Psilocybe Cubensis Equadorian

okay my tuppaware seems to be doing good, the whole surface of the chunks of mycylia were pretty smooth yesterday from being in the jar but the tupperware is nice and humid and they are all growing a nice layer of white fuzz all over, im assuming thats the mycelia expanding a bit??? hopefully within a few days it will start to pin, im looking for a timeframe for my two experamental grows, the outdoor plot and my tuppaware plot, anyone have any ideas???also lets say my indoor does fruit well, after the first flush, could i dice the cake up into tiny chunks and just mix it with new fresh substrate and make a dozen more pre innoculated jars??? would the cake take over the cakes or would i have issues with seralization???? I just have no idea where to get sterile syringes and don't want to go through the trouble of making a whole new spore print and sryinge yet if i don't have too.
Flame treat the knife and dice it in full 100% colonization in a glovebox or near laminar flow hood. Simple enough. A piece of colonized substrate the size of a dime could start a new jar but id use a good amount per jar to spee up the process.
so steralize the jars, and steralize the knife, and cut up the unsterile cake and put it in? so that means no dry vermiculite on top? or is there a way to steralize that dry and put it on top?
my last 5 jars are now about 2 days from full colonazation, all but one, whom is completely colonized and starting to make little bumps all over the cake, even though it has been kept in the dark the whole season. im assuming thats what they call primordia??? should i move it to a growing chamber tomorow?


the chunks i cut off the contaminated cake are sitting there nice and fuzzy white, they spent a night in the fridge and still arent pinning though after 3-4 days, i see one small dome shaped dot about 2 ml across, it is slightly tan, im assuming this is going to be a mushroom but it hasn't done much since i noticed it last night.


any foresight as to what i can expect next or what i should be doing????


You need to kill the contaminated cake, even if it's white now, the bacteria has been transported by the mycellium to the rest of the cake, don't take chances, it CAN kill you.
Beaner, I thought I saw a green patch in one of the upper pictures.

If you have anything but pure, snow-white mycelieum, toss it because it's contaminated.

And from start to finish, shrooms are gonna take about 3 months.
:o you just had to show everyone everything you need is in a bag of brown rice flour and vermiculite... LOLLOL
I usually stick to the topic of the website but hey.. I suggest you not work with contaminated cakes.. and if you do so work with them in isolated fruit chambers. I am working with a contaminated cake that i saved, by doing a cold water dunk in Soapy water, yes Soapy Water. Mycelium is very hardy if you haven't already learned this. Have you dunked your cakes yet ?
You simply imerge them in a tupper wear with a lid. fill to the top with water and push the cake down with the lid, seal. I always put my tupperwear in the fridge during a dunk. You can dunk for as long as 24 hours or as less as 5 hours. people usually go with a 12 hour dunk.

I wish you alot of luck.

ps. it takes about 7 to 8 days to pin.
you should visit, or See you there !
As for your outdoor idea.. soon Fungus gnats will come in and lay millions of eggs all over that beautiful cake... These worms will eat away at the cake and any fruit that forms. If your going to be doing things outdoors, at least put the cake in a sealed container.
I have heard there is a kind of nematoad/worm thing that will eat the fungus gnat larvea and this is the about the only way to make an outdoor grow work. Fungus gnats are a pain in the ass.
everywhere i read said to throw your old contaminated and spent stuff in a compost pile so i did it, couldn't hurt. I am on, but the mods said it was ok to put it on this site as this is my internet home. and no all 5 jars are perfectly white, i have been watching closely.
empty syrings? 5 bucks a piece??? ouch, i would rather get those dinky diabetis/heroin needles, that seems like a ripoff. but i don't know i have never bought them.

