Psilocybe Cubensis Equadorian

i cased the other two just now, i made a little tutorial and ill post later tonight or tomorow morning, im very very busy right
hey beaner. What i did, was i put my cakes directly onto the Perilite. Also the metal rims off the Jars can rust, I always like to get more cakes going while the cakes in the Fruit chamber are flushing.. SO we need those lids !!
The cakes wick up water from the perilite and the mushies near the bottom get HUGE. Also, when i birthed I dunked for 7 hours. I suggest you dunk after this first flush. Simply put the cake in a tupperwear with a lid, fill to the top with cold tap water, put the cake in, and put the lid on. Place the tupperwear in the fridge (or this is what i do, im sure you can leave it out in room temps, but i like the fridge because it is sterile in there)
A dunk really helps things. Don't worry about contams with a fully colonized cake.. You wash your hands right? :P This is what i harvested yesterday off one pint cake.


Equador is a very potent strain ;)...

goodluck with your pins beaner !
don't forget to dunk !
i just picked off a ton of aborts, and the ones that are growing all look like my big toe, the cap is tiny and the the stem is fat, they are growing super slow, they are on day six and no mushies over an inch. i asked people on shroomery and only one guy answered, he said it was the strain, that no matter what they will grow like small grapes...something tells me he is wrong but what do i do? nobody will help and i can't figure out how to fix it.
ok, i need some moral support. i checked on my cakes today, they're starting to show around the innoc points. everything looks well, except how long its taken for them to start. oh yea, and the fact my ferret some how got into the drawer they were in, ripped the plastic bag open that was around the plastic box they were in, and shredded the tin toil covers. HTF did he get in there you ask? i ask myself the same thing. i guess where theres a weasel, theres a way.

can i get some comforting advice? maybe that there is a chance they arent contaminated from weasel tampering/shinanagins/tom foolery? maybe he used his ninja technique to initiate their growth, thats what i think he did anyways.

also, im not sure if my jars are a little dry on the inside now? is it a bad idea to add some more water? its cracked corn mixed with vermiculite.

thx guise
hmmmm, well don't add water, that would kill the sterility, so all you have on the cakes is tinfoil? no lid for your jar? wow i dunno then, if your jars were exposed hope for the best but be carefull.
hmmmm, well don't add water, that would kill the sterility, so all you have on the cakes is tinfoil? no lid for your jar? wow i dunno then, if your jars were exposed hope for the best but be carefull.

lol no there are lids on the jars. actually the mycellium is starting to take off now and is looking nice, growing real quick. i bet those were just old spores that needed some time to come through. the ferret just tore the foil off a couple of the lids..but he didnt open the jars or anything.
okay, the foil only needs to be there for steralizing to keep excess water from getting in, im sure the moisture will last till they are done colonizing, spores that have been in suspended animation for a long time can take a while to get back to growing mode, man i have been neglecting rollitup pretty bad, i have spent all my free time for the last few days reading the entire faq on, as i once did on Overgrow years back... thanks for the pics flyvagaric! ive seen you on well i will log on to give everyone updated pics, then i may not be online for a while, starting a 2nd job yesterday and all, i will do my best though, thanks for all your help! on a second note, i harvested the three cakes today and started dunking them, yield was not so good, looks like about 70 grams wet from three cakes i was hoping for about 200 so better luck next flush, they will spend 24 hours underwater regaining moisture then go back into the fruiting chamber, where i will keep the moisture much higher this time, so as to reach my yield goals, i should be able to do this for 3-4 flushes of mushrooms, and either way, they have more than paid for themselves twice over, and that was a poor flush on only half my 6 cakes, i still have the cased cakes to flush 3 times and the other 3 standard pf cakes to flush 2 more times so lets all cross there fingers!!!
Hey guys, I was strolling around the web and came across this thread and "Equador" caught my eye. I currently am growing equador cubensis and am only now upon a fail-safe method of cultivation that I'd like to share with you.

