Poll: Trump supporters more likely to view blacks negatively

you forgot to include the other 4 polls that came out today that have hillary up by 10 points, 4 points, 6 points, and 4 points.

jeez, what kind of dishonest hypocrite cherrypicks numbers like that, zeddd?

i'd say that only someone who is very insecure does that. say, you aren't insecure, are ya? yes, i mean sexually insecure, as in you have latent homosexual desires.

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i'm sorry you are so uneducated and racist, zeddd. that is truly horrible.

but hey, on the bright side you are a latent homosexual, and that is a good thing.
Its immediately questionable when posted by a lout who is proud to call himself a "bama boy".

So because I am proud of where I came from, I am discredited? My southern homes doors where open to everybody. Down south we baby sat black children of family friends, we even let a down and out black guy stay at our house free for a couple of months till he got a job and money saved for a place of his own. Same rules applied to him as the other dozen or so white people we opened our doors to during their hardships, do the houses dishes and help out with hard work around the house. No one was ever asked for money and always gave them 3 hots and a cot. So yeah discredit my "racist" ass.
So because I am proud of where I came from, I am discredited? My southern homes doors where open to everybody. Down south we baby sat black children of family friends, we even let a down and out black guy stay at our house free for a couple of months till he got a job and money saved for a place of his own. Same rules applied to him as the other dozen or so white people we opened our doors to during their hardships, do the houses dishes and help out with hard work around the house. No one was ever asked for money and always gave them 3 hots and a cot. So yeah discredit my "racist" ass.
Are you the jerk?hqdefault.jpg
So because I am proud of where I came from, I am discredited? My southern homes doors where open to everybody. Down south we baby sat black children of family friends, we even let a down and out black guy stay at our house free for a couple of months till he got a job and money saved for a place of his own. Same rules applied to him as the other dozen or so white people we opened our doors to during their hardships, do the houses dishes and help out with hard work around the house. No one was ever asked for money and always gave them 3 hots and a cot. So yeah discredit my "racist" ass.
that's the America we in the uk love, ki
please cite any phillipe rushton "study" then and we may examine it.

you are a racist and appear to have latent homosexual desires. not that there is anything wrong with the latter.
please sate this gibbon you child molestor lol