Portland residents prepare yet again to confront fascists from out of state


Well-Known Member
Risk of clashes at rally mobilizes Portland, Oregon, police

Portland police are mobilizing to prevent clashes between out-of-state far-right groups planning a rally here and the homegrown anti-fascists who oppose them as America's culture wars seep into this progressive haven.

Saturday's rally — and the violence it may bring — are a relatively new reality here, as an informal coalition of white nationalists, white supremacists and extreme-right militias hones its focus on Oregon's largest city as a stand-in for everything it feels is wrong with the U.S. At the top of that list are the masked and black-clad anti-fascists who turn out to violently oppose right-wing demonstrators as soon as they set foot in town.

They have armor and carry weapons. We have people in poop costumes photo-bombing their selfies and an anti-fascist brass band dress up as bananas. They carry signs of hatred and talk of smashing Latino heads on the concrete. We talk of pledges to donate to Causa based upon how many fascists show up. A dime per fascist is my pledge.

We always outnumber the assholes by 3-4 to 1. We have clowns and they come ready to fight. It's not even a contest. Once they start the violence, we stand as witnesses while the police moves in to send them home.

Anybody in the area who wish to show their willingness to oppose fascism are encouraged to show up. Even if you can't be there your pledges to Causa will make your opposition felt.


It's going to be a hot day in Portland tomorrow. Unlike other demonstrations where the hate group known as Proud Boys have played a secondary role, this one was organized of, by, and for a riot. A leader of previous fascist riots, Joey Gibson even went on line after his arrest for rioting to call for the heavies to come to Portland:

Arrests precede major demonstrations in Portland, Oregon


PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Authorities arrested the leader of a right-wing group on the eve of a rally that’s expected to draw people from around the U.S. to Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, prompting Patriot Prayer’s Joey Gibson to urge his followers to “show up one hundred-fold” in response.

In a video he livestreamed on Facebook, Gibson accused the police of playing politics by arresting him and other right-wing members but not the masked demonstrators who beat up conservative blogger Andy Ngo at a June 29 rally.

A video of that attack went viral and led the Proud Boys, who have been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, to organize Saturday’s event.

Here are his own words where he is inciting a riot:

“What I’m saying to everybody who’s listening to this (is) they’re trying to shut you guys up. They want you to not show up in Portland, they want to put fear in your hearts. When a government pushes back like that, we don’t bend the knee,” he said, as he walked to the jail.

The founder of Oath Keepers, a para-military fascist group was warning other fascists to stay away BECAUSE the rhetoric leading up to the demonstration pre-planned riot. In he own words, he was "concerned about the violent rhetoric posted online." He is noting how the same violent rhetoric was used ahead of the Charlottesville riots In his case, he's concerned about legal issues. A misplaced concern -- he should be concerned about Proud Boys violence. Be he is accurate in that ahead of tomorrow's pre-planned violence, Proud Boys are echoing the same behavior that led to the death of three people in Charlottesville.

I'll be there. Not to fight but to witness what happens. I predict Proud Boys will show up in the hundreds, those who oppose fasicsm will show up in the thousands and we will stop them from marching in our streets. There will be violence but let's be clear about who started it. Proud Boys are coming in from all over the country and are already on record of planning violence. Portland is not going to let them march in our streets to project right wing power. We'll try to keep it light, with clowns, a band wearing banana costumed, people in costumes shouting down and making fun of fascists. But they won't.

Another prediction: police clear the streets by 2 pm. Portland leadership don't support fascists either. They will insist that our fascist police department ends this riot as soon as legally possible.
The good people of Portland showed up in numbers large enough to end any thought by fascists to mix it up.

They stood behind police lines and made asses of themselves. Left early.

Kudos to the Mayor and his staff who came up with the strategy of showing Portland is serious about arresting rioters by putting three of their leaders behind bars for their actions a month or so ago. All of a sudden, fascists advised others to stay away.

This pretty much sums up what happened:

Protesters were kept apart mainly by heavy police presence.

Antifa supporters sat down and blocked streets as right-wing groups approached. Soon, punches were thrown by protesters and police escalated their efforts at crowd control, KOIN reports.

Our goal is to block fascists from marching in our streets. We don't approach them, they come at us. When we defend ourselves, the police calls the protests a "public disturbance" and the fascists are sent home. This time, the police escorted them out. Good riddance. The right wing propaganda machine always get it's vig. Fox will make hay for months from the video of few violent encounters that happened this day.

I'll say it again. Fascists are the ones who caused all the violence. They planned to fly in from all over this country to commit violence. A few hundred showed up and the right wing media got what it needed for propaganda. Doesn't matter though. The fear on the faces of those fascists when they saw the crowd opposing them was priceless. Good on you Portland and good on Mayor Wheeler for getting it right.
LOL... Anyone who chooses a side is in this is the enemy of We The People. Learn history and keep America free of REAL fascism and communism. In order to become either of those, they need alot more of this and alot more division forcing normal people to pick a side. The only winners are the elites funding(usually both sides) these things. You'll learn more from facts then historical opinions that are taught and hype from the media. Same media that beat the drum of war to attack Iraq, then became total hypocrites pointing fingers after. Media has about as much credibility to me as a crack ho. Stop enabling them.
LOL... Anyone who chooses a side is in this is the enemy of We The People. Learn history and keep America free of REAL fascism and communism. In order to become either of those, they need alot more of this and alot more division forcing normal people to pick a side. The only winners are the elites funding(usually both sides) these things. You'll learn more from facts then historical opinions that are taught and hype from the media. Same media that beat the drum of war to attack Iraq, then became total hypocrites pointing fingers after. Media has about as much credibility to me as a crack ho. Stop enabling them.

No bro, naive and mistaken

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I'm naïve? You're giving them a voice and making people choose sides. I ignore both sides till I tell both to STFU. You need to learn about how WW1 and WW2 began. Russia didn't wake up communist, nor Germany fascist. There was decades of divisional forces of civilians killing eachother till one side or the other of government gained full control of every aspect of peoples lives. Not to mention the genocide that followed in both fascism and communism. Idk where you're from but I'm from the Constitutional We The People of America. Let them start WW3 somewhere else.
I wasn't there yesterday as I chose not to go anywhere near this nonsense but I've been caught up in the middle of this mayhem before. The vast majority of us here in Portland are getting sick of this crap. It was a Saturday. A day when people should be able to go downtown with their families, do some shopping, enjoy a meal, walk along the waterfront, etc... Instead we were inundated with a bunch of ignorant, unemployed, single males with no lives. Both sides need to find somewhere else to play. Or here's a novel idea, clean themselves up, find a job, get a girlfriend, and do something productive with their lives. We don't want antifa or the proud boys in Portland. Most don't even live here. Some were even bused in. They need to go find a field somewhere outside of Portland and have their petty playground brawl there.

I'm not alone in Portland when I say to both antifa and the proud boys. Get out and stay the hell out of our city.
I wasn't there yesterday as I chose not to go anywhere near this nonsense but I've been caught up in the middle of this mayhem before. The vast majority of us here in Portland are getting sick of this crap. It was a Saturday. A day when people should be able to go downtown with their families, do some shopping, enjoy a meal, walk along the waterfront, etc... Instead we were inundated with a bunch of ignorant, unemployed, single males with no lives. Both sides need to find somewhere else to play. Or here's a novel idea, clean themselves up, find a job, get a girlfriend, and do something productive with their lives. We don't want antifa or the proud boys in Portland. Most don't even live here. Some were even bused in. They need to go find a field somewhere outside of Portland and have their petty playground brawl there.

I'm not alone in Portland when I say to both antifa and the proud boys. Get out and stay the hell out of our city.

How easy is it now for Trump trolls to set this up, the racists are on board to go wherever they can to stir up smoke for dear leader.
It is worth understanding how Russians used counter protesting in the past to try to paint both sides as problems.

Racists and Antifa are not the same thing. It is very important to understand this, you might not like either, but please don't mistake the racist agenda that is being pushed to rip us apart.
How easy is it now for Trump trolls to set this up, the racists are on board to go wherever they can to stir up smoke for dear leader.
It is worth understanding how Russians used counter protesting in the past to try to paint both sides as problems.

Racists and Antifa are not the same thing. It is very important to understand this, you might not like either, but please don't mistake the racist agenda that is being pushed to rip us apart.

I'm well aware of the agenda being pushed. Let them push it somewhere else. I live in Portland and have to deal with this crap. We're getting sick of it. The proud boys claim they just want a peaceful demonstration which is pure crap. Their only goal is to cause trouble. antifa claims they are counter protesting. Then why do they go on a rampage and vandalize businesses, break windows, damage peoples cars? I got stuck for hours once on a trip home that should have taken 15 minutes because antifa decided to lay down on the freeway and block traffic. The leader of the proud boys right hand man fled the country to avoid a felony warrant. I don't care what their agenda is but both sides are a bunch of losers and criminals.
I'm well aware of the agenda being pushed. Let them push it somewhere else. I live in Portland and have to deal with this crap. We're getting sick of it. The proud boys claim they just want a peaceful demonstration which is pure crap. Their only goal is to cause trouble. antifa claims they are counter protesting. Then why do they go on a rampage and vandalize businesses, break windows, damage peoples cars? I got stuck for hours once on a trip home that should have taken 15 minutes because antifa decided to lay down on the freeway and block traffic. The leader of the proud boys right hand man fled the country to avoid a felony warrant. I don't care what their agenda is but both sides are a bunch of losers and criminals.
You sound like a nimby. Why would you allow white racists to march through your streets without opposing them. Will you only oppose them once they drive trucks into crowds or will it taking burning crosses and lynching to stir your ire?