Racist dems history

Are you suggesting that republicans such as Teddy Roosevelt didn't call themselves progressives? Are you quite sure you want to get schooled by a socialist?
Republicans, Democrats, Independent... Who gives 2 shits what their predecessors were?

Currently, those holding office are just as vile and corrupt as any previous generation of racist, or sexist, or other bigotous government. They're seditious terrorists who've usurped control and direction of the nation, are corroding our inalienable rights and are spreading their dictatorial obsessions around the world.

Every single politician that holds office is guilty of treason, and should be hanged for their actions. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Working in a corrupt regime, whether to further its machinations to destroy Citizenship and our representative republic, or to "bring about change" is guilty. A person in a gang, even if they're just trying to bring a voice of reason into the schema, is charged as being a co-conspirator. That same logic, when applied by our "leaders" must also be applied TO our leaders.

The PATRIOT Act, the NSA, the CIA, the current military brass, the militarization of law enforcement, the constant barrage of "wars on..." The first and last are declarations of war on the people's rights, and therefore the people, and the others are organisations with the purposes of fighting that declared war and destroying (or taking) the lives of the people they at one time took an oath to protect.

So, who gives 2 shits about who WAS a racist party? It's a sideshow, it's a distraction from the only issue that SHOULD be the focus of every patriot -- reclamation of our rights, as citizens and as human beings.
Back when republicans were calling themselves progressives.

Yeah, I don't quite get the point of this thread, other than that if I were alive in the 1800's I'd have been a republican instead of.a democrat..
I for one don't go by the name of the party but more so what it stands for.. I wouldn't have cared if I were alive in the 1800's if my party were called shit on a stick, so long as I believed what shit in a stick stood for..
You would think that if the Republicans were all about equality they would of got the civil rights act passed while they were in power or maybe the voting rights act. They could of at least desegregated the military or let gays serve openly
beenthere, you have a very interesting avatar. what is the point of it? are you saying liberals are more violent? or are you attempting to say that you think a gun ban would be a good idea?
beenthere, you have a very interesting avatar. what is the point of it? are you saying liberals are more violent? or are you attempting to say that you think a gun ban would be a good idea?

It's a known fact that Democrats possess guns so that in the future they can force blacks to pick cotton again.

Jennifer Olsen, chairwoman of the Yellowstone County Republicans and co-founder of the Montana Shrugged Tea Party group, shared an offensive and blatantly racist photo on her Facebook profile… Right after a post about a roast she was cooking in a crock pot. One of her 1000+ friends quickly grabbed a screenshot and it went viral within hours after appearing on a right-wing blog that also thought the picture funny.
Have you ever paused to give thought to WHY some issues keep being blown up? Like racism, sexual orientation, or religious differences.

Maybe, while important, they encompass personal beliefs/issues, have no place in politics, or on a public podium, and are simple side issues -- smoke screens and tools used to divide the general populace? To detract from real issues that actually DO affect our daily lives, like fiscal issues, perpetual states of war, and erosion of civil rights and liberties.

Quoting a Democrat or Republican and extrapolating their individual position to cover the entire party is no more honest than is considering all Christians to be Nazis or White Supremacists because Hitler and the KKK both aligned themselves with that specific religious view, or all Muslims to be gang bangers, because the P Stones and Vice Lords claim they are Muslim.
Have you ever paused to give thought to WHY some issues keep being blown up? Like racism, sexual orientation, or religious differences.

Maybe, while important, they encompass personal beliefs/issues, have no place in politics, or on a public podium, and are simple side issues -- smoke screens and tools used to divide the general populace? To detract from real issues that actually DO affect our daily lives, like fiscal issues, perpetual states of war, and erosion of civil rights and liberties.

Quoting a Democrat or Republican and extrapolating their individual position to cover the entire party is no more honest than is considering all Christians to be Nazis or White Supremacists because Hitler and the KKK both aligned themselves with that specific religious view, or all Muslims to be gang bangers, because the P Stones and Vice Lords claim they are Muslim.

The P stones and the Vice Lords are no more Muslim than the Latin Kings and Insane Unknowns are Catholic.
The P stones and the Vice Lords are no more Muslim than the Latin Kings and Insane Unknowns are Catholic.

Really? Check their "constitutions." Both lay claim to Islamic roots, and claim Islam as their religion.

It's nice that, through all of that, the only thing you could find to disagree with was the P Stones and VL statement.

Shall we assume that you agree with the rest of the post than? Or were you just unable to formulate a cohesive and logical argument?
Are you suggesting LBJ was a progressive?
Wasn't it LBJ that said "I'll have these niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years" then the same year signed the equal opportunity act (welfare) of 1964

If it wasn't for democrats dangling entitlements over the head of the poor like a carrot, they'd be dead in the water.

No. I'm suggesting that dems vs pubs =false dichotomy.
beenthere, you have a very interesting avatar. what is the point of it? are you saying liberals are more violent? or are you attempting to say that you think a gun ban would be a good idea?

I just thought it was better than posting my 11th grade class picture.;-)