fucker says anything he wants. I have your personal info.
Nothing at all to say sky ?
Does my wife warrant being called a whore because I refuse to be offended in bucks terms , its the normal pattern with him , either you follow his moral compass or your attacked , family called vulgar names , children attacked , branded racist & phobic.
And you are gonna just sit back & say nothing ?
Unclebuck should meet me at yorkborough park.
I'm going out on the deck , cooking a t bone , finishing this bottle of brandy & hitting the sack , one things for sure , it'll be interesting to check back in the morning & see what staff thinks & what other members think .
With zero chance of even the most mild repercussion from staff while the fan club cheers him on , I'm still waiting to hear from potroast how his conduct in acceptable , and good for the site .
If a tree falls in the middle of the forest, and panhead isn't there to hear, does it make a noise?
Just because you haven't been around or are not around when things happen, doesn't mean they didn't happen. nitro was an assclown, he didn't deserve any respect.
Sticks and stones may break my bones bro. So what that UB asked how you would feel if he called your wife a whore? Is she? If not, then what are you mad about? If she is, why would you be offended?
Your double standards got you twisted man. nitro was a douche, most of us are happy to see him gone. I don't think any of us seriously wish him dead, though I can't speak for everyone. So I'm not sure why you think it's ok for nitro to use rhetoric the way he did and spam these forums the way he did, but it's not ok for some of us to go after him for it.
Who give a fuck what they think...you do you. ..immediate family is all you need
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Tell us some more about how you and Yessica.. hate niggers, and how they have all have a propensity for crime and violence again...
Nice , see this is the exact shit you should be banned for , if somebody don't agree with your view your instant reaction is to attack that person in the most horrible way possible .
Social justice warriors like you are a cancer the Democratic party needs to shake off , same as riu needs to shake you off .
@potroast , explain to me in open forum how this kind of posting by Buck is a good thing for RIU , I refuse to be angry at somebody for reasons HE ALONE DECIDES , and all who refuse are immediately attacked at the lowest possible level , @sunni too , both admins please explain to me in public his this type of rampant hard core trolling isn't warrantable of a ban .
You I will take the time to respond to , especially to question your "double standards " accusation , have I ever treated you with disrespect , or condemned your family wishing death on them because you & I disagree on something ?
Next is this , if a man offends or attacks somebody for reasons known only to him , yet has only treated you & your family with much respect when speaking to you , or about you , do you follow the group or judge that man by his actions twords you & yours .
its pretty simple c-4 , the man in question has ever been nothing but polite & kind when speaking to me , and the thought seems to be I am supposed to judge that man who's been kind to me & mine using broad generalized statements that had fuck all to do with me & my family .
Is this how you see men acting with honor ? because I sure as fuck don't & I never imagined you to live your life that way either.
cry me a river baby boo
you literally just said your muslim wife earned the hatred she receives though. and now you cry when i send some hatred?
i guess it would have been OK if i said she should be rounded up and deported, her mosque made illegal, and to be intimidated and harassed just for being muslim?