Portland residents prepare yet again to confront fascists from out of state

Like I said you don't have a clue. I live here. I lived right in the middle of downtown for 14 years. I was in the middle of the 2000 May Day riots. I smelled the tear gas, I saw police in riot gear firing rubber bullets, I walked by people shattering storefront windows, I saw people destroying cars parked on the street. My eyes watered from the pepper spray in the air. That was all the way back in 2000. There have been plenty more violent protests in Portland since then. We were called Little Beirut during the Bush years. Some of us are sick of this crap. It has nothing to do with supporting fascism or trump. Are you trying to say that since I don't go down and join in with the idiots opposing the other idiots that I'm supporting trump and fascism? If so then you're the idiot.

When you get done watching this crap on television how about you see if you can organize a protest/counter-protest in your town. Then go down there and join one side or the other. Have fun. Let me know the date so myself and some other adults can have a nice meal, a couple drinks, and then watch you on the news for a good laugh.

"It doesn't matter your race, it only matters that you are supporting fascists marching in the streets of Portland without opposition. By doing so, you are supporting Trump and all of his racist policies."

That is the dumbest thing. You're saying anyone that doesn't waste their time to go down and protest the fascists and give them the platform they're looking for that they're supporting them. You really are a moron and not even worth any further dialogue since it's apparent that you don't posses the logical or analytical skills to engage in a rational discussion. You have the mind of a child as do all those idiots from both sides causing trouble in Portland.

I totally agree with you and fuck anybody who feels the need to put you in box and make you pick a side. Both sides are extremists with no life in my view.
I totally agree with you and fuck anybody who feels the need to put you in box and make you pick a side. Both sides are extremists with no life in my view.

Fascists traveled to Portland to fight. The violence yesterday was entirely due to their actions.

I was one of thousands who showed up to show that Portland is not friendly to hate groups.
What a day! The police really did a brilliant job keeping the groups separated.
This women was a real trooper! I would have absolutely loved seeing her pull up on her Harley next to Gibson and watch her drown out his preaching voice as she revved her bike. A kicker would have been black exhaust in his face while choking him out.
I concur with this part if what you said. Especially when you have posters jumping in, and saying things like this, which is pretty typical in any political thread.....

I actually find it humorous. REALLY funny, because it shows their true intelligence. Thus, my signature...... Lmao
Rube no one gaf about how you "find it" ! F'en nimby nitwit
@MidwestGorilla219 , @Dougnsalem , @xtsho

Another tRUmp supporter arrested, and what the fuck is this moron smiling about lol.

View attachment 4381348

^^How many white supremacists have been arrested for that kind of crime or worse?

How many antifa have been arrested for that kind of crime or worse?

This guy was at one of those right wing demonstrations in Portland shortly before he stabbed and killed two people for protecting two girls from him on a MAX light rail train in 2017.


Yet, people like you guys complain: "I'm just sick and tired of all those antifa counter-demonstrations against fascists".

I'm sick and tired of fascists coming to Portland to commit rioting. I'm sick and tired of violence from fascists/white supremacists/Neo-Nazis/Klanmen/alt right/Proud Boys. The body count all comes from them, not antifa. Do you actually think the violence goes away when we just concede and kowtow to fascists? "Just give them what they want and you'll win because they will look foolish" as one idiot said in another thread.
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Opposites attract, if you didn't have antifa in Portland I'm betting the right wing fascist wouldn't be a problem in the first place. I don't have this crap to worry about where I live because neither are present. You don't have to be an extreamist to counter extremism.
Opposites attract, if you didn't have antifa in Portland I'm betting the right wing fascist wouldn't be a problem in the first place. I don't have this crap to worry about where I live because neither are present. You don't have to be an extreamist to counter extremism.
Exactly. Like said earlier- both sides are idiots, looking for a fight. Just IMHO, but life is too short for stuff like that. Nah. Toss 'em all in a coliseum and let them fight to the death. Just shoot whoever is left. Then the peaceful folks don't have to deal with any of them....
Opposites attract, if you didn't have antifa in Portland I'm betting the right wing fascist wouldn't be a problem in the first place. I don't have this crap to worry about where I live because neither are present. You don't have to be an extreamist to counter extremism.

