Hey guys, I was strolling around the web and came across this thread and "Equador" caught my eye. I currently am growing equador cubensis and am only now upon a fail-safe method of cultivation that I'd like to share with you.
First off-- you need to get off of shroomery.org
Anyone who is arrogant or unfriendly with helpful information ought not to be giving advice, especially if it can cost someone time and money. At shroomtalk.com you'll find some of the most informative and friendliest bunch of people that will help you on any and all methods. One guy in particular is a, I kid you not, rocket-mushroom, fucking scientist. He was made a moderator on the site and in fact, offers a compost grow bag that he PERSONALLY makes and sells through mushbox.com
I started with the PFtek and went all the way to fully colonized jars and then lost them to contamination. Then I did rye grain jars and lost about 24 of them, all to contamination.

This grinded me mainly because I was impatient and I had invested so much money into the hobby. Before I gave up this guy on shroomtalk.com began selling his compost bags and they ran a promotion on them, which is still going on I may add.
What these bags do is give you an incubation chamber and a fruiting chamber all in one while maintaining the perfect temperature and humidity level without doing a thing. You inject them, put them on your shelf and leave them until you've got mushrooms.
But-- you don't inject just spores... you inject what's called, Liquid Culture.
I'll tell you how to make it and then I'll give you all the links at the end.
Liquid Culture Tek EASY EASY AND FAST
Materials Needed:
1 potato
1 bottle of Karo syrup
(go to your grocery store in the syrup section. It's there. I promise.)
Tyvek envelopes
(go to your post office and get them for FREE.)
4 mason jars, any size
tap water
cooking pot
aluminum foil
microspore tape
pressure cooker, or something to sterilize
1- boil a potato in a pot filled with about 4-6 cups of water.
2- when the potato is completely cooked, take out and dispose of. what you have is the most nutritious meal for your spores, eventually.
3- now pour 4 more cups of water into the pot, this is to dilute.
4- take your Karo and with a spoon, put about 10 tbsp. of syrup in the pot.
5- stir.
6- now fill 3/4 of the way however many jars you can with the mix and throw away the rest, (it's just potato juice and syrup...)
7- when you have your tyvek envelope, trace your mason jar lids onto it with a pen and then cut out the circles with scissors.
*now since you guys have PFtek jar lids, four holes in the corner you're going to have easily modify these lids... just take a screwdriver and punch a medium sized hole right into the middle. Easy!*
8- first, place the metal lid on the jar mouth
9- second, place the tyvek circle on the metal lid
10- third, put the lid ring on and screw tight!
11- wrap some tinfoil on the top and then sterilize them for an hour or so
...and that's it! When you take them out, let them cool and then inject 2cc of spores into them, then cover the injection hole with microspore tape that you can get at Eckerd, CVS, Walgreen's, and after 3 days you'll see some cum looking floaties in there.

Haha, you'll see what I mean. After two weeks you'll be ready to pull that shit out and inject them into your compost bags. What you're doing here is speeding up the cubensis cultivation process, for one, and you're also providing your precious mycelium less time that they'll be exposed to things that may contaminate.
Take an empty syringe and pull out the clouds of mycelium and store them in the fridge. You'll have liquid left... throw it away.
Like I said, I've got 4 of these bags and my Equador, Cambodia, South America and Creeper's are eating the hell out of this shit.
This is where you find your new friends
This is where you find the FAQ for the bags and he actually shows Equadors as an example grow, check it out!
This is where you order them
Good luck to you guys!