RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
Nice Plants Raiderman ... im a huge Raider Fan Too.. how bout them Raiders winning today in Over Time!!!!! Raiderssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
thanx for the encouragement , i know i can use any advise under this kind of hard ship . i got my grow goin and stuff , just downed out i guess.
yea was gIad to hear they won. we need a win. thanx buddy.


Well-Known Member
I would tie an old sponge up in a few rubberbands, Soak th sponge in some really greasy gravy laced with rat poison and throw it in the old ladys yard so her fuckin dog eats it and will swollow it. So much for her stupid dog.:joint: That shit pisses me off. I feel hella sad about your pet man.:cry: Heres a picture of my mama kitty.



Well-Known Member
ns Iookin cat ,beautifuI. thanx for the info. sounds Iike my kind of thinkin ,haha.................the G13 was watered pure drinking water to day , the veg. state its in, is fairIy strong in the garage, ns smeII., wiII be gIad wen sex is determined so i can get them in those 3.5 gaI. buckets so we can get some size going.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
did a chk today on the g13, out of 11 pIants , 8 femaIe , 3 maIe. they have been transfered to 3.5 gaI buckets. i bought the sensi HP. to hep on the femaIe ratio, did not think i woud get that many,i can find room for these high $$ pIants..i am hoIding bak a maIe, trying to decide if i want to seed a coupIe of branches on the g13. we wiII see. wiII pic Iater to day of the garden.


Well-Known Member
plants look real good. you use the hps the entire time huh? what kinda bulb is it again? im running out of room to veg my other plants and thinking maybe ill just throw them under the hps...


Well-Known Member
i use a hortiIux buIb,, 600 watt hps, wich gives off the rite spectrums for fIowering and veg.. they cost more but weII worth the $. it keeps the nodes cIose to each other for the best part.:peace:i am going bak to veging aIso today for another week or was determined in 6 days 12-12..


Well-Known Member
nice i just flipped 4 of mine over to 12/12 a few days ago. one already showed sex in veg but i guess the others should soon then


Well-Known Member
looks good,why not move the plants closer together?like put the pots next to eachother. that way the plants will get more light with more penetration powers. u know what im sayng


Well-Known Member
may as weII. i may need room for 3 or 4 more anyway, if those HP in the other grow room are femaIe ratio of 6.


Well-Known Member
whats up raiderman? Lookin good! Glad to see the nice ratio you got!
Pollinate a branch! You will be happy u did when it comes time to spending another $500+ on seeds or having them free. :peace:


Well-Known Member
the G13 are growing fast , internodes are incredabIy cIose , thats wy i'm veging a IittIe Ionger for more of a Iarger bud of the G13 . wiII start fIowering next friday. the HP are moving aIong as weII wiII start fiowering them at the same time in the garage grow room . winters moving in and coId in the garage. mounted digitaI heater to keep temps at 75F.

