I think the most annoying nit wit has turned out to be Scott Baio. He was cuter when he kept his mouth shut.The most annoying character from Happy Days is now deceased.
I remember seeing an autobiography on her a few years back.
She seemed like a party girl and got her share of cock on the set.
I don't think teenage heart throbs are known for their brains. Chachi was a bumbling mini Fonz in training. Joanie's enthusiasm and fake smile irked me. The least that show could have done is give us a fuckable daughter.I think the most annoying nit wit has turned out to be Scott Baio. He was cuter when he kept his mouth shut.
I remember seeing an autobiography on her a few years back.
She seemed like a party girl and got her share of cock on the set.
If the blacks down south weren't so lazy there would be no illegals and everyone would have a job.