Well-Known Member
Coming on a bit heavy it seems. I for one was glad that the thread where you kept violating suni's request to stop sharing graphic images of mutilated women was censored and locked down. I never understood why it was that you weren't disciplined for that. Then later you came on pretty heavy about how rough I was with people on this site -- character assassination, I think you called it. I understand though, I was unfair to you earlier but, man you have a thin skin for a raging bull.
I suspect your are not objective at all. So rage on dude. What in hell do you moderate. You don't seem to be moderate at all. Extreme is how I put it. "Extremerator"
Am I glad Nitro was banned -- or as suni said -- super de duper slowed down? Yes I am. Because he was a racist bigoted spambot who showed no respect for the dead or grieving even when asked. He crossed the line with me when he couldn't slow his "hate on Muslim" roll during the raw moments immediately after 49 people were gunned down in Orlando. Not that my opinion matters.
And all that applies to buck exactly how ? if nitro was put on the miserable user list for something he posted than a mod enforced that , not Buck , the same rules should apply to every member here except they don't for buck , I didn't see what nitro posted so I can't comment but I can say without a doubt wherever buck goes there will be lots of name calling and fighting , a simple check of past posts proves me right .
As an FYI I am not a moderator anymore , when I was I didn't get involved , I spent my time in hydroponics teaching noobs & answering unanswered questions nobody else would take the time too , so I could remain fair & unbiased , you'll not find a single person here who can claim I was heavy handed because I was the polar opposite , everybody should be free to speak calmly .
There have been quite a few active moderators who've wanted buck banned , and some who have banned him .