First off-- you need to get off of

Anyone who is arrogant or unfriendly with helpful information ought not to be giving advice, especially if it can cost someone time and money. At you'll find some of the most informative and friendliest bunch of people that will help you on any and all methods. One guy in particular is a, I kid you not, rocket-mushroom, fucking scientist. He was made a moderator on the site and in fact, offers a compost grow bag that he PERSONALLY makes and sells through

I started with the PFtek and went all the way to fully colonized jars and then lost them to contamination. Then I did rye grain jars and lost about 24 of them, all to contamination. :wall: This grinded me mainly because I was impatient and I had invested so much money into the hobby. Before I gave up this guy on began selling his compost bags and they ran a promotion on them, which is still going on I may add.

What these bags do is give you an incubation chamber and a fruiting chamber all in one while maintaining the perfect temperature and humidity level without doing a thing. You inject them, put them on your shelf and leave them until you've got mushrooms.

But-- you don't inject just spores... you inject what's called, Liquid Culture.

I'll tell you how to make it and then I'll give you all the links at the end.:wink:

Liquid Culture Tek EASY EASY AND FAST

Materials Needed:
1 potato
1 bottle of Karo syrup
(go to your grocery store in the syrup section. It's there. I promise.)
Tyvek envelopes
(go to your post office and get them for FREE.)
4 mason jars, any size
tap water
cooking pot
aluminum foil
microspore tape
pressure cooker, or something to sterilize

1- boil a potato in a pot filled with about 4-6 cups of water.
2- when the potato is completely cooked, take out and dispose of. what you have is the most nutritious meal for your spores, eventually.
3- now pour 4 more cups of water into the pot, this is to dilute.
4- take your Karo and with a spoon, put about 10 tbsp. of syrup in the pot.
5- stir.
6- now fill 3/4 of the way however many jars you can with the mix and throw away the rest, (it's just potato juice and syrup...)
7- when you have your tyvek envelope, trace your mason jar lids onto it with a pen and then cut out the circles with scissors.

*now since you guys have PFtek jar lids, four holes in the corner you're going to have easily modify these lids... just take a screwdriver and punch a medium sized hole right into the middle. Easy!*

8- first, place the metal lid on the jar mouth
9- second, place the tyvek circle on the metal lid
10- third, put the lid ring on and screw tight!
11- wrap some tinfoil on the top and then sterilize them for an hour or so

...and that's it! When you take them out, let them cool and then inject 2cc of spores into them, then cover the injection hole with microspore tape that you can get at Eckerd, CVS, Walgreen's, and after 3 days you'll see some cum looking floaties in there. :hump: Haha, you'll see what I mean. After two weeks you'll be ready to pull that shit out and inject them into your compost bags. What you're doing here is speeding up the cubensis cultivation process, for one, and you're also providing your precious mycelium less time that they'll be exposed to things that may contaminate.

Take an empty syringe and pull out the clouds of mycelium and store them in the fridge. You'll have liquid left... throw it away.

Like I said, I've got 4 of these bags and my Equador, Cambodia, South America and Creeper's are eating the hell out of this shit.

This is where you find your new friends

This is where you find the FAQ for the bags and he actually shows Equadors as an example grow, check it out!

This is where you order them

Good luck to you guys!

Hey guys, I was strolling around the web and came across this thread and "Equador" caught my eye. I currently am growing equador cubensis and am only now upon a fail-safe method of cultivation that I'd like to share with you.

First off-- you need to get off of

Anyone who is arrogant or unfriendly with helpful information ought not to be giving advice, especially if it can cost someone time and money. At you'll find some of the most informative and friendliest bunch of people that will help you on any and all methods. One guy in particular is a, I kid you not, rocket-mushroom, fucking scientist. He was made a moderator on the site and in fact, offers a compost grow bag that he PERSONALLY makes and sells through

I started with the PFtek and went all the way to fully colonized jars and then lost them to contamination. Then I did rye grain jars and lost about 24 of them, all to contamination. :wall: This grinded me mainly because I was impatient and I had invested so much money into the hobby. Before I gave up this guy on began selling his compost bags and they ran a promotion on them, which is still going on I may add.

