RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
thanx , its the drinking water i use that does it, i have to fill 9 gallons up a week the nex blok over at 35 cents a gal. well worth it. seeing you do not have to ph it or nothing , minerals . , i sure hope i get big buds out of it. the "open sesame" will be here monday in time for a 10-50-5 fert. they should really start showing thier stuff in this time nex week.


Well-Known Member
well i wanted texas, but hell tech is jus down the road ,one or the other ,was glad tech won, they havent ever been that close. say dk have you ever been to seed botique? they are alot cheaper than anywhere. a couple guys from uk said they may be closing down thie seed shops soon. i sell another ounce of orange bud and get me a couple of white russian and they have chem Doog double deisel, that shit looked wicked. may some of that...... as far asthe flags , hell i live in the deep south, my family goes bak here 180 yrs.


Well-Known Member
wats up hydro? how come you dont do a journal?..good to see ya, your welcome here ....update..........went to chkout the plants, 3 HP showed sex, i think the others are male.. i can tell before the white antanae comes up to tell sex.. the green cage it sits in is skinny and stiks out some, the males have a more rounded stigma ,little clusters around it, with magnifying glass. so i'm pushing ten plants in a 4 by4 ft box in 3.5 gal containers,.....contnd................:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah how bout that not only they beat tex it was the 500th win in school history and first ever of a #1 crazy shit... anyways i think i looked at seed boutique before, never bought anything from there i guess nothing that i wanted... ima take a look tho not like i need any more seeds haha i got at least 100 would like some more fem seeds tho only like a dozen of those...


Well-Known Member
yea me to, just have this weed and may shoot a little out the door get a couple of more powerful strains , its all profit, lol.


Well-Known Member
exactly... spend 100 bucks on 10 seeds and make like a grand and still have half of it to smoke to your face haha


Well-Known Member
i like to try to get at least 9 girls -and get 1.5 ounces per plant dry. unfortunately all that stalk on my last grow took away from my overall weed weight of weed. say 1- 600 watt lite + 2 gal. container = the same weight every time, lesser stalk more weed weight, but the overall weight of the plant will be the same.not counting runts here and there.bigger container more weed.


Well-Known Member
yeah im interested to see how much i will get off these per plant... my first one was 17grams dry but that was with flowering the first 4 weeks with CFL's (not even warm ones haha) only the last 4 weeks i used the HPS and they got way bigger... so im hoping at least 1oz per plant with the 400w after 6-7 weeks of veg... sounds about right?


Well-Known Member
wen ihad my 400 hps, in 2gal cont. igot 1 to 1.25 dry onces per plant, higher watt bigger and tighter buds. my 400 supported me well for two yrs in smoke and a few things,i crammed them in there .lol.


Well-Known Member

I'll be back after some reading... gotta catch
then you can go find mine and respond to all 1600+ posts :bigjoint: hahaha but shit raider how you get so much just using 2gal pots?? i vegged in 2.5gal and then transplanted to 5... even the 2.5gal were completely stuffed with roots and looked they were running out of room even before flowering...


Well-Known Member
your welcome anytime here gypsy, i can always use an extra pair of eyes on my stuff to hep me.thanx.bongsmilie... hell lets smoke a j. yall ,use mine...



Well-Known Member
I have to ask the same question... Why 2gal pots?

I use 5 gallon buckets, I saw a astronomically bigger yield with the buckets. I veg in 3 gal trash cans, the one's in my journal... But flowering, the more room for root growth the bigger the yield, you said it yourself.

Try some 5 gal buckets with holes drilled in the bottom... And thank me later :peace:


Well-Known Member
well my closet is 3ft by 3ft, and i cant put many rounded buckets in here, so the sqare 2gal. cont. give me more room to grow per sqare ft. i can get near a pound most of the time with these .i used to use 5 gal. buckets , jus cant put but 4 in there , thier round. if i could find sqare 3 gal. pots that would be perfect.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Trashcans are square and rectangular, and you can get them tall and skinny, which would give you more room for rootgrowth.

I didn't realize this was in the 3x3