Portland residents prepare yet again to confront fascists from out of state

Nobody cares if antifa punches a Nazi, nobody said antifa is worse then the white supremacists. Both are extremists and while the white supremacists are way worse than antifa I don't see how blocking highways, burning random cars, and rioting and destroying neighborhoods will get you much public support. I'm done here now, it's obvious your biased on this subject.

Also your post shows you either don't know jack about pre Nazi Germany or your intentionally leaving the facts out. Germany was either going to be communist or fascist.
Idk, this is dangerously close to saying that college kids that just had a basketball team win a championship are as bad as Nazi's/Racists.
Idk, this is dangerously close to saying that college kids that just had a basketball team win a championship are as bad as Nazi's/Racists.
Not that it matters but it’s typically not the college kids that do that. It’s the others the take advantage of the situation. That seems to be the case with many of these marches. People there to peacefully block and denounce. People there to cause shit. But we need to take the side against fascist, there is no other choice.
This is so huge. I've been in this discussion before in a different forum. I totally feel that the respect is there-right there- for a person to lose. A younger person had to earn it, by treating an elder correctly. An older person gets it, until they lose it. Simple.

"This is so huge" referring to the the zit between your shoulders?

"Simple" describes your capacity to interpret whats going on here. Your witless babbling, pitiful judgment, hobbled imagination and cowardly moral stance merit zero respect.

How you "totally feel" ? Lol. Son youre a f'en dimwit, your logic fell out of your bloated ass. You speak like an isolated jackass holding court at Struggleville mall. Youre a f'en harmless dunce

Lol. Now see, this is cool. Honestly, I always expected some conversation to end as such. DAMN! I can't perv on your wife though??? You'll regret that when you see my sexy girlfriend.....

Ok. Maybe not.....

Go ahead. Talk shit. Is it fun for you? Wouldn't it be more fun to have a serious conversation with someone, and maybe find a friend for life, that lives across the country? See? Life is short. Be a bitch, or live it up. Your choice....

Flailing stooge, your creepiness is amped up by your frightening lack of self awareness and the flavor of oblivious, isolated, ignorant hick that you inadvertently bring to each word shit.

"Be a bitch or live it up," you forgot to suggest your own life choice: barrel_goat.jpg
Not that it matters but it’s typically not the college kids that do that. It’s the others the take advantage of the situation. That seems to be the case with many of these marches. People there to peacefully block and denounce. People there to cause shit. But we need to take the side against fascist, there is no other choice.

I clearly stated that the fascists are way worse than any other ideology so it's just trolling at this point and I'm not going to feed the trolls.

Fogdog, yesterday was the first time I seen this post and was going off what others said, some people made it sound like the riots and shit were recent so for that I apologize.
You obviously don't if you think I'm wrong on any account.

It wasn't "decades of civilians killing each other" that drove Germany to Fascism. It was wealthy families who funded Hitler's paramilitary army that brought Hitler into power and fascism to Germany. Also Germany was less than twenty years removed from monarchy and fascism with its dictator was a form of government that the people of Germany found easier to accept rather than communism or Democracy.

So, obviously, you are wrong about Germany. I could go into how you are wrong about Russia too but I'm not interested in giving you a free education. You need to study more, though. Or don't talk about things you know little about.
And this would be why I IMMEDIATELY put your ass on ignore. Such thoughtful posts.....

Lmao. Jesus....
Nah. You just spue so much hate. Life is too short to deal with shit like that. I'm not a Christian man, but maybe I can help you anyways....

I love you Uncle Buck!!! You are a great person! Do you want to come out here for a vacation? Same deal- a free room is here for you to use. SERIOUSLY.

Stooge you desperately need a f'en colonic to dislodge the blockage in your shit clogged thought hole. Your bumbling, hickville 1950's sounding word shits demand an intense period of critical self reflection. Youre like a hick zombie, a Stephen King character whose brain is rotting away through chronic toxic practices
I just want to thank you Fogdog, For going to the Protest and placing yourself in possible harms way . Those hate groups are unpredictable and violent. Showing up and shutting them down is not only a victory for Portland but also for our entire country. If these psycho hate groups go to protest in other cities we can look at Portland’s success in shutting them down and use your successful peaceful strategies to combat future protests against these sick demented hate groups . I also appreciate you taking time to post and very eloquently explain and patiently discuss the issues and problem with the moron forever Trumpers and help get the Hate out of their hearts. Take care my friend! :peace:
I clearly stated that the fascists are way worse than any other ideology so it's just trolling at this point and I'm not going to feed the trolls.

Fogdog, yesterday was the first time I seen this post and was going off what others said, some people made it sound like the riots and shit were recent so for that I apologize.
Why are you quoting me? I was not replying to you at all, I’m so confused lol.
Bad people on both sides. And they all better leave me alone. I'm not putting up with nonsense from either side. If they choose not to they better have a good dental plan. That's all I have to say.

These guys are as anti-American as you can be. They should be kicked out of the country for giving the nazi salute. Russia would be a good place for them to go.




