Persian White Poppies (DWC, and Soil)

Smoking Opium is kewl.

Making H is not.

Yes I did, and I posted a 10 minute video for you to watch...:wink:
Oh...okay then. Yah, you need indoor help. I know they like cool nights and dry air. Two things I can't give them right now....:sad:
Whats the difference between H and O? Thats kinda the same as saying theres a difference between smoking hash or weed. Ones just more potent then the other. When smoking opium your smoking morphine,codeine, and then a bunch of non-narcotics. Now when you make H and use it the H metabolizes into morphine...unless its injected but that too turns into morphine just not as fast cause it misses the first round. But the point is a drug is a drug is a drug. A cocaine user is no better/worse then a crack user, weed smoker, heroin user, etc. Everyone uses a drug for one reason or another but it is pretty much the same which is to feel better about something. I personally dont use weed, cocaine, or heres the big shocker heroin or opium(but I have in the past). I do take perscription pain medications though for a disease I was born with which makes my joints dislocate many times a day. So why do I take the risk growing and manufacturing this stuff? I do it cause one I enjoy trying to do things that most people dont or wont. And two cause I like the idea of having something to fall back on to make money if the need ever arises, and three just because I may need the stuff one day and I'd like to know I can make it. On June 30th this year there was a vote to stop the sales of the pain medication that Im currently on as well as others. The vote passed. Now this vote doesnt mean for sure they are gonna stop the use of these drugs but there is a good possibility it will. So then what? You can be sure that I will prepared and I will be making my own meds morphine for now, and as I get older I will probably need something stronger which will be H. Or who knows maybe Fentanyl. Well sorry for the ranting and raving.
Whats the difference between H and O? Thats kinda the same as saying theres a difference between smoking hash or weed. Ones just more potent then the other. When smoking opium your smoking morphine,codeine, and then a bunch of non-narcotics. Now when you make H and use it the H metabolizes into morphine...unless its injected but that too turns into morphine just not as fast cause it misses the first round. But the point is a drug is a drug is a drug. A cocaine user is no better/worse then a crack user, weed smoker, heroin user, etc. Everyone uses a drug for one reason or another but it is pretty much the same which is to feel better about something. I personally dont use weed, cocaine, or heres the big shocker heroin or opium(but I have in the past). I do take perscription pain medications though for a disease I was born with which makes my joints dislocate many times a day. So why do I take the risk growing and manufacturing this stuff? I do it cause one I enjoy trying to do things that most people dont or wont. And two cause I like the idea of having something to fall back on to make money if the need ever arises, and three just because I may need the stuff one day and I'd like to know I can make it. On June 30th this year there was a vote to stop the sales of the pain medication that Im currently on as well as others. The vote passed. Now this vote doesnt mean for sure they are gonna stop the use of these drugs but there is a good possibility it will. So then what? You can be sure that I will prepared and I will be making my own meds morphine for now, and as I get older I will probably need something stronger which will be H. Or who knows maybe Fentanyl. Well sorry for the ranting and raving.

Couldn't be more wrong. There may be some sort of parallel between saying hash is to weed what heroin is to opium, but that minimizes the vast difference between the two drugs.

Now you can smoke as much hash or weed as you like and quit....and feel no worries about being addicted.

Not so with O or H. H is massively addictive and ruins tens of thousands of lives (and connecting families) each year.

I would NEVER make H on purpose..... it is a destruction drug...nothing more. O can be more recreational, although still dangerous and addictive, but NOTHING like H....nowhere near it.

H is a horrible drug..... just horrible. When you sell weed, I kind of think you might actually be helping ppl. When you sell H.... you are sending ppl to a HELL. BIG DIFFERENCE in KARMA and INTENT.

Lowlifes sell H
I dunno what they list the poppies as in McCormick's. just make sure they are Papver SOMNIFERUM. Anything else is a no go.
If america was a person,,, jersey (at least most of it) would be the armpit.....:evil:
back to the poppies,,,, so,,, if I was to go get the mccormick poppy at the store in the spice isle would they be good ones like Ive heard or does anyone know for sure????:peace: