Police Kill 7 yr Old Girl in No Knock Raid

The mother is the reason that the child was killed. I just read what happened and it appears that the mother physically attacked the police and the police responded with a warning shot. The shot struck he child in the neck. The child was never fired at intentionally. The mother who was protecting her son who is a murderer. He shot and killed a 17 boy in front of of a convience store. He was at the residence and he was arrested.

I can tell you one thing he cops only use no knock warrants when it is believed that the person or peoples in the home may be armed and dangerous.
I got a buddy who's in training to become a cop, we don't see eye to eye anymore cause of the brain washing. the worst part of it is that he is already trained as a heavy equipment oporator, he'd make more dough running a backhoe then aresting crackhoes but something in his head is telling him to be a fucking pig

You should quit with the bashing, you may find yourself needing the police one day in your life, and with that attitude, do you think you'd deserve their help?

The best thing about you bashing the cops and everything is, even though you are hateful and disrespectful to cops, most cops I know would still protect you with their life... a true virtue of a man.

I'd like to shake your friends hand... instead of being a normal joe doing some construction, he's now out there ready to give his life for any man, woman, or child... everyday.

A lot more honor in that, than a friggin' backhoe.
You should quit with the bashing, you may find yourself needing the police one day in your life, and with that attitude, do you think you'd deserve their help?

The best thing about you bashing the cops and everything is, even though you are hateful and disrespectful to cops, most cops I know would still protect you with their life... a true virtue of a man.

I'd like to shake your friends hand... instead of being a normal joe doing some construction, he's now out there ready to give his life for any man, woman, or child... everyday.

A lot more honor in that, than a friggin' backhoe.

That's all good and well in theory, but when is the last time you heard about a cop giving his life to protect a citizen? And don't say you never hear about that becasue that's there job because you know just as well as I do it would be all over the news, he's have a parade in his honor, and the whole 9 yards.

Ball sack, the cheif of police already admitted it in an interview, after avoiding the question the first 2 or three times
The chief, who is personally conducting the internal investigation, walked reporters through his understanding of the incident. Three officers shot at the pit bull, and the first missed completely, which is when the corgi is believed to have been shot in the paw, he said. The pit bull acted aggressively toward a SWAT member again as they pushed into the home, which resulted in the animal being shot, he said. After being shot, it moved to attack a SWAT member, which is when the dog was killed.
balsak ur a positive person man. socata, i know u aint da PO-PO, :lol: but these people who did do these "oops" shots and killed children (and DOGS) dont u think they NEED to be punished? just because its an accident doesnt make it ok. if i accidentally hit some one and they break their neck, wat happens to me?
I do think that they shoud be punished, but my point was you can't bash all cops cause a few are incompetent assholes.
The chief, who is personally conducting the internal investigation, walked reporters through his understanding of the incident. Three officers shot at the pit bull, and the first missed completely, which is when the corgi is believed to have been shot in the paw, he said. The pit bull acted aggressively toward a SWAT member again as they pushed into the home, which resulted in the animal being shot, he said. After being shot, it moved to attack a SWAT member, which is when the dog was killed.
p7 yea

The cop missed? He was shooting at a dog who was obviously big enough to be a threat to his safety. Shooting stray shots like that in a residence is how you end up hitting a 7 year old in the neck....
Okay, now that you are combining two different stories. Have you ever shot a handgun? Let alone while raiding a home? Handguns are not the most accurate weapons especially when your moving.
Okay, now that you are combining two different stories. Have you ever shot a handgun? Let alone while raiding a home? Handguns are not the most accurate weapons especially when your moving.

Then why do we give them to cops and tell them to raid a house with small children in it?
If the mother did not attack the officer it never would have happened. The mother can blame herself for the death of her daughter. IF she was not a dumb bitch her daughter would not have been killed. PERIOD.
Because there was a known murderer in the house?

Yeah, that sounds like a good reason to go in with a weapon that you say isn't accurate, in the presence of children....

Think, bro.... Think...

You know what, you're right. It's not the fault of the cop who pulled the trigger.
It's the GRANDmother who it said " “had some level of physical contact” (Which probably means the cop pushing her out of the way as she stood up when all of a sudden people are barging through her front door.)

Get your shit straight then come back, because you're not makin even one good point..
You can't use long rifles in city limits because the bullets travel long distances............ uhhh like use yer brain d00d.
You can't use long rifles in city limits because the bullets travel long distances............ uhhh like use yer brain d00d.

Good point, good point.

Except tell that to the cops who were at that raid where you can watch cops enter the house with long guns.

Or better yet, tell that to your local swat, or task force....

I give up, you're not going anywhere. Just go sit in the corner.

Socata, your friend sounds like a great guy, and would of been an excellent candidate for police reform, as I'm sure he would agree.

We could use some cops like that down here, Unfourtanately, they are mostly corrupt assholes down here, only interested in the glory and power.
Balzac, they're not using M1 Garands, they're using HK's and AR's, great for CQC.

After reading the story of the other DPD cops getting shot and one killed, in the same kind of neighborhood, it's no wonder the cops are on edge.

Heck in the article it even states that residents in the neighborhood threatened to SHOOT and KILL energy company workers if they tried shutting off the power.

I find it hard to have sympathy for anyone that raises their kids in that sort of environment and is naive enough to not anticipate something like this happening.