R.I.P. Erin Moran

I rubbed out a few to her. RIP, Joanie...

In 2012, Erin and her hubby Steven Fleischmann lost their home in California to foreclosure. Moving in with Steven’s mom in an Indiana trailer park didn’t work out either as Erin’s hard-partying reportedly got them the boot.

Since then, the couple had been living with friends and bouncing from one seedy motel to another. Her closest pals feared she had already burned through her $65,000 that she won in a lawsuit over Happy Days royalties from CBS back in 2011.

How depressing...
I remember seeing an autobiography on her a few years back.
She seemed like a party girl and got her share of cock on the set.
Baio definitely peaked during the filming of Bugsy Malone. After that he slid down the shit slope taking Joanie and Nicole with him (others too, like Singlemalt said).
some other "seriously fucked up shitbags"bongsmilie

woody guthrie,
Jackie Robinson
bob mathias
muhammad ali
audie murphy
howard stern
rhonda rousey

I think the most annoying nit wit has turned out to be Scott Baio. He was cuter when he kept his mouth shut.
I don't think teenage heart throbs are known for their brains. Chachi was a bumbling mini Fonz in training. Joanie's enthusiasm and fake smile irked me. The least that show could have done is give us a fuckable daughter.