R.I.P. nitro harley

Rage on dude.

Nitro put on his own display of mother fucking humanity within hours of the Orlando shooting. He was already diving into how this would be good news for Trump. I said that it was just hours away from the shootings and suggested he let it rest for a day or two out of respect and this is what he replied back:

I'm not able to work up much regret for Nitro. I hear from Sunni that he's OK and only on super de duper slowdown but really, his disregard for human life is beyond anything you are wailing about in this thread.

I wasn't aware he'd said that....wow, what a disgusting creep.

Nothing like labeling my wife's family as "organized crime". Does this person have to return to the site?

He wasn't in my 'top five' examples of human repulsion on RIU, but he's steadily earning a spot with comments like that one...
Uhm he was online a day after this thread was made
Don't take everything so seriously he's not dead he's on slow mode from the forum


Wait a minute here Sunni , I am not in the wrong here and not by a long shot , I ask a simple and valid question in a polite manner & get obscenely viscous responses ,responses based on pure hate & being as mean spirited as humanly possible & you admonish me for being pissed off ?

I just don't get it , the rules used to be the hate Buck sock constantly spews was limited to politics forum only , me being super pissed off at seeing a thread created for the sole purpose of directing absolute hatred twords another long term valued member is not an over reaction on my part .

I do not see how the membership , or website itself benefits in any way from this kind of hatred in a community full of stoners who have so much in common , I'm not pushing your buttons either , I truly do not understand how this rampant hatred he spews is in any way a good business model .

what's your opinion on your buddy wanting to round up and deport your family members?

I don't even have a single fucking clue wtf your talking about buck , remember I was gone for nearly a year & missed much , no matter what anybody's opinion here is about my immigrant family I don't wish them harm , death or I'll will , I'd prefer to show them we are not bad people instead of lashing out like a maniac if possible .
I wasn't aware he'd said that....wow, what a disgusting creep.

Nothing like labeling my wife's family as "organized crime". Does this person have to return to the site?

He wasn't in my 'top five' examples of human repulsion on RIU, but he's steadily earning a spot with comments like that one...
Oh! list your top five then!
Wait a minute here Sunni , I am not in the wrong here and not by a long shot , I ask a simple and valid question in a polite manner & get obscenely viscous responses ,responses based on pure hate & being as mean spirited as humanly possible & you admonish me for being pissed off ?

I just don't get it , the rules used to be the hate Buck sock constantly spews was limited to politics forum only , me being super pissed off at seeing a thread created for the sole purpose of directing absolute hatred twords another long term valued member is not an over reaction on my part .

I do not see how the membership , or website itself benefits in any way from this kind of hatred in a community full of stoners who have so much in common , I'm not pushing your buttons either , I truly do not understand how this rampant hatred he spews is in any way a good business model .

I consider myself a pretty decent/logical fellow, and I've gotta say, I'm just not seeing the "rampant hatred spewing" on Buck's part. Sure, he does go a bit 'farther' in some cases than I myself would, but I think you are being unfair in your assessment.

I've not seen him insult/verbally attack anyone that isn't a despicable person or an outright villain....calling out racists, homophobes, xenophobes, right-wing maniacs, 'religious' zealots, pedophiles, etc. seems more like the essence of a passionate progressive thinker, to me - am I missing something here?
My bad he's not on slow mode
Don't kill me I make mistakes :p

But he did log in the day after this thread was posted
I consider myself a pretty decent/logical fellow, and I've gotta say, I'm just not seeing the "rampant hatred spewing" on Buck's part. Sure, he does go a bit 'farther' in some cases than I myself would, but I think you are being unfair in your assessment.

I've not seen him insult/verbally attack anyone that isn't a despicable person or an outright villain....calling out racists, homophobes, xenophobes, right-wing maniacs, 'religious' zealots, pedophiles, etc. seems more like the essence of a passionate progressive thinker, to me - am I missing something here?

1st of all its not bucks Job to be calling anybody here out for anything , its the staffs job not unclebucks job , he is not staff here & is subject to the exact same code of conduct as all other members are , it is bucks job to follow the site rules , and if he can't follow the site rules then he should be banned , as I've seen hundreds before him be for a fraction of what he does .

Who here thinks having a radical social justice warrior in charge of site morality is a great idea ? I sure as hell don't & I'm married to a black skinned immigrant muslim woman who bore me 3 mixed race children .

