Psilocybe Cubensis Equadorian

I can't even pronouce what the thread name is. How long does it take to make them things? and harvest.
haha, about 20-40 days For the mycelium spawn run.
Then once your final substrate is fully collonized it is about 6-10 days before you see pins. Healthy pins only take 3-4 days before they are several inch's long and are close to maturity.
Okay, I have finnally found my memory card so im gonna fill everyone in on whats been happening in beaners world the past few weeks, to start with i will show you the process i went through to convert standard brown rice flour cakes into a cased substrate...

First lets talk about supplys, before i started i collected;
1. sterile casing material (50/50 peat moss/vermiculite, with oyster shell powder to raise the ph)
2. fully collonized brown rice flower cakes, I used 2 for this experement.
3. paper towels and evaporating hand sanitizer
4. light resistant substrate container
5. freezer bag

First i used the hand sanatizer and paper towels to somewhat steralize the container that the substate will be birthed into. after the sanitizer evaporated I layed a 1/4-1/2 inch layer of damp casing material on the bottom of the pan, casing should drip a few drops when squeezed but not a lot.

I then birthed the two cakes into the freezer bag, and using my kabar, broke the cakes up into 4-5 peices each, be carefull with this step if you try it, i stabbed a pretty deep hole in my hand, most teks recomend a fork.


afterward i broke it up into pieces the size of a dice, by mushing them from the outside of the bag, then i poured the crumbled cakes onto the casing.


the final step is too pour another 1/4-1/2 inch layer of casing on top of the crumbled cakes.

the casing layers simulate the wild, the casing is sprayed daily to be kept moist, after casing they are put back into a dark warm place for another 5 days or so, if mycelium started to sprout through the casing after a day or two i added a bit more to keep the mycellium layer even. 5 days later they were put into a second fruiting chamber (ice cream bucket with a bit of damp pearlite, nothing fancy) and given a few hours of light a day, durring the bulk of the day they sit 2 feet above ground on a shelf in my closet. this is done because the majority of contaminants are within 12 inches of the floor. after a week or so, bam! pins are forming!!!
I missed out on posting the most important part of the thread, the first harvest, now be warned it was a very stunted and small harvest, They were growing so slow that i harvested them before the veils broke and the caps filled out. I have solved the problem since, but i will get into that with my next post of my current situation. the yield was about one small dose, after reading up i think it was between 15-20 grams wet, dried out this would be about 1.5-2 grams, which was just enough for my first experience tripping on my own mushrooms. I started out eating 2 at a time, ever hour or so for about 3 hours, then gaining a little confidence (all i felt was an overwelming happyness and joy from such a small dose) and ate the remaining mushies, which when coupled with a scenic pond and some good weed, i tripped tits!!




Okay, finally it is time to show you how the second flush of mushrooms is coming along. first, after i harvested the mushrooms from the 3 cakes, i submerged them in tap water and stuck them in the fridge still underwater for 24 hours. when the time was up i rolled them in dry sterile virmiculite and put them back in the containers. after about 3-5 days of misting they started to pin, just yesterday the casing also started to pin. 4 days after pinning, they were growing faster than the first flush, but still much too slow, something was still wrong!!!

I posted questions on several shroom websites and i was told the problem was everything from genetics, low humidity, high humidity, and lack of free air exchange (air circulation). i have been systematicly testing all the theorys and have concluded 2 nights ago that the problem was 75% lack of free air exchange, and 25% low moisture in the cakes. to solve this i have been leaving the fruiting chambers cracked open 24/7 and spraying a mist of super fine drops of water in them with a light fanning 3-6 times a day. for the past 48 hours since i started doing this they have trippled in size and are growing much faster than they ever have before. this means i should have close to 70 grams by next weekend if all goes well, the dunked cakes were pretty stunted for 4 days with low free air exchange so they are not going to reach there full potential, but i should get at least one more flush after this to try for an even better harvest.



Looks like a touch of Vert. AKA dry bubble to me. Nothing wrong with it just an aesthetic problem. Some strains such as KSSS seem to be more susceptible to it than others.
I'm going to venture the guess that nutrients weren't high enough. I am going to try either blackberry vine or wild bird seed for my next grow. I haven't seen anyone use blackberry but all fungi wants is vegetable matter and blackberry is high fiber/wood content so molds will have a harder time permeating it than the stronger peroxide generating mycelium.
hahahahaha! they were good though, i was gonna show you guys what the second flush harvest looked like but i just kinda started picking them and eating them, now they are all gone and im majorly messed up. i feal like im living in a permanent dejavu.

the problem was lack of air circulation, i guess thats very important to the little buggers, the second flush grew super nice once i fixed the problem, 3-4 inches long in like 3 days.

im going to isolate a good substrain next. my first casing flush is going good and ill pick the biggest fastest growing shroom and clone him, and make 9 more cakes with his genes, and start a few larger casings.

maybe it's just the mushrooms im on but i just can't believe how cheep and easy this all was to do, i definatly recomend everyone to try it, it's a blast. they grow so fast that it's pretty much instant gratification, and eating them is indescribable. just really neeto is all
are you shitting me???jeez i had no idea it was that much, im going to have to, aaaaaahhhhh sober up i guess i keep forgeting what im thinking...
i like that casing of yours man.
Looks like things are coming along.

in the future you will get much better harvests, don't worry.

Goodluck buddy !

don't forget to stay in touch !
next time you case, spawn to Poo or coir and you will get much better results. great job on your first grow
yeah i have lots of plans for the futur, after i master bulk casings with brown rice flour cakes and strain isolation, i will hopefully find a good source of aged horse poo and go for even larger casings. I also want to try pan caans, supposedly the most potent of all halucinagenic mushrooms. does anyone know what the yeild for them would be compared to cubensis? i know it's a lot less but i want to try growing them eventually. im seeing a lot of cool cubensis strains also, like the albino strains.

tomorow ill update on the casing, the cakes are bald, i got at least a third more than my last harvest, and consequently, i tripped at least that much harder, it was a great night, i am still fealing quite philisophical. they are still very moist so i think im just going to skip the dunk this flush and try for a 3rd pf cake harvest and a first casing harvest by wednesday, my next and only day off of the week.