Psilocybe Cubensis Equadorian

u can do it, u just shouldnt. it only takes 10-15 minutes at most for a medium container with wet perlite on the bottom to get back to 98%+ humidity. its a metal container--is the top clear?
it's a heavy duty polystyrene box for transporting human guts and stuff, lol i found it at my moms place a few weeks ago, she is a chemist that works with human kidneys, i don't really understand what she does...anyways this one was never used so i cut a big rectangle hole in the top and put plastic over it. you said something about a foil tray? i don't know what you wanted me to do with it but should i just pour an inch of vermiculite into the bottom of my fruiting chamber and then put water in till it reaches the top of the vermiculite or is it all gonna float on top of the water? and do i put the cake right on top of the virmiculite?
no, you dont put verm. on the bottom of your FC you soak perlite iin water for 10 min. and let it drain for 10 min. then put that in the bottom of your FC., and dont put the cakes right on top of it, put them on the jar lids or put them on a piece of tin foil.
okay, it's just the pf tek said to keep the water at a quarter inch at the bottom, i didn't think pearlite absorbed water? It also says the first day and after every flush you should leave the cake on the pearlite to absorb water, as of right now 2-5 jars are in the fruiting chamber as well as my little experement, and although the experement seems to be making primordia, the jars are rapidly growing the mushies i have been waiting for. now if i only had the balls to try


Looks like a couple of good ones there man. Goodluck !
Don't forget to Fan your FC, at least twice a day !
I fan 6 times though ! :P

oh how i love the smell of a humid FC.
me toooo! mycelium has a sweat earthy smell, very very good smell. so ya think they will grow into mushrooms? the guys at arent very nice....
it looks good. u can mist the perlite just dont get the cakes wet when u do. mix a bit of peroxide in the water it will help. i innoculated my jars the other day, i'm not going to look at them for a week.

when your cakes drop in temperature that usually initiates pinning on the cake.. from 86 to 75 degrees, from jar to terrarium. if u innoculate and store at 75 youll get slow grow and unpredictable pinning.
i see, well for the most part they were kept on a seedling mat so i think i should be ok, the mushies have almost doubled in size overnight!!!how long till they are full size mushrooms?
yeah man.. they double their size about everyday.
If one stops growing and the Tip/head turns dark.
This is an abort, and you should pick it off the cake as soon as possible.

Got any update pictures ?
Have you checked out the yet ?
okay, some of them are almost an inch long today, still just the two cakes in the fruiting chamber. i havent found any aborts yet but an accidental shuffle knocked off 4 pins about a 1/4-1/3 of an inch long with tiny brown heads, how many of these would it take to trip? how many aborts would it take? I will update with pics in a little bit.

Flyvagaric, checked it out, seems really cheep but are they potent strains? i have been reading that potency varies a lot by strain and growing conditions, i am worried about wasting all this time and money on bunk mushrooms...hope they are good, but if i do another set of jars, i think im going to innoculate with mycelia water or chunks of mycelia in a glove box.
here is an update as of 5 min ago, im extrememly bored and thinking about just eating all the baby mushrooms off my cakes, think it will be enough?
yeah, its not even worth while trying to gather a bunch of pins.
Im thinking it would take somwhere around a 100 small aborts to trip.
maybe less for some people. Your cake doesn't look to bad for the first flush. A couple of those look like aborts though.

As for the strains on sporelab, They have the best strains around right now, I have ordered from them numerous times and im always happy and satisfied with the potency. Really, The potency doesn't vary much from each strain. It may have somthing to do with how they are grown, but every cubenses has about the same potency. Equador, Pesa, Dixieland, and costa ricans, are supposed to be really potent if you are having a hard time picking out some strains. B+ is potent as well.
The guy who owns the place is also a really nice guy. He always answers my questions promptly.

goodluck buddy !
yeah it can take up too seven, i think i saw a bit of fuzz on some by 5 days some by 7-9 days, keeping them between 75-80 degrees will help, but don't overdoit! apparently they can die from too much heat pretty easily...
flyvargic, holy crap that took only 3 days?? what am i doing wrong??? mine pinned 4 days ago and are a 3rd of that size!!!! Im reaserching how to case them with 50/50 virmiculite/peat and the last two cakes will be crumbled and cased. though i am going to have to ask the folks at why my damn mushies are so slow growing...
mushies are doing good, today i made a vermiculite/peatmoss casing for the last 2 jars tomorow i will mix oyster shells in to raise the ph. it was steralized and is waiting for the calcium carbonate, after the casing recipe is complete ill take a tuppaware and line the bottom with one cm of sterile moist casing material, then crumble the last two cakes onto the casing and top with more of the same casing. after that ill cover the tin in aluminum foil with a few holes for oxegen to get in and stick them in my dark spot for another 5 days, we will see how this yeilds compared to the three traditional pf cakes.

