RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
hell yeah! They all look good. That's all it takes for a heater huh? I need to get one for my closet at night, it gets a little cool in there.
Attitude ended up replacing all those seeds. The owner called me up after I sent an email bitching. He said Sensi sent them a bad batch and I was one of many that complained. He said he threatened to take Sensi off of the shelf if they didn't make it right. He also said laws out there had changed drastically and they were threatened to be shut down recently. Actually a really nice guy, very understanding!


Well-Known Member
thanx for the info. sensi emaiIed me bak and toId me to contact the store for any exchange. maybe i need to caII them. wat is that number hydro? i guess it wouIdnt hurt.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
i like all the space you have in there. i am going to redo a my room sometime to make it a little larger and use the space a little better. also want to get another 400w for in there.

plants lookin real good.

75 degrees ok? my room is getting cool in the day when they are alsleep. i have a heater i can throw in there, but it has no timer.


Well-Known Member
go to waImart , and get a hoImes digitaI heater. thier 37.00, its got a thermostat you can set it on to keep the temp rite. the onIy thing about them is you have to set them at 83F to get a steady 75F room. but its aII good. my garage has been getting 30F at night , but the tent stays 75F .


Well-Known Member
plants lookin good as usual raider... i wish i had the problem of it being to cold haha still too hot here at night i cant get the temp below 80... how far away do you have that light right now?? mines like 14" away but one plants way taller so its only like 8"... you think thats too close for now i just started flowerring


Active Member
i got the same problem with different height plants so i bout some 3$ cynder blocks and some 1.25$ bricks at home depot now i can adjust the height 3" at a time or 12" for when i got the other smaller plants in there veggin with my hps kuz it dont got the room under the flouros :") just raise the plant up on whatever u got i actually got one stacked up in more buckets to raise the height


Well-Known Member
funny thing you mention cinder bIocks, on my Iast grow had four in my cIoset.height prob.........yea , i usuaIIy veg with them 14 to 18 inches .but at around day 14 of fIowering i drop mine to 10 to 12 inches using air cooIed Iites.


Well-Known Member
yeah i think thats what im going to have to end up doing... one of my plants is at least 6" taller than all the other ones. i wish i could just dig a fucking hole in the ground to put it in...


Well-Known Member
yeah i think thats what im going to have to end up doing... one of my plants is at least 6" taller than all the other ones. i wish i could just dig a fucking hole in the ground to put it in...
spring time?

hell yeah! They all look good. That's all it takes for a heater huh? I need to get one for my closet at night, it gets a little cool in there.
Attitude ended up replacing all those seeds. The owner called me up after I sent an email bitching. He said Sensi sent them a bad batch and I was one of many that complained. He said he threatened to take Sensi off of the shelf if they didn't make it right. He also said laws out there had changed drastically and they were threatened to be shut down recently. Actually a really nice guy, very understanding!
was good:bigjoint:

funny thing you mention cinder bIocks, on my Iast grow had four in my cIoset.height prob.........yea , i usuaIIy veg with them 14 to 18 inches .but at around day 14 of fIowering i drop mine to 10 to 12 inches using air cooIed Iites.
can't go wrong with the cooltube:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i guess i wiII start fIowering tomorrow. they are 15" high at Ieast. i am expecting some reaIgood resuIts from these, seeing i Iaid a Iot of bread on these beans.550.00 totaI for three pacs... an error was found on my part , one of the g13s i thought was a femaIe turned out to be a maIe.
But the HP have not determined sex yet,i can teII95% of the time of its sex before the wite antanae stik out . there a green stigma that stik out a few days before the wite antanae stiks out, i overIooked it ...cont........:roll:


Well-Known Member
i know wat you mean , i have been exhausting my funds to. stiII got 5 ounces of orange bud Ieft. guess need to make a coupIe caIIs,haha.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
if the teIevise it here , i'm down by mexico reaI fat chance though. jus DaIIas games and houston games mainIy here, but who knows.are you a raiders fan?:bigjoint: