Practice run. Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Pauli. For the first time last night, we could definitely detect the strong odor of Mary Jane coming from the plants! Pretty skunky smell. My plan is to continue vegging for another 3 weeks or so and then move to 12-12. I'm hoping for one or 2 females in the bunch. I took several pics early this morning but haven't uploaded them yet.


Well-Known Member
if i were you id veg for a little longer, still pretty small and a couple of extra veg weeks will really make a difference.. good luck man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, bud. I am in no real hurry. It is a pain in the ass hiding my work but it's also fun! I can't wait to sex the plants and dump the males. My hope is to have 2 females and then 2 clones. I'd like to be able harvest one or 2 plants every 3 or 4 weeks for our personal use.


Well-Known Member
Ok. Here's my update. Definitely looks like one of my babies is struggling to survive. I fully expect to lose it. That leaves me with 4 healthy plants. Hopefully I will have at least 1 female out of the bunch. I have attached some updated pics showing my grow box, which is my little one's old plastic toy box lined with mylar. It's currenly hidden in our closet with clothes hanging above (hopefully they don't start smelling). You can clearly see a pic of the dying plant. I last watered them this past Sunday with 1 gallon tap water left standing 48 hrs, with 1/4 teaspoon of Superthrive. Currently I have 6 CFLs ranging from 2600 lunens to 1200 lumens and a mixture of white and soft lights. Today I'm supposed to receive 4 additional CFLs. I know I should have more light but it's the best I can do for now. I'm looking into a HPS for flowering. Any feedback is encouraged, especially with the sick plant. Oh, I also have 2 little ones but due to lack of space, I had to put them outdoors for now.



Well-Known Member
Well, we are 5 weeks and 1 day since I put the seeds in the earth and things are going well with a few minor setbacks. The plant that was ailing appears to have made a full recovery. It looks a little narly and smaller but all there's a lot of new growth and the plant generally looks healthy now. After 5 days of 18-6 under the CFLs, I took them out Sat and Sun and allowed them 10 hours natural daylights and 6 under the lights. Yesterday I watered them with 1/4 tsp of Superthrive and 1 tsp of molasses added to 1 gallon of tap water that sat for 48 hours. This was their 3rd feeding with Superthrive and the other 2 times resulted in impressive growth. This morning I took them out for natural light again and notices some leaves were a little burnt from the lights. I think I am outgrowing my current growbox, which is an old plastic Playskool toy box. I bought a new growbox from HD yesterday that's 38" tall, 20" deep and 36" wide. It's also plastic and I will be customizing to insert my lights and fans, etc. I will post pics soon. For now, here are some updated pics of the girls (I hope).



Well-Known Member
Thanks, Cal. I haven't been able to update with pics lately because it's spring break and the kids are all over the house. Anyway, it looks like I may have 4 predominantly indica strain and 1 sativa strain. The difference is stark: the indicas are shorter and fuller, with fatter fan leaves, while the sativa has the narrower, "finger-like" leaves. I don't know if this has ANY bearing on sex or strain but the sativa one doesn't have much of a smell, whereas the indicas have a nice skunky smell to them. Anyone has any thoughts or theories on smell as it relates to sex?


Well-Known Member
So I went home during lunch to get some pics. Remember that I left them unattended from Thurs to this morning under 12/12. I watered them this morning but it looks like I might lose one. It was laying on its side and appeared very droopy. I added more soil to support the stem. We'll see how it turns out. The other 4 are appear to be ok except they look a little "burnt". I'm just relieved they survived the 5 days. No sign yet of sex yet. If I have time this evening, I will do a close examination.

The first is of my pride and joy of the bunch so far. Looking very healthy. The other 3 appear to be in decent shape too. They will all need some TLC over the next few days, though.



Well-Known Member
These pics of the one that feared the worse. You can clearly see signs of heat stress and maybe too much wind from the fan (when I checked the fan this morning, it was not oscillating but was stuck and pointing directly at that plant). I added some extra soil to provide it some support. The 1st pic shows how I found it inside the growbox, laying on its side. The other pics show after I added soil.



Well-Known Member
Well, there have been major developments since my last post. As you may remember, I was left with 5 plants before my 5 day trip to California. I lost one when we got back due to a broken stem from the fan being stuck in one position and blowing it over. That left 4 plants that have been in flowering for about 11 days. Over the weekend, my prized plant, which stood about 24" and had a nice thick stem and bushy green leaves, revealed itself as a male. :-( There was no mistaking the cluster of little balls. I chopped him this morning. I have to say it was hard to cut him after caring for them for 2 months. That leaves 3 plants. looks as if one of the remaining 3 is also a male. I am seeing little balls there too but I am giving it another day to make sure. That will leave me with 2 plants and so far, they appear to be female but I am not certain. I took pics but left the camera home.


Well-Known Member
Sad to report that I confirmed another male. :-( It hurt my hear to kill it this morning. It was very skunky smelly and I had a lot of hope for it. That's my 2 best looking plants that turned out to be male. I'm now left with 2 plant and I am more committed than ever to harvest something from this grow!!


Well-Known Member
it's always disapointing when the best turn out male, but thats usually the way it is, males simply grow faster and are usually more robust then females. If your have anymore issues with stress don't hesitate to get superthrive, it helps out is those situations you had earlyer.


Well-Known Member
North, I've been using Superthrive from early on. Unfortunately, due to my circumstances, I haven't been able to provide a stable environment for the plants. I am actually relieved I still have 2 going. I've not been able to keep them in the same location for more than a week at a time. I also had them in a very very hot and humid environment for about a week and that really took a toll on them. I'm just at the point now where I want to finish up already and let things lie low for a while before growing again.