POLL: Should rapist get the death penalty?

Should rape be punishable by death.

  • Yes (Make it a public event)

  • Yes

  • No

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Which in legal jargon is usually classified as anything that "left a mark" (some states are more strict and some are more lenient, but "left a mark" is the average and most common). You willing to bet up to 10 years of your life that you didn't leave a mark?
Yeah, I am, but fucking 10 years is crazy. To deserve that kind of time that child should be in a bad shape.
Yeah, I am, but fucking 10 years is crazy. To deserve that kind of time that child should be in a bad shape.
Or it's because they recognize that the damage it does to the child's psyche and the future effect on behavior and criminality and they understand that the damage is much deeper that just what you can see on their skin, and they punish accordingly. If it were up to me I'd make the sentence longer, I have no tolerance for people who bring children into this world and then punish them for their own ineptitude. If your kid is acting out enough that you feel it is okay to hit them, you already fucked up in how you raised them. But considering the flagrant, intentional ignorance towards the copious studies about child development, I doubt any of you put any serious time into actually learning how to parent before you decided you were ready to care for a life.
Or it's because they recognize that the damage it does to the child's psyche and the future effect on behavior and criminality and they understand that the damage is much deeper that just what you can see on their skin, and they punish accordingly. If it were up to me I'd make the sentence longer, I have no tolerance for people who bring children into this world and then punish them for their own ineptitude. If your kid is acting out enough that you feel it is okay to hit them, you already fucked up in how you raised them. But considering the flagrant, intentional ignorance towards the copious studies about child development, I doubt any of you put any serious time into actually learning how to parent before you decided you were ready to care for a life.

Look I have 2 kids one required a good bit more spanking than the other one while in his earlier years. Neither of them did I have to spank after 12. They are well mannered, respectful, hardworking, and productive members of society now.
"People who as children experienced the “powerlessness” of frequent spankings report a disproportionately greater interest later in life to own guns, Mr Pfeiffer says. They also demand more draconian prison sentences, including the death penalty, for convicted criminals. And they seem more prone to violence themselves. In a study of 45,000 ninth-graders Mr Pfeiffer conducted in 2007-08, those kids who had been beaten by their parents were five times as likely to commit repeated crimes or to use cannabis, and missed school four times more frequently for ten days a year or more.

Scandinavian countries, in part inspired by the children’s books of Astrid Lindgren, the author of the popular Pippi Longstocking (pictured) series, were the first to make spanking illegal for teachers in the 1950s and 60s. Between 1979 und 1983, they also outlawed spanking by parents. Crime rates, gun ownership and prison populations have been falling since."
"Mr Pfeiffer also observes a connection between religion and child-spanking. Even in Germany, there is one tiny group where child-spanking is still common, and where increasing religiosity leads to more frequent spanking. This group subscribes to a brand of Protestantism similar to that practiced by white American Evangelicals."

What a surprise that the people defending spanking ALSO agree with all the things that are hallmarks of things spanked people agree with.
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Look I have 2 kids one required a good bit more spanking than the other one while in his earlier years. Neither of them did I have to spank after 12. They are well mannered, respectful, hardworking, and productive members of society now.
Well you either dodged a bullet or you just can't see the signs yet. Doesn't make you any more right. One anecdotal example is not enough to cancel out years and years of research.
Expert suggests spanking leads to criminal behaviour and lower IQ

"Murray Straus, a professor of sociology and co-director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire found during research for a book those who were spanked as children were more likely to engage in criminal behavior later in life.
They were also more likely to have lower IQs because fear of corporal punishment is a chronic stressor that impairs learning, according to Straus."
Expert suggests spanking leads to criminal behaviour and lower IQ

"Murray Straus, a professor of sociology and co-director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire found during research for a book those who were spanked as children were more likely to engage in criminal behavior later in life.
They were also more likely to have lower IQs because fear of corporal punishment is a chronic stressor that impairs learning, according to Straus."

Yet another thing my kids didn't suffer with, along with the vast majority of my family excluding my fathers side, they where all pretty much old school outlaws that beat their kids pretty bad. I am glad I didn't continue that chain with my kids.
Do you have any idea how many women scream rape just cause they are pissed off from a guy telling everyone she's loose or her pussy stinks?

Got to be some actual proof especially when giving the death penalty.

