RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
4 orange bud have dried, thier the smaIIest of aII of them theres 4 haf oz.
and an ounce in seIected buds.stiII hav 5 bigger pIants Ieft.... this stuff is so sticky you cant even handIe it with you fingers hardIy. 2 bong hits , is reaI seductive and potent .i done smoked about a haf in the Iast 2 weeks. do ne got 100 grams so far totaI in those 4 pIants.5 more



Well-Known Member
damn you lucky bastard... haha so a 1/2 pound at least right?? good shit man you use 600w again right? ima start flowering some of mine this weekend just got my air cooled shit all set up. how far away you think i should have it starting out?? plants are 7 weeks about a foot tall i was thinking like 18inches away sound good?


Well-Known Member
ye hopefuIIy 8-10 oz... we'II see.the BM is twice as resinous though this one resinates more on the Iast 2 weeks than any.this here had IittIe odor probIem. though its reaI skunky smeIIing from the bag.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the Mr. Nice, I almost ordered it, but then passed when I started reading the mixed reviews on it. Your journal is extremely helpful and will probably be the determining factor on whether I order them or not. I recently started my first grow with (2) Bubba Kush x Deep Chunk, (2) Kodiak Gold x SSH and (1) fem SSH. The look OK so far, I want to post pic's but I'm still leary of the whole posting pictures issue. As soon as they arrive, I'm going to start (2) MK Ultra's and see how that turns out. Since I'm limited on resources and especially space, meaning I can't start 10 beans and look for 1 or 2 nice mothers to keep alive, I've started twice as many beans as I expect to be female and are expecting 1 female to make it. Also my biggest lack in discipline is not buying every strain that looks interesting to me, and then having 5 or 6 different varieties going. Once again, good luck and "Keep It Chronic!!" LMAO!! I'm just fuckin' with you a little bit, I remember when you were ready to single handedly put the doc out of business. He did the same thing to me; meaning I NEVER got my order, even after I spoke with his bitch ass and he said he was resending it. Oh well, fuck'em, ya dig. It wasn't the end of the world, just a learning experience. But now I know Attitude and Hempdepot are like clockwork, good as gold.


Well-Known Member
watered the g13 today with -grow big- a 3-2-6. 1 teaspoon per gaI.and watering with drinking water ,refiIIabIe gaIIon .
tiII SIightIy drains weII through the bottom of the container.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
aII the orange bud dried and totaI amnt dry is 9 ounces. if the pIant weight wouId not had been so much staIk stretching in stem weight wouId had gotten more weed weight than stem. usuaIIy under good cond.
with a 600 watt , the aver. is an ounce and a haf per pIant..:peace:...sorry i had not been up to posting much, an oId Iady down the street poisoned my siamese maIe cat i've had a few years.not easy situation to deaI with.


Well-Known Member
There was an old crazy lady that lived in back of my friends house and she would poison all the stray cats that would come around his house for food. He found dead cats in his dumpster and called the cops but they didnt do shit. Sorry about your cat. My cats old and fat and if I found out somone poisoned her, especially some crazed elderly?.... man I would freak! Thats one thing I cant stand are senile elderly.


Well-Known Member
thanx for understanding, very painfuI for me to have to part with my companion.i raise seaI point siamese cats. the husband of my femaIe is the one that died. i drove 50 miIes to a emergancy animaI cIinic , but he died an hour after we got there..i wanted to kiII her for that. wen i confronted her she put her ratweiIIer between me and her and did wat most guiIty ppI do. i waIk by her house giving her threatening Iooks. the cat had coIIer ,tags . i dont know i am not a smaII person .and know wat i'm capabIe of doing.i just shoud had never Iet him outside. just want to get pass this. :-?


Well-Known Member
heres a coup. more pics of the orange bud.

Nice Plants Raiderman ... im a huge Raider Fan Too.. how bout them Raiders winning today in Over Time!!!!! Raiderssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
poisoned the cat??? wtf? sorry to here, i think i would kill someone if they poisoned my dag. maybe you should fleece her out of her 401K.


Well-Known Member
thats a bummer man sorry to hear that. what the hell did she do? she poisoned it on purpose??
she has reputation of poisoning hungry stray cats. thatswat Ied me to her house. i had forgotten aII about that oIe bitch, tiII this happened ,then i remembered wat my neighbor toId me Iast year about about her.