cucklicense [ˈlīs(ə)ns] A right stripped from an individual an sold back to them for a fee. A permit.
If you want to drill a well to water your gardens and provide drinking water for your family, you will be assessed a fee.
You will also be assessed fees to maintain and repair your well.
Cool...huh? You don't have the right on your own property to provide water to your family.
Yes..blm and antifa killing 35 black folks so far...nothing to see therelet's be completely honest though really. extremists on both sides love violence in the name of politics. i'm sick of it.
antifa jumps couple
Bullshit, show me one Democrat advocating rioting.
You are really stuck in the propaganda Trump trolls pushed if you believe otherwise.
Oh, she's BLACK, scary stuff!
Thats a bit racist to say. The response was for show me a democrat that incites i didOh, she's BLACK, scary stuff!Shouldn't you be at a sausage party wearing a dress proud boy?
I ain't the one who has their chain jerked so hard by hate and fear that their head popped off, you are. It's pretty obvious you are a racist traitor and a race traitor too, cause ya make white folks look bad. Jesus you only joined a couple of hours ago and yer right into politics, at least go to the grow sections and bullshit for a couple of posts. It must be kinda boring in the parlor, a real echo chamber and collection point for the fleecing of suckers and losers.Thats a bit racist to say. The response was for show me a democrat that incites i did
Well said.Random thoughts but somehow this seems like the appropriate forum.
We are all at fault. Every single one of us. For getting sucked into this.
Who do you think benefits from Americans fighting Americans? Nobody has to drop any bombs. They can get us to implode.
In truth, it hits closer to home than that. The people in power in this country benefit from the rest of us fighting amongst ourselves. We acan only change things for the better if we stand together as Americans. United we stand divided we fall, People.
Left? Right? There are good people and evil people of every race, creed, nationality, political leaning and religion. It's unfortunate the evil ones get all the press.
A Muslim an Amish and a Jew walked into a highway rest stop. You know what happened? Nothing.
Let's face it. Loving your neighbor doesn't sell. Nobody gets rich off kindness.
Bullshit the trumpers support treason and sedition and have become the enemy of every patriot. There aren't 74 million any more either, that number has been whittled down a bit by Trump and the soft edges of his support are eroding away. There is only one way that Trumpism and racism are gonna be dealt with, it will be destroyed. First ya break their hands, then their arms to loosen their grip on the base before punching their lights out.Random thoughts but somehow this seems like the appropriate forum.
We are all at fault. Every single one of us. For getting sucked into this.
Who do you think benefits from Americans fighting Americans? Nobody has to drop any bombs. They can get us to implode.
In truth, it hits closer to home than that. The people in power in this country benefit from the rest of us fighting amongst ourselves. We acan only change things for the better if we stand together as Americans. United we stand divided we fall, People.
Left? Right? There are good people and evil people of every race, creed, nationality, political leaning and religion. It's unfortunate the evil ones get all the press.
A Muslim an Amish and a Jew walked into a highway rest stop. You know what happened? Nothing.
Let's face it. Loving your neighbor doesn't sell. Nobody gets rich off kindness.
What's your news source, OAN, Newsmax, Fox or stormfront? Better record them it the democrats win the senate or can hold a few corrupt republican senators over a barrel and that won't be hard. Joe could even pick off one or two for government jobs.Well said.
I think i triggered that guy/girl. Just posted facts.
I see alot of regurgitation from cnn here so far. Thats just sad.
Youre the only one thats blatently racist so far.Bullshit the trumpers support treason and sedition and have become the enemy of every patriot. There aren't 74 million any more either, that number has been whittled down a bit by Trump and the soft edges of his support are eroding away. There is only one way that Trumpism and racism are gonna be dealt with, it will be destroyed. First ya break their hands, then their arms to loosen their grip on the base before punching their lights out.
There are many ways to do this and all will be employed by patriots fighting for the constitution, there will be no compromises in some areas and if the patriots win the senate the end will be spectacular. They don't need them all, just 10 or 20% over time and the republicans will be finished as a national political force. All those conservative judges have had their political home burned to the ground right before their eyes and are gonna have an attitude adjustment. There is no right or left, that is history, their are now patriots and traitors and being on the wrong side of that line will become increasingly uncomfortable and dangerous for some. Next year they will be spouting Qanon nonsense.
Trump wont go to prison..they have nothing on him lol. Hooefully the entire dem party and most the gop. Ffs they are all corrupt. Thats why trump came in to expose and show the corruption on every level. His future isnt politics..he has nothing to lose.What's your news source, OAN, Newsmax, Fox or stormfront? Better record them it the democrats win the senate or can hold a few corrupt republican senators over a barrel and that won't be hard. Joe could even pick off one or two for government jobs.
I figure Trump should force little Marco out of the senate and have DeSantis appoint him to his seat, next he can show Mitch how to lead! Before he goes to prison that is. Maybe they will let him run amok for a spell cause he is doing such a great job on the republicans who are gonna stab him in the back! Spread the word, Trump for senate!
Ya know I kinda hope Donald runs around for a spell, Mitch will be at his knees begging Joe to put him out of his misery. You would think Pence would pardon Donald as king for a day, I hear his kid might need a pardon too! Imagine being in the thrall of a sociopathic moron with an IQ of 78, Jesus it must be embarrassing.Trump wont go to prison..they have nothing on him lol. Hooefully the entire dem party and most the gop. Ffs they are all corrupt. Thats why trump came in to expose and show the corruption on every level. His future isnt politics..he has nothing to lose.
You must must be a true son of the south crackerYoure the only one thats blatently racist so far.
CCP and those that have been infultrated by them are the enemy.
So far Trump is doing everything in his legal rights. If the shoe was on the other would be more of the same.
You seem to be a mouth frothing baffoon. You are pointing the finger with 4 pointing back at you.
Yeah i know..hes a billionaire idiot. Believable.Ya know I kinda hope Donald runs around for a spell, Mitch will be at his knees begging Joe to put him out of his misery. You would think Pence would pardon Donald as king for a day, I hear his kid might need a pardon too! Imagine being in the thrall of a sociopathic moron with an IQ of 78, Jesus it must be embarrassing.Trump for senate!
Shit dog, magat world is closed. Use those tears to douche your crusty thought hole.Except the riots a few months ago endorsed by the dems but that doesnt count right lol. Political blindness is affecting both sides sounds like you got yours on too.
He's richer now that he has suckers and losers sending him their last dime, a fool and their money soon part ways. He might even collect enough to pay the Russians the half billion he owes them, though selling out the country should be worth something.Yeah i know..hes a billionaire idiot. Believable.
Then here comes potato biden and his crackhead pedo son. Good choice lol
Russia russia russia..heres one...He's richer now that he has suckers and losers sending him their last dime, a fool and their money soon part ways. He might even collect enough to pay the Russians the half billion he owes them, though selling out the country should be worth something.