No member here has the right to run this site freely , acting as his ideas are the moral high ground on this site , unless the name ADMIN appears in his avatar , its not bucks job or moral right as a member to impose his social justice warrior values across this entire site at will , rules apply to buck the same as you & I & I say if he can't follow the rules than he should be banned , I've been here a decade as a moderator and regular member & know for a fact Buck has caused more trouble than any racist , homophone , xnophobe ( stupid fucking word ) islamaphobe and any other phobe , ist or ism we can list .
I don't even have a single fucking clue wtf your talking about buck , remember I was gone for nearly a year & missed much , no matter what anybody's opinion here is about my immigrant family I don't wish them harm , death or I'll will , I'd prefer to show them we are not bad people instead of lashing out like a maniac if possible .

this is what your buddy has been saying about your family.


It is time to put mosque's under the RICO act as organized crime.

....Today it is muslims fear Bikers Day....

is he what you would consider a "valued member"?
1st of all its not bucks Job to be calling anybody here out for anything , its the staffs job not unclebucks job , he is not staff here & is subject to the exact same code of conduct as all other members are , it is bucks job to follow the site rules , and if he can't follow the site rules then he should be banned , as I've seen hundreds before him be for a fraction of what he does .

Who here thinks having a radical social justice warrior in charge of site morality is a great idea ? I sure as hell don't & I'm married to a black skinned immigrant muslim woman who bore me 3 mixed race children .

No member here has the right to run this site freely , acting as his ideas are the moral high ground on this site , unless the name ADMIN appears in his avatar , its not bucks job or moral right as a member to impose his social justice warrior values across this entire site at will , rules apply to buck the same as you & I & I say if he can't follow the rules than he should be banned , I've been here a decade as a moderator and regular member & know for a fact Buck has caused more trouble than any racist , homophone , xnophobe ( stupid fucking word ) islamaphobe and any other phobe , ist or ism we can list .

RIU Hall-monitor to the rescue!!!!!
this is what your buddy has been saying about your family.

is he what you would consider a "valued member"?

Yes Buck , I would consider him a 100x more valuable member than you , or any other fanatical social justice warrior like you .

Last I checked RIU was a site for potheads , not radical social justice warriors who bash & smother all opinions that don't follow social justice warrior etiquite , were big boys here & don't need or want you to be the moral compass of rollitup.org .
Yes Buck , I would consider him a 100x more valuable member than you , or any other fanatical social justice warrior like you .

Last I checked RIU was a site for potheads , not radical social justice warriors who bash & smother all opinions that don't follow social justice warrior etiquite , were big boys here & don't need or want you to be the moral compass of rollitup.org .

so your family should be rounded up and deported, mosques should be made illegal, and scumbag bikers should be free to intimidate and harass your wife because she is muslim?
so your family should be rounded up and deported, mosques should be made illegal, and scumbag bikers should be free to intimidate and harass your wife because she is muslim?

One more time for the slow kid , you are a social justice warrior , you are not a staff member here , it is not your job , or your right to enforce moral standards at rollituo.org , rules apply to you , although not enforced .
One more time for the slow kid , you are a social justice warrior , you are not a staff member here , it is not your job , or your right to enforce moral standards at rollituo.org , rules apply to you , although not enforced .

running away from the question, eh?
One more time for the slow kid , you are a social justice warrior , you are not a staff member here , it is not your job , or your right to enforce moral standards at rollituo.org , rules apply to you , although not enforced .
Coming on a bit heavy it seems. I for one was glad that the thread where you kept violating suni's request to stop sharing graphic images of mutilated women was censored and locked down. I never understood why it was that you weren't disciplined for that. Then later you came on pretty heavy about how rough I was with people on this site -- character assassination, I think you called it. I understand though, I was unfair to you earlier but, man you have a thin skin for a raging bull.

I suspect your are not objective at all. So rage on dude. What in hell do you moderate. You don't seem to be moderate at all. Extreme is how I put it. "Extremerator"

Am I glad Nitro was banned -- or as suni said -- super de duper slowed down? Yes I am. Because he was a racist bigoted spambot who showed no respect for the dead or grieving even when asked. He crossed the line with me when he couldn't slow his "hate on Muslim" roll during the raw moments immediately after 49 people were gunned down in Orlando. Not that my opinion matters.