Persian White Poppies (DWC, and Soil)

I'm kidding. There are some great places to live in Jersey, but you gotta be on that treadmill to the city to live there. It's a grind. I agree about the soil. Prime farming land and has been that way since it was a colony. Dang corn and tomatoes are to die for. :wink: If you're non union that is.
but ive lived in newark,, patterson,, had a girlfriend in bayonne,, oh and jersey city,, so thats why im so bent on the area,, but you are right there are some of the nicest places ive ever wanted to live in jersey also,,, so not saying its all bad,, but the bad is extemely bad and the good is very good....anybody who know jersey can agree....:joint:
I'm kidding. There are some great places to live in Jersey, but you gotta be on that treadmill to the city to live there. It's a grind. I agree about the soil. Prime farming land and has been that way since it was a colony. Dang corn and tomatoes are to die for. :wink: If you're non union that is.
Yes, there's very little middle ground. Up or down and not much in between. Still some of the best pizza and deli sandwiches I've ever eaten come from Jersey. Those little Mom & Pop's deli on the corners? Hooboy.... I'm gaining weight just thinking about it.
have u ever been to any towns around patterson area,,, very tough areas but good food and a lot of good people if you know them.....bongsmilie
Yes, there's very little middle ground. Up or down and not much in between. Still some of the best pizza and deli sandwiches I've ever eaten come from Jersey. Those little Mom & Pop's deli on the corners? Hooboy.... I'm gaining weight just thinking about it.
Oh sure. I grew up in that area. Lodi, Little Ferry, when I got older and got a wild hair up....I'd go to ft. Lee. Talk about some rough bars....:lol: But once you're a worries.
just trying not to get killed just going out everyday,, drug dealers sold their sh1t right in front of my house,,,sucked,, when I moved to the other side of the states noone beleived me hoe bad it was they all thought I was making it up,,hahahaha,, pussies,,,these peoples idea of rough is riding thru the worst area in town that looked like I was in a much better neighborhood than I am from,,, the western states dont know real bad if it jumped up and took their wallet...bongsmilie
Oh sure. I grew up in that area. Lodi, Little Ferry, when I got older and got a wild hair up....I'd go to ft. Lee. Talk about some rough bars....:lol: But once you're a worries.
Yes, it's a rough area. I took my wife up to NYC for her first of many visits about 10 years ago. She thought it was so nice and clean (Manhattan). I told her this is not the city I grew up with......dang, back in the 70's..... whole different scene.
I had the same problem,,, I brought my girlfriend back there after i left back in the 80s and they cleaned the whole dam town,,, no more 14th street for pills,,,, no more central park for mescaline and acid,,, but There was still harlem for the wet bags of the bomber z and black tar,, thank god.....
Yes, it's a rough area. I took my wife up to NYC for her first of many visits about 10 years ago. She thought it was so nice and clean (Manhattan). I told her this is not the city I grew up with......dang, back in the 70's..... whole different scene.
I Think This Blokes A Joke I Mean Heroin Is What It Is Whatever Way He Look At People Like You Are Just A Joke That Shit Ent A Game Ther Ent No Casual Use About It You Iver A Addict Or A Soon To Be Addict No To Ways About It You A F.....g DickHead
I couldnt even peice together what the fuck you just said,,, try not dropping out of school in the 5th grade next time,,, all I got from that was bloak and dickhead nothing else even came close to anything that can be made out,, good luck in the future when your trying to be a dick and put someone down to make yourself look better,, but I wasnt putting anyone down so maybe I just dont understand some assholes....kiss-assmy ass .....
I Think This Blokes A Joke I Mean Heroin Is What It Is Whatever Way He Look At People Like You Are Just A Joke That Shit Ent A Game Ther Ent No Casual Use About It You Iver A Addict Or A Soon To Be Addict No To Ways About It You A F.....g DickHead
Im not trying to compare weed/hash to opium/heroin in the true sense...or something. Im just trying to say that if you are a opium smoker then to say someone who uses H is worse or below you I just cant see. I personally use to use 15-20 blows per day. Blows being 10 dollar bags of h bought on the westside of chi. I know what addiction to it is and I did 4 years and 3 weeks in prison for it. But I can 100% honestly say that I have not touched heroin since 12/2002(the month I was arrested). I have partaken in a bit of tea though;-). But I too use that on and off. I havent made a glass in well over a month because my Dr. has put me on some meds that actually do the job and take away pain. Which brings me to me next point. Addiction is shitty I agree and I doubt anyone is gonna argue differently. But.....isnt not being able to walk??? I am in my late 20's and there where days my legs would not/ could not support me(and Im a skinny guy). When I take steps there are times when my knees disslocate and I fall. Standing in the shower nice and relaxed with the hot water on me my hip pops out of socket and down I go. Go to put on my shirt both of my shoulders go outta socket as soon as they get raised. When I was younger this didnt hurt that much. But now that Im a bit older the bone on bone disslocations f$#king hurt. So Im let with a choice. Get use to it and say screw normal life Ill stay in my house sitting in my chair watching TV watching life go by. Or I can go to an alternative that true isnt that great but Ill be able to function. Yes I may be a morphine addict or possibly H as am older who knows. But I bet ya I wont feel no friggin pain and when my knee goes out of socket and I fall Ill get right back up. Hopefully they wont take my meds outta circulation and I can keep on going with those(which with any opiate I could get addicted to) but if not then Ill be ready. I understand those ppl that think this is a messed up way of thinking but I gotta do what I gotta do. And NO I WOULDNT BE SELLING ANY. For one I dont really feel like getting locked up again for it and two there is no way I would be able to produce enough to make a profit. It isnt like Im gonna have acres upon acres to grow poppies. 10 poppies or so equals one gram of opium. 1 gram of opium bout 100mg of morphine=75mg of H.
I couldnt even peice together what the fuck you just said,,, try not dropping out of school in the 5th grade next time,,, all I got from that was bloak and dickhead nothing else even came close to anything that can be made out,, good luck in the future when your trying to be a dick and put someone down to make yourself look better,, but I wasnt putting anyone down so maybe I just dont understand some assholes....kiss-assmy ass .....
You Fool:eyesmoke:You Ent Even Close To Understanding What I Say Becuase You Not Life Experienced Anuff So Keep Shut
You Not No The Point I Was Making This Shit Bad I Was Stateing That I Think Its Stupid To Think It Can Be Used As A Every Now And Then Drug Ye Maybe For A Few Months lol Then What Your Fucked Lets Be Real You Must Rattle All The Way To Get Your Script You Bunch Ov FuckUps :evil:
Well Im hooked on weed about like a crack addict I belive, you really don't want to meet me after about 48 hours of withdrawl, I shake, freeze when its 95 outside, cant think,
and so on. I use to have a hydrocodone addiction about 5 or so years ago it lasted for a year and I was eating like 10-12 10mg hydro tabs a time and atleast a script a day, once I took 15 of em and saw "the colors of the rainbow" laid on the sofa for a few hours, drooled all over the place and finally passout. I think I was pretty close to death but after that I stopped doing em, I didn't have any real withdrawl other than I was a prick for a while but nothing like when im off weed.

Does anyone else have such a hard time coming off pot???
Im sure someone is gonna say thats stupid, but ok you go from 5-10 blunts a day (pretty much staying stoned around the clock) to being sober and tell me.
ive been a hard core pot head for about 3-4 years now, if Im doing something I try to make sure Im high for it.