Psilocybe Cubensis Equadorian

how easy is it to grow shrooms in the uk?
i actually no idea wat so ever on how to start or wat to get? if i can get it here?????
shrooms are easy to grow wherever you live, as long as it doesn't get over 85 degrees in your house they will be fine, if you want instructions, read the begining of this thread or search on google for "pf tek". yeah i know spores101 doesn't ship to states where doing so was illegal, im sorry, i didn't realize you were from one of them.

pins are getting larger on one of my cakes, i would say there is about 7 of them, about the size of peas, and 1 pin on the other b+ cake. the z strain and koh samuri super strain cakes are still not showing.

I feal bad, because i have enough poo to make all my cakes into casings and yield probably 2-3 times more, but at the same time it has been over a month since i last tripped and none of my buddys have, so i would like to have a bash before some of them go back to college at the end of the month. also i don't really have space for a bigillion square feet of mushroom casings. I think after the first flush ill convert the b+ and possibly the z strain to casings, though i think im going to go with several small bread pan sized ones instead of the larger ones.
yeah you see your lucky man i wanna go some but i fucken hate this state everything is so damn pricey the rent everything i dont give a fuck one way or another imma get them and right now im leaning towards sporelab since ive read that a couple people here in cali got sum from there ive been reading this thread and beaner great job man give you big props
I definatly recomend it, i love growing canibus, but i enjoy growing mushrooms even more! Its very easy as well!
above you said 5 ds.
Is that from start to finish?

I was figuring atleast 30ds.

I went to that site.
I plan on looking into this.

I think I have enough room in another closet foe them.
well i meant like the life cycle of the fruit of the cubensis takes 5 days, it takes about a month for the mycellium to colonize cakes and for the cakes to "pin" after that though, is just 3-4 flushes of beautiful mushrooms that take less than a week to grow from pinheads to 6 inch psychadelic mushooms.
midgrade, well i don't really know what you mean by "toxic" horse poo isn't toxic, and actually i picked this stuff myself from a farm, and boiled it in a pot i made spaggetti with this evening, it is well aged and at that point has no smell whatsoever, it's basicly clumps of hay all ground up.

well here are some new pics, horse poo almost colonized, and a close up of the pins forming on one of my b+ cakes. as you can see they are my usuall chubbys, lol once again i cut off free air by making a plexyglass lid for the tuppaware tub, after drilling a bunch of holes all around the tub i think i have enough, they are starting to elongate a bit from what they look like in this pic.


well time for an update, picked all those chubbys off the one cake just in time for the real 1st flush pinset to come in, there are litterally hundreds of pins and mushrooms forming on all 5 of my cakes. ive never had a pinset like this and needless to say im very happy about it.





As for my casing it fully colonized about three days ago and was cased with 50/50 peat and virmiculite, with ground oyster shells to fix the ph. after the first day it was already starting to poke through in a few spots, so i patched over them, im thinking in 2 more days it should come out pretty evenly and be ready for fruiting. i still don't have a chamber for them though so it's going to be interesting.

yeah they tend to look like that when they are young, these are only 2 days old, and as they grow longer the stems will look a bit more normal. I hope, that is, lol im still not an expert at mushrooming and chubby mushrooms is a reucurring problem of mine. there is plenty of free air exchange now, I just hope i didn't do it at the expense of reletive humidity.
nah i like beer bellies. there fat and chubby, id just want to eat a huge cuhkc outta them. has anyone ever eaten the BLUE MEANIE strain? thats what i plant to order and grow, and just myabe if im sucessfull ill eat em.
lol, well im growing z strain, b+, equadorian, and koh samui super strain. from what i can tell they all look exactly the same, color, size, growth rate, i can't tell them apart at all.
I would have grown the Amazon's I grew B+ on my old grows which are the easiest to grow. But I've had Amazons, and Ecuadorian and preferred the Amazons. B+ are alright but not real real strong. Golden Teachers are monsters, depending on what you plan to do with them You should experiment with that strain.. if for personals though? I would have grown the amazons only problem is you need to keep a higher temperature and they are more temperate then the other strains....