I had a girlfriend when I was in my early 20's tell me she was raped when I got jealous she was hanging out with another dude. Sent my through the rough. I instantly believed her and seriously there was nothing but murder on my brain after that.

Her friend told me about a week later that they had actually dated, and that she wasn't raped but panicked when I got upset. I almost killed a kid, seriously I was naming bullets for the guy, I had a fucking pile of tires and a hole dug. I'm so lucky that girl had the guts to tell me the truth. Would have been the end of my life and that kids.

Life is complicated. Prisons have innocent people in there and yet there are still rapists getting away with it. You can't kill people on a word vs word case. I think you have a point, although it does go down some un PC avenues.
I had a girlfriend when I was in my early 20's tell me she was raped when I got jealous she was hanging out with another dude. Sent my through the rough. I instantly believed her and seriously there was nothing but murder on my brain after that.

Her friend told me about a week later that they had actually dated, and that she wasn't raped but panicked when I got upset. I almost killed a kid, seriously I was naming bullets for the guy, I had a fucking pile of tires and a hole dug. I'm so lucky that girl had the guts to tell me the truth. Would have been the end of my life and that kids.

Life is complicated. Prisons have innocent people in there and yet there are still rapists getting away with it. You can't kill people on a word vs word case. I think you have a point, although it does go down some un PC avenues.
Shit that was close I would hate to of carried out that act then her friend tell me that. You dump her pronto?
Tip wood works better, no black smoke, all you need is a leaf blower tunneled into the bottom/side of the burn hole.
Expert suggests spanking leads to criminal behaviour and lower IQ

"Murray Straus, a professor of sociology and co-director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire found during research for a book those who were spanked as children were more likely to engage in criminal behavior later in life.
They were also more likely to have lower IQs because fear of corporal punishment is a chronic stressor that impairs learning, according to Straus."

I'll try one more time to interject a little skepticism into your argument if you can handle it :)


Best question from the whole article is one of causality. Does spanking cause the behavior or does the behavior cause the spanking. Last time you said I was uneducated for suggesting such a thing but maybe now you could take time to read a counter point without getting so upset. Try it with a joint or something. You may be right but with these types of studies the chicken or egg dilemma is a problem.

I don't blame parents of either opinion, just do the best you can and love your kids. I think Most kids fail cause they don't have parenting at all, not because it's done wrong.
Expert suggests spanking leads to criminal behaviour and lower IQ

"Murray Straus, a professor of sociology and co-director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire found during research for a book those who were spanked as children were more likely to engage in criminal behavior later in life.
They were also more likely to have lower IQs because fear of corporal punishment is a chronic stressor that impairs learning, according to Straus."
How do you explain your behavior in this thread. Seriously. Could you or your co signer tell me why you felt the need to call people names and threaten violence. If you're so righteous why can't you control your temper? So far nobody has answered that question you just ignore it. You must be the "do as i say not as i do type". I won't hold my breath waiting for an explanation.
I had a girlfriend when I was in my early 20's tell me she was raped when I got jealous she was hanging out with another dude. Sent my through the rough. I instantly believed her and seriously there was nothing but murder on my brain after that.

Her friend told me about a week later that they had actually dated, and that she wasn't raped but panicked when I got upset. I almost killed a kid, seriously I was naming bullets for the guy, I had a fucking pile of tires and a hole dug. I'm so lucky that girl had the guts to tell me the truth. Would have been the end of my life and that kids.

Life is complicated. Prisons have innocent people in there and yet there are still rapists getting away with it. You can't kill people on a word vs word case. I think you have a point, although it does go down some un PC avenues.
I don't think you can really blame a guy in that instance unless he's a friend of yours. The girl was the one cheating not the guy. I know it's easier said than done but i try to look at it that way.
I strongly disagree with the death penalty, not because its "imoral" or "you act no better than the guilty criminal" type of bullshit, but because there are far worse things than death.

Rapists should be sent to jail to be tormented for the rest of their miserable existance knowing their victim will be recovering from that act of barbarity for the rest of their lives.
I don't think you can really blame a guy in that instance unless he's a friend of yours. The girl was the one cheating not the guy. I know it's easier said than done but i try to look at it that way.

I didn't blame him at all after I was told he may not be a rapist. When I thought he had raped someone I loved I was enraged.

