Well-Known Member
Back when republicans were calling themselves progressives.
Back when republicans were calling themselves progressives.
What's better, the guys who bullshit about equality or the guys who bullshit about liberty?
beenthere, you have a very interesting avatar. what is the point of it? are you saying liberals are more violent? or are you attempting to say that you think a gun ban would be a good idea?
Seriously need to check it out
here is just one example
Have you ever paused to give thought to WHY some issues keep being blown up? Like racism, sexual orientation, or religious differences.
Maybe, while important, they encompass personal beliefs/issues, have no place in politics, or on a public podium, and are simple side issues -- smoke screens and tools used to divide the general populace? To detract from real issues that actually DO affect our daily lives, like fiscal issues, perpetual states of war, and erosion of civil rights and liberties.
Quoting a Democrat or Republican and extrapolating their individual position to cover the entire party is no more honest than is considering all Christians to be Nazis or White Supremacists because Hitler and the KKK both aligned themselves with that specific religious view, or all Muslims to be gang bangers, because the P Stones and Vice Lords claim they are Muslim.
That was funny..harmless but funny..
The P stones and the Vice Lords are no more Muslim than the Latin Kings and Insane Unknowns are Catholic.
Are you suggesting LBJ was a progressive?
Wasn't it LBJ that said "I'll have these niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years" then the same year signed the equal opportunity act (welfare) of 1964
If it wasn't for democrats dangling entitlements over the head of the poor like a carrot, they'd be dead in the water.
beenthere, you have a very interesting avatar. what is the point of it? are you saying liberals are more violent? or are you attempting to say that you think a gun ban would be a good idea?
Neither. But this thread isnt about Ron Paul
Rawn Pawl is a republican.