Police Kill 7 yr Old Girl in No Knock Raid

Tell me that its not the fault of the mother. Tell me that the guy who got his dog shot should not be more mad at whoever tried to point the finger at him, rather than the police.
The mother is the reason that the child was killed. I just read what happened and it appears that the mother physically attacked the police and the police responded with a warning shot. The shot struck he child in the neck. The child was never fired at intentionally. The mother who was protecting her son who is a murderer. He shot and killed a 17 boy in front of of a convience store. He was at the residence and he was arrested.

maybe I am wrong here since I didn't read every comment but was it not the grand*mother of another family(Jones) in the apartment where the shot took place? wasn't the guy they were looking for upstairs? it seems that that is who they arrested by reading the article unless i"m missing something here...
No it's not the fault of the mother, the story isn't even talkin about the mother, it's about the grandmother. Get your facts straight.

You believe the 50 year old grandma put up enough of a struggle to warrant the cop to pull the trigger?

These cops are obviously lieing. The little girl was asleep on the couch, she probably bolted up when all of a sudden someone is crashing through the door and this cop decides to shoot first and ask questions later.

What does the snitch have to do with anything? He didn't shoot the dog. You're desperate and looking for a reason to justify this so you can sleep at night.
The article doesn't make this clear enough to me so i'll ask, Was the father of the 7yo girl the homicide suspect for whom they had a no-knock warrant? or did they fuck up completely by going into the wrong level of the apartment and shooting the wrong person?

I know humans make mistakes and it was probably a hectic situation where any idiot with a gun could have... but please don't skew facts in order to justify police brutality like the DPD is most likely doing at the least to a small degree
The article doesn't make this clear enough to me so i'll ask, Was the father of the 7yo girl the homicide suspect for whom they had a no-knock warrant? or did they fuck up completely by going into the wrong level of the apartment and shooting the wrong person?

I know humans make mistakes and it was probably a hectic situation where any idiot with a gun could have... but please don't skew facts in order to justify police brutality like the DPD is most likely doing at the least to a small degree

I don't think any article's have come out about that... either it was her father, or she may have been his cousin/niece?

The article made it seemed like they lived in a townhome sort of arrangement, all the same family, just one part upstairs, the other downstairs... so it would make since to raid both apartments as he could possibly be in either one.

Balzac, even though you and I share a natural respect for the police, the officer who shot still has to be accountable for the killing of the girl, we'll never know exactly what happened I'm afraid... but yes, the grandmother could have possibly somehow triggered the weapon to fire, by pulling on the officers arm or some other physical movement.

But I doubt the grandmother was perceived as a big enough threat to pull the trigger, I still think adrenaline and natural fight or flight response times equated up to an accidental trigger pull by this officer, they should do what the military does at the academy and put these guys under live fire during training... root out those who can't handle hot situations and freeze up or get too jittery.
I find it hard to have sympathy for anyone that raises their kids in that sort of environment and is naive enough to not anticipate something like this happening.

Wow, thats a pretty ignorant thing to say. I'm sure these people had the option of moving to a Beverely Hills mansion but chose to stay in the ghettos of detroit for the convenience.... /facepalm
Wow, thats a pretty ignorant thing to say. I'm sure these people had the option of moving to a Beverely Hills mansion but chose to stay in the ghettos of detroit for the convenience.... /facepalm

You're taking it the wrong way... with enough will power and motivation, most people that live in poverty areas can make it out into relatively safer areas... I was not born with a silver spoon and spent many nights in bad areas within Baton Rouge, most of my friends at that time in my life were living in poverty... unfortunately some never got the desire to move, they were happy with where they were living, with the death and violence surrounding them.

No, you may never afford to live in Beverly Hills, but there is a WIDE range of living situations available between the ghetto's of Detroit, and Beverly Hills.
I'de say the Jones family couldn't do much about it even if they had anticipated this type of violence in the part of detroit that is becoming "too poor to maintain"
I'de say the Jones family couldn't do much about it even if they had anticipated this type of violence in the part of detroit that is becoming "too poor to maintain"

Not immediately, but the girl was 7 years old... in 7 years, can one not make enough change to afford to live somewhere a little bit safer?

I can't tell you the things I've seen people accomplish in 7 years time... you just have to have the responsibility and motivation (the kid) to do so.

But let's not get off subject here... I think we all agree the officer needs to face his faults, and take responsibility for them... unfortunately, as it appears so far, it is no ones fault but his own.