i think tomorow or the next day im going to pic up more jars and virmiculite, i still have a bag of brown rice flour. and i will make a glove box and use some steralized tweezers to break off chunks of one of the cakes and put them in the new jars. then i won't even have to worry about syringes.
If you have anything but pure, snow-white mycelieum, toss it because it's contaminated.
Trich starts off pure white which makes it hard to detect at first, its only when it makes its well known green spores that turn it green, check out the pictures i have enclosed. 1st pic shows trich in its pure white stage, second shows it as it turns yellowish green and then later green. 3rd pic shows true trich as green as itll get. 4th is your typical agar bacteria, named such because i only see it cloneing on agar, never on other substrates. 5th is yellow mold on mycellium or myc piss, havent been able to determine 100% but a good smell makes me fell kinda dizzy so im inclined to think it is mold.
it CAN kill you.
Not all bacterias and mold will kill you. Most will if you are exposed to them on a daily basis but not one can kill you with one sniff. Molds and bacteria associated with mycology however do cause many bad effects. Trich effects your respritory system for the worse and yellow mold can give you liver cancer in large quantities. However, if you only have one infected jar, dont work about it killing you as it wont.




beaner: a good way to make a humidified fruit chamber for you.

take a rubbermaid or likewise bin, that light can get through the top is preferable. it will need light. line the bottom with an inch of perlite to get right amount, take it out, soak it and drain excess water out, put it back in the bottom and flatten it out. use an air pump to run a hose inside, where u should have a little cup of water with a bit of hydrogen peroxide in it, bubble that to produce air for fruits. if u can have a couple small holes above the wet perlite but below your cakes co2 can escape. im assuming you'll sit them on foil bake pan inside the container. that should keep your humidity up.

as for innoc. temps, 86 is optimal for fast growth. growing at room temp will just slow down the process. excessive water will also slow down the process--which is why vermiculite is in about every recipe for mycellium.

a good method to keep growing is to break up the cakes after they are colonized and put them in foil cook pans, and make a case layer on top with some pasturized peat moss and perlite that is damp. keeping this layer slightly alkaline will produce more fruits. u can also lightly mist this layer to ensure fruiting in early stages. try not to get the mycellium wet.

in terms of easiest to contaminate, its easiest to do so in jar stage, less likely while your casing sits in dark, and least likely while fruiting.

you can always innoc 1 extra jar to break up and innoc all your next jars.

your process should go something like this. innoc, set in dark til colonized. break up and make case layer, set back in dark for 3-5 days to let roping form. then, into fruiting chamber, fruit once, pluck, twice, pluck, thrice, pluck, then use spent casing to make new jars.

hope some of that made sense.
yes it did for the most part, however can i substitute virmiculite on the bottom of the box? and a metal tin? i planned on putting them right on the virmiculite or held above with a screen, wich would be better? i have one cake with several pins, about a dozen that were forming while still in the jar, i dunked the cake for 12 hours and just looked at it, they don't seem to have grown much overnight, and arent nice and white like they were they seem a little brown, are these all aborts? should i just pick them now?pics will be on around 3pm, also if i use a water stone do i still need a dual chambered fruiting chamber to keep the condensation from dripping on them?
yes it did for the most part, however can i substitute virmiculite on the bottom of the box? and a metal tin? i planned on putting them right on the virmiculite or held above with a screen, wich would be better? i have one cake with several pins, about a dozen that were forming while still in the jar, i dunked the cake for 12 hours and just looked at it, they don't seem to have grown much overnight, and arent nice and white like they were they seem a little brown, are these all aborts? should i just pick them now?pics will be on around 3pm, also if i use a water stone do i still need a dual chambered fruiting chamber to keep the condensation from dripping on them?

i dont know about substituting perlite with vermiculite. sounds like it would work... and i dont know about metal it just seems that rusting metal would be undesirable. with the wet perlite at the bottom u dont need a top glass to catch the water drops because it takes away the need to mist. u still want a top on it tho (for humidity, but u knew that) and those might not be aborts give them a few days to grow. the air stone in the cup of water is just to introduce new air, because the fruits like oxygen not co2.. and in a sealed container you'll get co2 build up. if a lot of water dew forms on the top with this method, its probably because most of your heat is coming in from the top.
sounds good! i picked up a bag of pearlite at the grow shop today, will update with pics soon. so your saying the vermiculite on the bottom will keep it moist and the air stone just adds air, so i guess with this system i wont be able to open it up and look inside much?