So antifa doesn't like America? Then get the hell out of the country.




Why is antifa attacking this car? What did they do other than try and go about their business?


I just want to thank you Fogdog, For going to the Protest and placing yourself in possible harms way . Those hate groups are unpredictable and violent. Showing up and shutting them down is not only a victory for Portland but also for our entire country. If these psycho hate groups go to protest in other cities we can look at Portland’s success in shutting them down and use your successful peaceful strategies to combat future protests against these sick demented hate groups . I also appreciate you taking time to post and very eloquently explain and patiently discuss the issues and problem with the moron forever and help get the Hate out of their hearts. Take care my friend! :peace:
Thanks for the kind words. I'm just a face in the crowd though. Showing up in numbers is the only way that I know of to stop them so that's why I was there. But crowds are a blunt force instrument. There are really smart and dedicated people working on how to peacefully foil these guys and they are the ones that should be praised. Tactics by anti-fascists are getting better. Whenever so-called "reporters" from the right wing started filming us, people used umbrellas to stymie them. When a right wing chud was preening in front of a camera, one of the clowns in poop emoji costumes got into the picture. There were antifa crowd control advocates present who stepped in when somebody lost their cool and prevented some fights. The result from all their hard work was that the outcome this weekend was much better than earlier. The police gave the thugs an avenue out and they took it after just 30 minutes of standing around looking stupid.

Also, the large disparity in crowds gave Mayor Wheeler the political capital to pressure the police to get them to stop firing their so-called non-lethal weapons at us. Mayor Wheeler has been slow to act but he did us proud this time.
Bad people on both sides. And they all better leave me alone. I'm not putting up with nonsense from either side. If they choose not to they better have a good dental plan. That's all I have to say.

These guys are as anti-American as you can be. They should be kicked out of the country for giving the nazi salute. Russia would be a good place for them to go.




So antifa doesn't like America? Then get the hell out of the country.




Why is antifa attacking this car? What did they do other than try and go about their business?


Fascists marching through the streets of Portland? Is that your answer? Just welcome the hate groups in?

This image of antifa demontrators trying to look badass with the girl holding her purse and checking her cell phone is priceless.

How can you hate these kids?
Bad people on both sides. And they all better leave me alone. I'm not putting up with nonsense from either side. If they choose not to they better have a good dental plan. That's all I have to say.

These guys are as anti-American as you can be. They should be kicked out of the country for giving the nazi salute. Russia would be a good place for them to go.




So antifa doesn't like America? Then get the hell out of the country.




Why is antifa attacking this car? What did they do other than try and go about their business?


A dental plan? Harmless water boy get the fuck out of here. Your incel styled gaming chair is getting lonely
Fascists marching through the streets of Portland? Is that your answer? Just welcome the hate groups in?

How is that my answer? Are you really that ignorant? proud boys and their racists buddies show up in Portland hoping to draw out antifa, create a confrontation, and get on the news. antifa did exactly what they wanted. And you helped by showing up. The best thing to do would be not to go. If nobody showed up then they would look like the idiots they are. But no, lets go down there and show those racist sons of bitches we mean business. You fell right into their trap.

I had better things to do. Yard Work, some coding for a project I'm working on, building a ramp for my dogs, having sex with my lady, etc... I have things to do like live my life. I actually have one. I don't have time to go butt heads with some ignorant racists. They are not worth my time. Just what did you accomplish? Feel good about yourself? You showed them right? Changed their minds? Did you make the world a better place? Tell me what you did.

Here's a clue, these fascists as you call them have been marching since before you were born and will be marching after you're dead and gone. They disgust me but what disgusts me just as much is some antifa jack ass calling me a fascist because I didn't want to waste my time showing up to some stupid counter protest to another stupid protest. You don't know anything about me, who I am, what I've done, and you never will because I don't socialize with ignorant people. When I was your age, I'm guessing you're in your twenties, I was working two sometimes three jobs, I had my own apartment, a car, girlfriend, hobbies, was taking some classes to further my education, etc... I had to much productive stuff to do that I didn't have time to go act like a fool.

The common denominator for both these groups is that they are predominately young males, mostly white, low paying job if they have a job at all, many still live at home, they have no girlfriend, car, or goals in life. They are envious of the things others worked hard to get and want them just handed to them. They are filled with jealousy and rage at anyone and everything. They hate the people in the nice homes, the people driving nice cars, the people with the money to take vacations to exotic places, etc... The racists aim that hatred at those of color, foreigners, Jewish people, Gays, and anyone that isn't white. antifa aims their hatred at the system, people with money, anyone that worked hard to become successful in life. They cry "It's not fair!". You shouldn't have more than me. Everything should be equal. The system is rigged, blah blah blah. Myself and many others didn't have any problem with the system. We own houses, nice cars, businesses, have money in the bank, and enjoy our lives. Hard work is rewarded. Laziness, placing blame, and ignorance is not.

Personal responsibility. Get your shit together and your life will be much better.