefits. He then makes a decent profit and supports his family and his community in a desent manner. When the "decent" part leaves, so does my respect for the capitalist. So far as I can see, all forms of decency have left the building, it is all about the bottom line as if there is no tomorrow and they need to make as much as possible as soon as possible and fuck everyone else. This is plutocratic, oligarcic fascism, and it is what is running our country and what Ron Paul wants to turn all our government agencies into, The privatization of America: Private police (Blackwater) Private prisons (Already in progress and operation) Private Medical (Already busy raping and pillaging, wait untill they eliminate medi-care, the hospitals will be throwing people out on the streets) Private charities (Already way underfunded with the burden they have, wait untill they eliminate food stamps and welfare) I just really don't think privatization is the answer.


New Member
Well, how about if we just turn everything over to the federal government? All businesses, all income ... our entire lives and fortunes over to the federal government to run. After they have it all, they can dictate how much money we need to live on and everyone can be equal.

Where do you draw the line, Med?



New Member
Well, how about if we just turn everything over to the federal government? All businesses, all income ... our entire lives and fortunes over to the federal government to run. After they have it all, they can dictate how much money we need to live on and everyone can be equal.

Where do you draw the line, Med?

Common sense and honesty would dictate the parameters, but alas there is little of that left in our society.


New Member
Well, how about if we just turn everything over to the federal government? All businesses, all income ... our entire lives and fortunes over to the federal government to run. After they have it all, they can dictate how much money we need to live on and everyone can be equal.

Where do you draw the line, Med?

Exactly, Med.

If you are worried about the men's decency in capatalistic settings, then use the government to REGULATE the markets and protect it's people from the predators.

Dont use the government to TAKE OVER these markets. That doesn't make any sense at all.


New Member
Right. The legitimate role of the federal government is to protect the rights and property of the citizens from foreign and domestic enemies. That's about it.



New Member
Right. The legitimate role of the federal government is to protect the rights and property of the citizens from foreign and domestic enemies. That's about it.

What about the enemies of the people right here at home. Do you not suppose those multimillion dollar CEOs are not enemies of the people. You need a course in democracy, remember, by the people, for the people, and of the people.


New Member
What about the enemies of the people right here at home. Do you not suppose those multimillion dollar CEOs are not enemies of the people. You need a course in democracy, remember, by the people, for the people, and of the people.
absolutely. you're not wrong in realizing that the relationship that has developed between coporate power and politics is BAD!

but your solution is wrong. it is no solution at all.

if the government takes over healthcare, food and other nessesities of life, how do you think they will provide it? thru the same huge, evil coporations that you hate, that they already have relationships with!

in that case, both the coporations AND government expands out of control. your solution will double our problem. in order to check this coming nightmare we need to limit the size of government NOW. and then focus on bringing to justice those companies preying on the people.

DO NOT hand a blank check to the government to "fix" these problems of the poor and middle class. haven't they proven to you they are not on your side?!...they side with the money in this country.