"If there weren't people who oppose hate groups demonstrating in their cities then there wouldn't be any hate groups demonstrating in cities" Is that what you just said?

guess what? there aren't any Antifa in the photo below:


Find the Antifa in the photo below:

Your kind keep posting made up shit. White nationalism is a pugnacious, aggressive political movement. They are responsible for hundreds of deaths this year. Yet you keep pointing at the only people who are determined enough to put their lives on the line and stand in their way.
Exactly. Like said earlier- both sides are idiots, looking for a fight. Just IMHO, but life is too short for stuff like that. Nah. Toss 'em all in a coliseum and let them fight to the death. Just shoot whoever is left. Then the peaceful folks don't have to deal with any of them....
You completely missed the strategy we used yesterday. We block the Nazis from parading in our streets. They come at us, a few fights break out and the police use them as an excuse to declare the nazi demonstration an illegal assembly. Yesterday they only managed 30 minutes before the cops cleared demonstrators from the streets.

I get that your kind thirsts for blood but that's not the strategy behind the counter demonstrations in Portland. We are getting better at countering the Nazi-propaganda. When they start taking their man-porn showing them bristling with armor and such, a costumed poop emoji will always be in the picture. We have clowns and a brass band dressed as bananas. They wear gladiator costumes. You want them to murder us. Sorry, we won't cooperate.

Also, Mayor Wheeler gets it. Hate groups won't win this one because we aren't even playing the same game. We are winning too. Wheeler and other city leaders can't help but notice the thousands of potential voters who show up to counter-demonstrate against the hundred or so mostly non-Portlanders wearing their stupid macho costumes.
Opposites attract, if you didn't have antifa in Portland I'm betting the right wing fascist wouldn't be a problem in the first place. I don't have this crap to worry about where I live because neither are present. You don't have to be an extreamist to counter extremism.
Blaming anti-fascist groups for fascism?

What’s next, blaming short dresses for rape? Blaming immigrants for your nationalism?

Opposing fascism is not an extremist position.
Exactly. Like said earlier- both sides are idiots, looking for a fight. Just IMHO, but life is too short for stuff like that. Nah. Toss 'em all in a coliseum and let them fight to the death. Just shoot whoever is left. Then the peaceful folks don't have to deal with any of them....
If you don’t actively oppose fascism, then you are welcoming fascism in, which is an extremist position

Opposing fascism is not an extremist position
Unlike the Nazi ass kissers who have just posted, this HuffPo article gets it.

Proud Boys, Outnumbered By Anti-fascists, Get Police Escort After 30-Minute Rally

PORTLAND, Ore. ― A few hundred fascists once again invaded Portland for a much-anticipated rally Saturday, but this time were mostly deprived of the violent spectacle they crave, as a much larger group of anti-fascists made them know they weren’t welcome in this city.

the messaging leading up to this particular rally carried an air of vengeance. Proud Boys billed it as direct action against anti-fascists in response to an incident at a June rally

Despite the violent rhetoric coming from Proud Boys and other known hate groups who afflicted Portland yesterday, this is what antifa was saying:

Popular Mobilization (or PopMob), a coalition of leftist groups that organized the counterprotest, distributed flyers in Portland this week that stated: “If you oppose racism, white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and the xenophobic, ultranationalist ideologies of the far right (and our current administration), you are an EVERYDAY ANTIFASCIST.”

“If you are not a fascist — then you are Antifa,” it continued.

One anti-fascist in the crowd Saturday was a 47-year-old office administrator named Shane. He held a sign reading “Say Her Name” next to a photo of Heather Heyer, the counterprotester murdered by a neo-Nazi at 2017’s “Unite The Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“If we ignore fascism, it emboldens fascism, and we must confront fascism with all necessary force, even if that just means showing up and saying, ‘You’re not welcome here,’” Shane told HuffPost.

As I've been saying, the violence, plans for violence and violent rhetoric is all coming from the right wing white nationalists. Not those who oppose them.
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