Basically just saying rape allegations aren't always true, and people should control their rage because of that. Cops and courts are better than lynch mobs for that reason.
How do you explain your behavior in this thread. Seriously. Could you or your co signer tell me why you felt the need to call people names and threaten violence. If you're so righteous why can't you control your temper? So far nobody has answered that question you just ignore it. You must be the "do as i say not as i do type". I won't hold my breath waiting for an explanation.
I am merely pointing out your own hypocrisy. Why do you feel the need to perform acts of violence against children? Why is it okay for you to hit a kid for doing something you don't like, yet when I suggest I follow the same behavior which you advocate, it is somehow not okay? Why the double standard? Why is it more okay to commit acts of violence against the most defenseless among us? What is it about their inability to fight back that makes it more moral in your mind?
i spend alot of time in the ghetto.
its interesting that every girl ive met (and obviously gotten to know, not like i jist talk to random people about this) has been raped..
most multiple times
i know the world i come from has skewed my thoughts..
but rape is hardly the worst of crimes, not deserving of death imo or life sentence .. i mean no case is equal, the younger the victim the worse that kinda deal etc

but yea
I'll try one more time to interject a little skepticism into your argument if you can handle it :)


Best question from the whole article is one of causality. Does spanking cause the behavior or does the behavior cause the spanking. Last time you said I was uneducated for suggesting such a thing but maybe now you could take time to read a counter point without getting so upset. Try it with a joint or something. You may be right but with these types of studies the chicken or egg dilemma is a problem.

I don't blame parents of either opinion, just do the best you can and love your kids. I think Most kids fail cause they don't have parenting at all, not because it's done wrong.
After taking the time to read the article, I would like to point out that, even after pointing out possible shortcomings, this is their final analysis:
"Still, a number of individual studies have found associations between spanking and negative outcomes, even after controlling for preexisting child behavior. So Gershoff says that in spite of the lingering controversy, the safest approach parents can take is not to spank their kids. “Studies continue to find that spanking predicts negative behavior changes—there are no studies showing that kids improve,” she says. And although Ferguson is not convinced that spanking is categorically bad, he is “certainly not an advocate of spanking.” Furthermore, there is a worrying body of research suggesting that parents who spank will later use harsher forms of punishment.If spanking is not working, and spanking is all the parents are doing, then they’re going to escalate,” Gershoff says."

My view is, even if bad behavior causes the spanking, spanking will cause more future bad behavior when compared to other, nonviolent methods of discipline.

Ponder this: If the best way to resolve adult disagreements is through communication rather than violence, shouldn't the best way to resolve a disagreement with a child also be through communication rather than violence?
After taking the time to read the article, I would like to point out that, even after pointing out possible shortcomings, this is their final analysis:
"Still, a number of individual studies have found associations between spanking and negative outcomes, even after controlling for preexisting child behavior. So Gershoff says that in spite of the lingering controversy, the safest approach parents can take is not to spank their kids. “Studies continue to find that spanking predicts negative behavior changes—there are no studies showing that kids improve,” she says. And although Ferguson is not convinced that spanking is categorically bad, he is “certainly not an advocate of spanking.” Furthermore, there is a worrying body of research suggesting that parents who spank will later use harsher forms of punishment.If spanking is not working, and spanking is all the parents are doing, then they’re going to escalate,” Gershoff says.

Yeah your on good footing as far as academics and doctors are concerned. Im kinda old school, so I'm not 100% against it, but I would only be tempted to do it to my kids for behavior that I thought was extremely dangerous.

I got spanksd by my uncle once when I was a kid cause I was going into the pen for his bulls. Coulda killed me. I also got smacked in the mouth as a kid for looking at my dad funny. I won't repeat that. I had great parents but we all try to improve on our own stories for our kids.
I strongly disagree with the death penalty, not because its "imoral" or "you act no better than the guilty criminal" type of bullshit, but because there are far worse things than death.

Rapists should be sent to jail to be tormented for the rest of their miserable existance knowing their victim will be recovering from that act of barbarity for the rest of their lives.
I agree but i don't want to pay it. A few years ago a guy held 3 girls for a decade beating and raping them. When he got caught and sent to jail where he hung himself. I remember watching the news at work reporting his death. I had sincere disappointment he got off that easy.