Puffdatchronic's Cinderella 99 Journal


Active Member
Nice, have a great time Kite. Be careful out there, things are crazy on Las Vegas Blvd I hear. High speed chases in Italian cars and guns blazing!!

oh I will ...and I'll post the pics in your thread if you like...

Well off to Vegas I go....

going see this




Active Member
PD, she does look great in natural light. I agree with A&C, trimming looks to be a snap. I am planning on a day 52 harvest too and am anxious to see if the pistils start turning in time for you to make that happen.


Well-Known Member
Yeah gd that makes a change.. first strain i've done that will be easy tro trim.woo hoo

and yeah kite post in here if you want..we might even get admin to change the title to puffdatchronics and kite highs c99 journal...and have fun in vegas..


Well-Known Member
I SAY DON' WORRY! *deedle lee dee doo doo* BOUT A THING! *deedle lee dee doo doo* CAUSE EVRY LITTLE THING.. GONNA BE ALRIGHT! *deedle lee dee doo doo*

Damn Puff, was havin a bad day at work today, partner a piece of shit I gotta babysit all day long, and this song come on the radio and I knew... EVRY LITTLE THING.. GONNA BE ALRIGHT! *deedle lee dee doo doo*

Your lady lookin sexy there mon!

Purpsdro: I got a small room like Puff and I just grow for myself. I usually run 4 x 3 gal smartpots ( similar size Puff got going ) which give me same results as 5 gal plastic pots, with only difference being the amount I water. Tried a 10 gal pot x 1 one time and shit got out of control with size. Bigger pots do give bigger yields ( all variables staying the same of course ) but sometimes it ends up a little too much for the space you have to work with. That was when I was running 400w... @ 250w I think Puff is spot on with a 3 gal pot. Especially since he doesn't run carbon filters...

I believe personally, smaller pots make the plants more manageable and leave for a little error ( not all eggs in one basket in my case ). Not only this, but a 250w is only going to penetrate so far into the plant. Obviously if Puff runs this again he'd be ok as she's wide open for light, but an indy dom would choke out the light if she were in a 5-10 gal with the same light.

Keep those pics coming baby! Got me droolin here mon! :weed:


Well-Known Member
hey diggin thanks mon! . Question ,is it normal for a plant to start to drink less towards the end? After great dane said to make sure i wasnt overwatering ,i had a good feel of the pot today as she was due i thought ,but she is not drying out the way she was before...so i'm wondering is this a normal thing?

anyway diggin since you asked heres a few day 36 bud shots.First pic is of some popcorn that is just begging to sampled soon :fire:



Well-Known Member
It could seem logical if the plant isn't growing as fast as it starts to finish off. Its putting all its energy into building and hardening buds, not using high volumes of energy to "grow"? Just a hypothesis.


Active Member
Hey puff, interesting that you have said this. I have thought that I would have had to go sooner between watering, but they have stayed the same and taken a bit less. My day 50 pic is up. They get chopped tomorrow!!! :)


Well-Known Member
cool thanks dudes,i thought that might be it ,the roots look fine.Not long to go now then..

LG - thats awsome dude ...i'll pop in to your journal now and have a look.


Well-Known Member
hey diggin thanks mon! . Question ,is it normal for a plant to start to drink less towards the end? After great dane said to make sure i wasnt overwatering ,i had a good feel of the pot today as she was due i thought ,but she is not drying out the way she was before...so i'm wondering is this a normal thing?

anyway diggin since you asked heres a few day 36 bud shots.First pic is of some popcorn that is just begging to sampled soon :fire:

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She looks like she still has a few weeks to go. My plants go through wet and dry spells, they will drink super fast, and sometimes they drink slowly. But yea, usually towards the end they seem to drink a little less on average. The way I do it, is... look at the hairs and trichs, as soon as I see a couple amber trichs, I stop watering and feeding, which is usually about 8 days before harvest. And then 24 hours before harvest I shut off the lights, and I try to make the room as cold as possible.

At this point too, I would be watering her with ice cold water. That's what I will be doing starting next week.

Oh, and, she looks amazing! She will be such a good smoke!


Well-Known Member
Cool man, personally I don't do it like that ,I just go by the instructions on the bottle really. Most times it's not enough N for the stretch so I have to upthat way more than the guidelines ,I forgot to up it in time for this cindy and she got quite a few yellow leaves lower down before I realised. I also don't dry it out pre harvest like that ,I a lot of people do ,but I have the theory that a nice moist bud at harvest will cure a lot better...I like my buds to stay on the moist side of dry for as long as possible..that’s my style anyway..The ice water might be something to try to stress it a few days before harvest..hmm.is that why you do it,or do you do it to try and get the purple thing?

Oh and yours looks amazing to man! We will be both smoking the dank nugz this spring!



Well-Known Member
You are absolutely right about watering up to harvest, if you are good at curing that is. So I suspect you are much better at it than I am. The reason I starve the girls prior to harvest is because I have yet to perfect curing. ( I know, it should be a simple process... )

As for the ice water method, I do it to shock the plants, you are exactly right. What I have noticed over the past few grows, is that ice water seemed to have help build trichs as well as a little bit of color formation, on what would not normally be a colored bud. I've noticed reddish hairs as opposed to orange, I've also noticed hints of blues and purples on buds that were supposed to be straight green. But, YMMV, and I don't think it will adversely affect your plant anyway, so it's always worth a shot!

By the way, Im not sure I have asked this yet, but are you using any bud hardener or sweetener?


Well-Known Member
Hey man ,I use topmax from biobizz .

Yankee,I have heard of the ice water thing before but i was always unsure as to whether it was just to make it purple or if it was to stress it into more trich production.

From my limited knowledge ,stress just before harvest causes the plant to go into overdrive trich production..sort of as a last ditch attempt to stay alive/product its seeds..I knew gowers can do this with extended dark periods of 1 - 3 days .I knew there was other ways, so now there's another one i know of.The ice water will shock the plant and there's the added bonus of the colouration.The theory behind that is that alot of cannabis strains have a pigment that will turn purple in cold temperatures..it doenst just have to be granduaddy purps..lot of strains you can purp up with cold...

see4 the curing stage for me .. I dry the buds until they feel dry on the outside but they don't snap . then i jar them and burp them twice a day for half an hour each time and after each burp try and get different sides of bud exposed to the air in the jar.One week of that and then one week of once a day,then one week of every other day.I guess it depends on alot of factors though..bud density ,your climate etc..