Puffdatchronic's Cinderella 99 Journal


Active Member
Hey Kite, how do you take the yellow out of the photos? Makes the pics heaps nice
I asked the same question a couple of days ago...

Kite, are you doing this in iPhoto? A lesson please if you don't mind.
His response

no....gimp is what I am using...just cool the color and move the tint more towards green
I tried it in iPhoto, work great!!


Active Member
PD, what can I say. You have done a great job with this girl and I can't wait for a review of her smoke. It won't let me add more rep right now but as soon as I can I will. I remember when you found what you thought were male flowers about three weeks ago. Man am I glad you thought that through and didn't destroy her. Posted new pics of mine from last night, check them out.


Well-Known Member
Those last pics are looking fantastic Puffdat! She is really getting some nice tall colas on her and looks nice and frosty.


Well-Known Member
Both of my Cindy's are almost big enough to take a clone off of. I'm hoping since both are currently trying to grow 2 shoots that once I take one off each as a clone that the other will take off growing nicely. I'd like them to get big enough I can clone them at least once more before I flower them. Its gonna all depend on how well they do. I want to keep this cindy around, but I also need it to grow a bit faster then it has been.


Active Member
Both of my Cindy's are almost big enough to take a clone off of. I'm hoping since both are currently trying to grow 2 shoots that once I take one off each as a clone that the other will take off growing nicely. I'd like them to get big enough I can clone them at least once more before I flower them. Its gonna all depend on how well they do. I want to keep this cindy around, but I also need it to grow a bit faster then it has been.
TC, mine are day 29 from seedling and are 9-10 ". This strain is a slow starter as you know, but just look at PD's latest pics. Oh yeah!!! :hump:


Well-Known Member
Should be able too go from 2-4 soon, and hopefully 4-8 a few more weeks after that. I'm hoping that once it gets matured and groing well that the clones will also do this, and not slow back down. That will be the key as to whether I will be able to keep it around in the long run. Well that and how it actually flowers, we'll have to see if it like only having one cola.

From the looks of yours I hope each of my single colas will turn out like those nice tall colas on your plant puff.


Well-Known Member
starting to stress dudes.I check on her today and found she is developing quite a defficiency or something.The leaves right at the top to..which is probably a bad sign.Still got 18 days left.The buds are getting nice and sparkly with crystals but i hope she aint gonna conk out on me and not fatten up.Still hink i'll get a few oz but i'm now starting to think i'll be lucky to get that rather than shooting for higher.

To late to really do anything about it now? Just gonna have to ride it out



Well-Known Member
I second that, about the flush and feed. Is the def you are talking about just the yellowing we can see in the pic or something more? Your also far enough along I bet your gonna be fine. I know the feeling of always wondering how much better it could be or have been.


Well-Known Member
The flushing is to clean it out incase its not a DEF and rather its locked out. I believe N def is what the yellowing looks like, thus the feeding with grow nutes after the flush.