What these bags do is give you an incubation chamber and a fruiting chamber all in one while maintaining the perfect temperature and humidity level without doing a thing. You inject them, put them on your shelf and leave them until you've got mushrooms.

But-- you don't inject just spores... you inject what's called, Liquid Culture.

I'll tell you how to make it and then I'll give you all the links at the end.:wink:

Liquid Culture Tek EASY EASY AND FAST

Materials Needed:
1 potato
1 bottle of Karo syrup
(go to your grocery store in the syrup section. It's there. I promise.)
Tyvek envelopes
(go to your post office and get them for FREE.)
4 mason jars, any size
tap water
cooking pot
aluminum foil
microspore tape
pressure cooker, or something to sterilize

1- boil a potato in a pot filled with about 4-6 cups of water.
2- when the potato is completely cooked, take out and dispose of. what you have is the most nutritious meal for your spores, eventually.
3- now pour 4 more cups of water into the pot, this is to dilute.
4- take your Karo and with a spoon, put about 10 tbsp. of syrup in the pot.
5- stir.
6- now fill 3/4 of the way however many jars you can with the mix and throw away the rest, (it's just potato juice and syrup...)
7- when you have your tyvek envelope, trace your mason jar lids onto it with a pen and then cut out the circles with scissors.

*now since you guys have PFtek jar lids, four holes in the corner you're going to have easily modify these lids... just take a screwdriver and punch a medium sized hole right into the middle. Easy!*

8- first, place the metal lid on the jar mouth
9- second, place the tyvek circle on the metal lid
10- third, put the lid ring on and screw tight!
11- wrap some tinfoil on the top and then sterilize them for an hour or so

...and that's it! When you take them out, let them cool and then inject 2cc of spores into them, then cover the injection hole with microspore tape that you can get at Eckerd, CVS, Walgreen's, and after 3 days you'll see some cum looking floaties in there. :hump: Haha, you'll see what I mean. After two weeks you'll be ready to pull that shit out and inject them into your compost bags. What you're doing here is speeding up the cubensis cultivation process, for one, and you're also providing your precious mycelium less time that they'll be exposed to things that may contaminate.

Take an empty syringe and pull out the clouds of mycelium and store them in the fridge. You'll have liquid left... throw it away.

Like I said, I've got 4 of these bags and my Equador, Cambodia, South America and Creeper's are eating the hell out of this shit.

This is where you find your new friends

This is where you find the FAQ for the bags and he actually shows Equadors as an example grow, check it out!

This is where you order them

Good luck to you guys!


its nice being able to post something without having it censored, isnt it? i bet if i were to post on about something you could buy on they would censor the site because its a non-sponsor link.
yeah thats why rollitup is cool, though your a convincing salesman, oragami, almost sound like the folks that make fake profiles on myspace to sell you webcam thanks for the link, i kinda went off on a few of the upper echalaunt members over at on there whole attitude twords newbies and was in the process of looking for a more "rollitupesk" type mushroom site. sorry i have been so lazy with the pic uploading lately, i have been taking pics, just no time to load them. maybe ill get on that right now...
Yeah, just the other day I posted another site for someone to get Penis Envy spores and an hour later I see that the link was deleted on Shroomtalk. It happens. It's a small price to pay for the help those people provide. The root administrator is the owner of Spores101 and Mushbox so he likes to support his own company. But that's ok because he's always giving great deals, answers any question and erectifies any problem. One time I ordered a spore print and he sent me a spore syringe instead. It turns out, he didn't have any prints avail. so he sent me the syringe and then followed up with a print. I was surprised. And I know what you mean beanie about my post looking like something Tiffany from San Diego would write convincing you to come see her and her friends have a pillow fight in their dorm. Nah, I just really support the product I'm using right now. Either way homie, you should try that LC. You can use it with BRF and RYE teks also.
yeah im reading they like to censor quite a bit, krazy got banned for recomending another site on shroomtalk... there is definatly some interesting stuff on that site though, at this point i have had one successfull grow and untill i have more questions or feal i have learned enough to start helping (LONG way off) ill pretty much just be reading all i can about my new 2nd favorite hobbie.

