The mother is the reason that the child was killed. I just read what happened and it appears that the mother physically attacked the police and the police responded with a warning shot. The shot struck he child in the neck. The child was never fired at intentionally. The mother who was protecting her son who is a murderer. He shot and killed a 17 boy in front of of a convience store. He was at the residence and he was arrested.
The article doesn't make this clear enough to me so i'll ask, Was the father of the 7yo girl the homicide suspect for whom they had a no-knock warrant? or did they fuck up completely by going into the wrong level of the apartment and shooting the wrong person?
I know humans make mistakes and it was probably a hectic situation where any idiot with a gun could have... but please don't skew facts in order to justify police brutality like the DPD is most likely doing at the least to a small degree
I find it hard to have sympathy for anyone that raises their kids in that sort of environment and is naive enough to not anticipate something like this happening.
Wow, thats a pretty ignorant thing to say. I'm sure these people had the option of moving to a Beverely Hills mansion but chose to stay in the ghettos of detroit for the convenience.... /facepalm
I'de say the Jones family couldn't do much about it even if they had anticipated this type of violence in the part of detroit that is becoming "too poor to maintain"
You're taking it the wrong way... with enough will power and motivation, most people that live in poverty areas can make it out into relatively safer areas... I was not born with a silver spoon and spent many nights in bad areas within Baton Rouge, most of my friends at that time in my life were living in poverty... unfortunately some never got the desire to move, they were happy with where they were living, with the death and violence surrounding them.
No, you may never afford to live in Beverly Hills, but there is a WIDE range of living situations available between the ghetto's of Detroit, and Beverly Hills.
For a seemingly intelligent guy you say a lot of stupid shit.
If you're going to say something is stupid... at least have the intelligence to have a proper rebuttal to what you think is stupid.
Are you saying poor people can't become rich? That's stupid.
Are you saying that there is nothing in between the ghetto and Beverly Hills? That's stupid.
Are you saying some people in the poverty situation AREN'T okay with how they live? That's stupid.
You don't know their situation. Maybe they were recently reduced to moving into that area? Maybe they have just fallen on rough times? Do I really need to illustrate all the possible scenarios that could have led them here? I agree people can control their situation in lives with a little dedication. I am a perfect example of that. I won't get into details because it is irrelevant here, but I grew up in the ghetto and still managed to pull ahead. The thing is, these things don't happen overnight, and there are a lot of roadblocks to overcome when you're starting fresh from the bottom. I won't bother to try and talk common sense with you anymore as I see that is obviously beyond your grasp.
Neither do you...
I'm sure no one shot a little girl on purpose.
god damn your still posting these stupid rediculous posts? god i hope you die in a dumpster fire.
I wasn't the one making ASSumptions.