Pepsi plays us for fools with a 9-11 can sold over sea`s (picture)

Dude wtf ?I just read this whole tread twice and don't understand why you just snapped. It's just a Pepsi can.
we yeah this is all something of a waste of time Nobody changes someone mind or thinking I just post what thought Im on at the second Id be as shocked as i could If i logged on and the masses agreed with me But really if you hadnt wasted your time reading this post you`d wasted it reading a different one & I like your picture very funny :)
This is just a ploy to cover up the real issue, aluminum has been linked to alzhiemer's . but pepsi has been on my boycott list for decades now. Coke. how can you not like a fucking polar bear???
indeed but for reason no one can understand to date it collects in some people brain & not otheirs
I cant my mom gave it to me & Its some very nice pots & pans We are all going to die some how No point in waste`in my time living in a lot of worry about it Besides Ive been eatting out of it sense i was a child They just dont make wear this nice any more over 30 years old & got a 100 more easy