my three cakes are pinning very nicely on there second flush, they are about half an inch long already, hoping to have them done by friday so i can eat them all again, lol! im bad i know, but with all the legitamite work i have been doing lately i wanna reallllllly relax on my few days off. the cased cakes are starting to worry me, they still havent' pinned in over a week, i may have jumped the gun on putting them in the FC but i would think i would still get a few pins, i mean what kinda mushroom cant sprout through half an inch of peat and vermiculite???there is the offchance that i screwed up the ph with oyster shells, i might have over done or under done the calcium carbonate. time will tell

im thinking about innoculating 4 more jars when i finnally get a day off. maybe 8 jars, but i don't feal like wasting all my brown rice flower, because there is a good chance ill get contamination pretty bad, i plan on just putting bits of mycelium in the steralized jars with a glove box and tweezers. im thinking about making a huge ass fruting chamber with a big rubbermade tub, and puting like 36 cakes in there, since i seem to be having more luck with them than bulk substrates...I kinda just want a ton of shrooms so i can go all addict on them and trip for a week or two, just piss of the girlfriend ya know??lolololol that would be funny.

Little Beanersclusive update, you may notice that i haven't updated my grow logs in a few weeks, that spawned from me being to lazy, now it has evolved into my stoner ass missplacing my memory card for my camera, i looked around, and im sure it will turn up, but untill then i can't take or upload any new pics, so, sorry for that, updates will be coming i promise!!!!
just dunk the little pieces for 24 hours before you place them into the glovebox.

you may want to take the pieces directly out of the dunking chamber and into the sterilized Jars.
without a glovebox? also should i be steralizing some dry virmiculite to case them with the same as with the standard pf tek? I have everything i need ready and waiting but im starting to worry my mushies are doing the same thing they did last time, they grow nice till about half an inch to an inch, then just kinda slow way down, the cap stays small and the stem gets really fat, is this a genetic problem or am i doing something wrong>??? I can't think of anything i could improve, they get fanned 6 times a day with super fine mist, damp pearlite, 24 hour dunk and roll, i would think that should take care of there fresh air and moisture requirements, but they are growing slow again!!!! everyone tells me it takes 2-3 days to grow from pin to mush, at this rate it will take me 3 weeks for the veils to break. Im thinking about ordering some "pesa" if i can find it or "b+" though i would rather have smaller more potent equadorians than huge weak b+ strain mushrooms. Im just worried if i order equadorian again i'll have the same problem.

Update on the casing, the damn thing is finally starting to pin a little, lots of hyphal knots, so hopefully soon, i wanna eat them damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you should only spawn the most vigorous rhizomorphic strains from your cakes, and put chucks on it into liquid culture. then all your mycellium will be that stuff. or you could put a chuck of it into one of your jars.
B+ is a very good strain. I have some bulk grows going right now with B+, and im likeing it.Pesa is just as good.

As for your problem with how big they are, this may be genetics.
You should try differen't strains man, most of them look the same but a few look differen't then eachother and have some nice characteristics.
Try some differen't strains man !
go to !
i asked a guy on shroom talk and he told me to leave the fruiting chamber open, turns out that was much of the problem, plants grew half an inch in the 8 hours i was at work. the cased cakes are starting to pin as well, i have very high hopes after looking at them today, mycelia is spreading a bit, and lots of pins are forming. looks like next weekend is gonna be fun, if i can get a day off work...