Puffdatchronic's Cinderella 99 Journal


Well-Known Member
wait wait. with 18 days left, I do not recommend feeding. Flush, definitely. But maybe not feed. Maybe give calmag or a sweetener, but i would recommend you final few feedings be with plain water and a final flush solution... then in the last 5-7 days, let her run dry...


Well-Known Member
if you do a feeding, make it light, like 500ppm or something... the objective is to get the plant to extract all the nutrients it can from itself... that is where you begin to see discoloring of the foliage itself.. that is what makes the buds taste less chemmy.


Well-Known Member
i have heard the same thing but it sounds like he has time to do it. my buddy uses urine half cup per gallon for nitrogen sounds crazy but i heard it works and his plants dont look wierd or smell like it dunno just trying to offer some sort of option. hope it turns out well. im sure it will puff


Active Member
Hey PD, what have you been feeding them the last 1-2 weeks? Do you know what your soil ppm is? A flush might help if your soil is locked.

My SWAG would be N deficiency though in my experience the yellowing generally starts toward the bottom of the plant not around the buds. I have seen it if I don't carry over N into the flower cycle at elast a couple/few weeks (personally, I taper off N a third to halfway through bloom). Do your bloom nutes/coctail also contain some N? If not, when was the last time she had it? Around the flip?

If (big IF) the soil is locked and with more than two weeks to go it's a tough call on resuming feeding.

Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for chipping in with some infoand concern.It's no biggy ,shes still healthy enough and a bit of a flush and a feed will have done her the world of good.I use organic nutes ,so i don't know if a salt build up or lockout was possible but ,shes fine..and i have yet to have a plant look the picture of health come harvest ,but i still end up with some good smoke.. :mrgreen: .Anyway tommorow will be 5 weeks of flowering complete.Checked in on her and shes starting to look the real deal ,sticky icky icky ,oo ee

look at dankage for day 34




Well-Known Member
so frosty and so yummy! after looking at the close up. you and kite are right. a flush and a feeding would do her good. but nothing to stress about, she actually looks pretty good.


Well-Known Member
yeah she'll get over the finish line i'm sure.Not pro enough to keep them healthy all the way through yet..maybe i could do with using a bigger pot ,that could be an issue


Active Member
Hey guys thanks for chipping in with some infoand concern.It's no biggy ,shes still healthy enough and a bit of a flush and a feed will have done her the world of good.I use organic nutes ,so i don't know if a salt build up or lockout was possible but ,shes fine..and i have yet to have a plant look the picture of health come harvest ,but i still end up with some good smoke.. :mrgreen: .Anyway tommorow will be 5 weeks of flowering complete.Checked in on her and shes starting to look the real deal ,sticky icky icky ,oo ee

look at dankage for day 34


View attachment 2535526

Starting to look frosty Puffdat! That's going to be some great shit!


Active Member
Hey man, also make sure that you let her dry out well between waterings. Don't drown her chasing a problem that's not there. Personally, I think she looks great!!


Well-Known Member
I think she looks ok to.She has developed that little issue which i hope doesnt progess.I'm really happy with her though.the buds look amazing ,the pictures don't do them justice they actually look sticky...can't wait to grind one up into a joint ...

GD thanks dude- I try not to overwater ,the pot is usually light enough to water every other day

purps thanks man - she is in a 2 - 3 gallon pot ..somewhere in that region but i don't know for sure..

brewer thundercat and pittsburg ..thanks dudes

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Yeah i would say, leave her be.. She looks fantastic. The real question is this.. is she really gona be ready in 18days.. hmmm
lol, just had to throw that out there.
Those are gona be some long ass Cola's. Even better is it looks like your gona have a cake walk trimming her. your gona have very little fine trimming to do which is sweet.


Well-Known Member
Damn Puff that is one sexy bitch you got there, she has thicked up so much in just a week or so :D well done sir *tips hat*


Well-Known Member
Purps ,yeh man i think i will try a bigger pot next time...

Kite ,thanks man ..and do it dude.. and post pics or it didn't happen :lol:

adam .. thanks man ,i don't blame you for throwing that out there ..she doesnt look near ready yet although she is starting to get brown pistils lower down the plant..hope she will start maturing real quick before i fuck things up entirely...

eastcoast .. cheers man ,yeah she is getting heavy now the branches are starting to lean under the weight ..i'm starting to wonder what the best way of supporting this bush structure is gnna be..

I brought her out of the closet there to have a look.. the hps light shining on the leaves makes things look alot worse i think.. doesnt look to bad in the natural light.


Kite High

Well-Known Member
oh I will ...and I'll post the pics in your thread if you like...

Well off to Vegas I go....

going see this

