Persian White Poppies (DWC, and Soil)

Well to be fair, like home brewing, it's cheaper to just go down and get a six pack at the store. It's inherently more expensive to make your own cocaine. :peace:
Well to be fair, like home brewing, it's cheaper to just go down and get a six pack at the store. It's inherently more expensive to make your own cocaine. :peace:

You're definately right about that... I've
been watching Breaking Bad way too much.

But I'm sure if someone had enough land with the right environmental conditions it wouldnt cost as much compared to an indoor operation.

One can dream...
Yes, if I had the money I would buy a vineyard on the monterey coast and maybe grow some grapes on the side :D
AHHH SH!T,, the thread came to an end,,, dammmm,,,, well , I guess its for the better as my back is killing me, sure could use some poppy tea right now,,, I also would like to know how many plants,, about,, it would take to get an oz........GROW ON......
I was going to post the results and I was very close, but something drilled perfect little holes in all of the buds and drained them before I could harvest. Some ants got very high...:lol: Oh well, next year.
I was going to post the results and I was very close, but something drilled perfect little holes in all of the buds and drained them before I could harvest. Some ants got very high...:lol: Oh well, next year.

Moths try BT next year . . . how you been bro?:joint:
Hey, i've been good and smokin dope.....:lol:

Moths eh? Ok...the first one was on a pod that was just touching the grass, so I figured it had to be those amazingly versatile ANTS! Moths...grr. Well, I am going to try a winter grow for them so this time is the charm. I was literally like less than a week from harvest...:lol:
The Certification of Live Birth that was published on AKA OBAMA's campaign web site is not a Birth Certificate. It is easy to tell the difference between the two types of documents. It is very likely that the COLB used by AKA OBAMA's campaign is a fraudulent document. Several forensic document examiners have carefully scrutinized the COLB and declared it suspicious or an obvious forgery. The best evidence presented so far is from Ron Polarik, PhD. Dr. Polarik writes:

There are laws on the books in Hawaii and the Federal Statutes that clearly spell out exactly what constitutes forgery, and in both Hawaii State Law and the Federal Statutes, the act of altering an official government document — even if it is just a facsimile of that document — constitutes forgery. The bogus COLB that Obama created is also considered to be a "false identification document, a felony forgery."
Hey, i've been good and smokin dope.....:lol:

Moths eh? Ok...the first one was on a pod that was just touching the grass, so I figured it had to be those amazingly versatile ANTS! Moths...grr. Well, I am going to try a winter grow for them so this time is the charm. I was literally like less than a week from harvest...:lol:

Seems like it happens like that, my buddy recently killed my plants while I was on vacation :?

The moths lay their eggs and then the larva eat holes through your buds. The trick is to apply BT early and regularly. Those fuckers have eaten my bud before too:evil:
Heh, I don't know how that other post got in here...:lol:

But this hole was TINY...about an 1/8" hole. It just seemed like ants to me.

Good to hear from you buddy. Hope all is well at your end. I'm sitting pretty over here...:lol:
hey ive been reading through this, skipped a few pages cuz i was impatient and wanted to see some poppies, but would you mind if i asked a few questions? i cant grow anything other than vegetables right now but as soon as i can id like to grow poppies along with my marijuana, so if you have any "tips" i would love to learn them. for example if all of my plants were leaning like that id freak out and prop them all up, but you said they stand on their own

you said you grow poppies on a 12/12 light schedule? do you think a 24/0 or 18/6 schedule would promote growth in the seedling stage at least, or is it best to go 12/12 from seed?

and im pretty sure you mentioned this already, but what strain of poppies are best/your favorite to produce opium? Tasmanian?
I have only grown it once and was successful, but never got beyond admiring the lovely flower...:sad:

As far as indoor guidelines, i can't give you any. I grew mine outdoors, but I do know it won't germ unless the nights are around 50 degrees F for at least a week, although I had some come up after 4 nights. They like it hot in the day but dry (my problem in the summer), so I grow it in the winter down here.
I can't recall the strain i was growing and I know the packs are here somewhere (:lol:), but I do want to try "Hens and Chickens" next.

Check out this video. i think it will explain alot to you in ten short minutes. :peace:

Im going to use acetic anhydride(AA), dichloromethane(DCM), and 4-dimethylaminopyridine(DMAP) for the synthesis of something a bit better then opium.

Using these three chemicals is for fast acetylation of M to H(within minutes) instead of normal esterfication methods which can take some time(6 hours up to a couple days).

AA and DMAP are both watched especially the AA. Meaning your going to need a good reason to be ordering them. Sorry I'm not gonna say what reason I give. DCM is easy to get though.