Sure there is blame to spread around, but blame doesn't pull triggers.
You're taking it the wrong way... with enough will power and motivation, most people that live in poverty areas can make it out into relatively safer areas... I was not born with a silver spoon and spent many nights in bad areas within Baton Rouge, most of my friends at that time in my life were living in poverty... unfortunately some never got the desire to move, they were happy with where they were living, with the death and violence surrounding them.

No, you may never afford to live in Beverly Hills, but there is a WIDE range of living situations available between the ghetto's of Detroit, and Beverly Hills.

For a seemingly intelligent guy you say a lot of stupid shit.
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Seems the article didn't even give the murder suspects name, anyone know if he in any way was associated with the family downstairs?
For a seemingly intelligent guy you say a lot of stupid shit.

If you're going to say something is stupid... at least have the intelligence to have a proper rebuttal to what you think is stupid.

Are you saying poor people can't become rich? That's stupid.

Are you saying that there is nothing in between the ghetto and Beverly Hills? That's stupid.

Are you saying some people in the poverty situation AREN'T okay with how they live? That's stupid.
im 29 right know and 10+ Macomb County sheriff dept.s almost killed me in 2005. it took over 10 officers to arrest me in my front yard over nothing w/o a warrant. i told the first officer to get the fuck off my property and i turned to walk away and he maced me from behind, i ran to my hose next thing i know im blind fighting 10 cops BLIND. i stayed almost a week in the hospital, then county jail for 3 weeks to get my $75k bond to 10%. they made up a bunch of charges the worst charge said i disarmed one. (lying ass pigs) they think they rule the world on a power trip. i assaulted 7 blind while r/o sending them to the hospital too.

this is nothing compared to the death of a innocent young child, but i thought i would tell my story since im only one county north or Detroit... HOPE THOSE PIGS/CHILD KILLERS ROT IN PRISON AND HELL FOR ETERNITY...
If you're going to say something is stupid... at least have the intelligence to have a proper rebuttal to what you think is stupid.

Are you saying poor people can't become rich? That's stupid.

Are you saying that there is nothing in between the ghetto and Beverly Hills? That's stupid.

Are you saying some people in the poverty situation AREN'T okay with how they live? That's stupid.

You don't know their situation. Maybe they were recently reduced to moving into that area? Maybe they have just fallen on rough times? Do I really need to illustrate all the possible scenarios that could have led them here? I agree people can control their situation in lives with a little dedication. I am a perfect example of that. I won't get into details because it is irrelevant here, but I grew up in the ghetto and still managed to pull ahead. The thing is, these things don't happen overnight, and there are a lot of roadblocks to overcome when you're starting fresh from the bottom. I won't bother to try and talk common sense with you anymore as I see that is obviously beyond your grasp.
You don't know their situation. Maybe they were recently reduced to moving into that area? Maybe they have just fallen on rough times? Do I really need to illustrate all the possible scenarios that could have led them here? I agree people can control their situation in lives with a little dedication. I am a perfect example of that. I won't get into details because it is irrelevant here, but I grew up in the ghetto and still managed to pull ahead. The thing is, these things don't happen overnight, and there are a lot of roadblocks to overcome when you're starting fresh from the bottom. I won't bother to try and talk common sense with you anymore as I see that is obviously beyond your grasp.

Neither do you... and I gave consideration for them possibly being a new family, but as you also know... families in the ghetto are often there for a long time before, that house is probably grandmaw's house from 30 years ago... when it wasn't so bad.
god damn your still posting these stupid rediculous posts? god i hope you die in a dumpster fire.

Well, he DID say on purpose... which I agree with, I don't think the cop shot the 7 year old on purpose. I'm more than sure that cop is crying his balls off right now, knowing what he did.

However, the rest of his posts do support the stupid and ridiculous part of your sentence.

I wasn't the one making ASSumptions.

Assuming certain things, on these forums... is like smoking pot, everyone does it.

Just have to make sure if you are going to assume things, you use common sense and logic... which I did, we both have valid points, who knows which is right... we should ask the Jones family how long they lived there, I'm sure that's very important to them right now.
i have never read a post by ballsac that DIDNT make me wanna put my head thru a wall. also their always one sentence long.

bottom line on the ghetto is ....

its just too bad the black scum in the hood can procreate. otherwise who the fuck cares who gets killed over there? if the innocent kids (which are inevitably going to be scum as well) werent around id say bomb all the projects and hoods in the country at once!