Pruning at first sign of flowering


Well-Known Member
Hello All,

I am so happy to have found this site! I have been searching for information and reading for months, but information seems so spotty and incomplete; so I am asking for help.

In my first grow, outdoors, Northern Lights. I planted five in June, seven more in late July. The late July plants are showing white hairs everywhere (about 15" tall). The first five have been growing well in veg and I have pruned them three times. They have blown out, bushy. I have read that cutting out the big leaves provides sunlight to the flowering stems and allows more nutrients to them. I have also read that these same leaves are what provides the buds with their QUESTION is: Should I leave these ladies alone now, or should I prune out more of these leaves? Please and thank you!!!!



Well-Known Member
Dont Cut the Leaves

The leaves make the energy that goes into the bud. The bud will swallow the leafs that block it so just let it chill.


No bueno son NEVER!! cut the leaves off unless they dieing try some LST (low stress training) to get lights to penetrate deeper without harming the plant. Your plants are fckn awsome by the way